
Chapter 1474 Inquiry 2

Chapter 1474 Inquiry II

An assault boat briskly across the sky is Yi Tian's exclusive car, and Si Ling, a little girl sitting in the cabin at this time, flies straight towards the distant sky.Although this little girl has obviously never had experience in flying a flying boat, she can quickly grasp the key points under Yi Tian's guidance.

At this time, Yi Tian was chatting with Luo Jinzhong all the way, and from his mouth, he had a preliminary understanding of the current situation in the Asura world.Although the entire dynasty is nominally ruled by the empress, in fact the empress basically doesn't care about things, and the power in her hands falls under the direct jurisdiction of the two princes.

As for Luo Jinzhong, he was just a small commander in the Imperial Forest Army, but his surname gave him great convenience.Although it is only a distant relative of the royal family, you can also get a glimpse of the asura statue of the royal family.

It's just that he came into contact with this exercise relatively late, and was only allowed to practice it when he entered the Nascent Soul stage, so when his cultivation base was raised to the stage of transforming gods, he only refined the exercise to a small level.The illusory shadow that can be refined behind the back has not yet reached the realm of condensing the emptiness into reality.

But what Yi Tian didn't expect was that this kind of dharma appearance can also display the supporting supernatural powers, which is not a little bit stronger than the dharma appearance he cultivated at the beginning of the year.

Ke Yitian knew in his heart that when he got this kind of exercise back then, he learned that the earlier he practiced, the higher the probability of success in condensing the physical body.It is estimated that the Asura royal family deliberately restricted their skills in order to maintain the absolute advantage of the royal family.

In my heart, I am extremely disgusted with such an approach, but thinking about it, it is also the royal family's arrangement.

In addition, Luo Jinzhong also mentioned that every ten years the royal family will hold an audition for those young children, and those who are selected will be lucky enough to enter the royal family's Imperial Forest Army reserve to practice.Like the previous Xiang Rong, he came along this road, but his credit has not reached the established amount, otherwise he can also practice the agility of Asura Transformation.

But from Luo Jinzhong's mouth, I learned that if you want to exchange merits for merits, most of them need to accumulate to the cultivation level of the god transformation stage, which is barely enough.Yi Tian knew in his heart that even if he got the exercises, it would be nothing more than a tasteless one, but this is the only way for ordinary monks in the Asura world to be promoted.

Most of the training materials are controlled by the royal family, and only monks who have practiced the Asura transformation can have the opportunity to participate in the imperial examination.After passing the assessment, you can use this to take charge of one side and obtain more cultivation resources at the same time.

Therefore, most of the people who control the government in the current Asura dynasty are still from the original royal family.Even the two regent princes are monks with royal blood, it is said that they are two or three generations older than Luo Ziyan.

It is precisely because of the existence of their royalist forces that the entire Asura world is in one piece. Even though the number of people is only one-tenth of that of the spirit world, the overall strength is still the first in the nine worlds.

However, in the past 5000 years, a new force, the Asura Cult, has emerged in the world of Asura, occupying the fringes of this world.Although there are no monks in the fit stage among this force, there are more than ten monks in the distraction stage.Most of them are monks who ascended from the lower realms and entered Asura by mistake, but the founder is an out-and-out Asura royal family.

It is said that because some things disagree with the political views of several princes, they will go away in a rage and go to the other side to stand on their own hills.But what was unexpected was that the Asura Dynasty would acquiesce in the existence of this force and never sent troops to encircle and suppress them.

What's more, the former queen of the Asura clan specifically acknowledged the legitimacy of the existence of the Asura religion in public.

In this way, the people below will no longer be able to raise objections to this matter. Over time, the marginalized Asura Sect has gradually grown stronger after thousands of years of development.It's just that in the eyes of the two princes, they are nothing more than clowns. Without a monk in the integration period, it will never be a great atmosphere.

Either of the two of them could easily lead troops to wipe out the Asura Cult. If it wasn't for the embarrassment of the former Queen Asura, they would have done it long ago.

But now the location where the Asura Sect is located has become the only paradise in this world.There, monks of any race can find a place, and over time it becomes a paradise in the world of Asura.

But the senior monks all knew that the current tranquility was only maintained when the leader was established. Once he passed away, the two princes in the dynasty would definitely take the opportunity to make trouble, and a big purge would be inevitable.

Fortunately, the Asura Sect had foreseen the possibility of this happening a long time ago, and released the skills of Asura Transformation thousands of years ago.It is self-evident that the idea of ​​letting a group of monks who have just entered the Nascent Soul stage practice early is to surpass the imperial dynasty in the cultivation of newcomers.

In other words, the inherent model of the original Asura Dynasty is no longer applicable to the current era, but because the government is controlled by the two princes, those newcomers can't make it to the top. Break the mold.

From this point of view, it seems that the former Queen Asura did not care about this, and there is something unique about it. When I saw this Mahayana monk, I was also observing, to see if the leader of the Asura Sect could inject more water into the stagnant pool of the dynasty. new vitality.

After figuring it out, Yi Tian began to plan carefully for himself. To put it bluntly, he didn't want to come to the Asura Realm before.This time I came here completely by accident. The best plan for my own action at present is to go to the demon world through the two-way gate of the Asura world.

But looking at Siling and Luo Jinzhong in front of him, it seems that these two people are also interesting.Letting go of being the commander of the Royal Forest Army, but running all the way to protect a Nascent Soul stage female cultivator, this in itself has an inexplicable problem.

After sizing up, he directly transmitted the voice transmission: "Since you care so much about Ling, it means that she has extraordinary meaning to you. I don't know what you plan to do next?"

Luo Jinzhong's eyes were also full of confusion, and later he straightened his expression and said: "I'm just a warrior. The duty of the Royal Forest Army is to serve Her Majesty the Empress. I don't care about life and death for Her Majesty's orders. Since I am taking After receiving the Queen's secret order, I will definitely do my duty. As for the specific affairs, Siling will handle them, I don't know about it, and my task is to send Miss Siling to the Ashura Church in the magic domain without any injuries."

This is the first time Yi Tian has heard of a situation where a cultivator at the transformation stage has to obey orders from a cultivator at the Nascent Soul stage. If a little girl like Siling dared to behave like this in front of high-ranking cultivators in the spirit world, I'm afraid she would have been rejected by others. I don't know how many times it went out.

It was Luo Jinzhong who finally avoided Siling's eyes and whispered behind her back: "She is the queen's maid, so naturally she is dissatisfied with you calling your majesty by his name."

 Thanks to Xiangqing and Kang Liandi for their great support.

(End of this chapter)

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