
Chapter 1475 Infiltrate

Chapter 1475 Infiltrate
After communicating with Luo Jinzhong in the assault boat, Yi Tian finally had a preliminary understanding of the current situation in the Asura world.What made me more interested was the mission carried by Siling this time. Since Luo Ziyan was willing to let her sneak out and send someone to escort her to the Ashura Sect, there must be some secrets in it.

On the other hand, Luo Ziyan may not be doing well in the Asura Dynasty.

Don't look at her as an empress, she still can't make a decision until her strength reaches the fusion stage.What's more, even if her strength reaches the fusion stage, she will be powerless to deal with the two princes with one against two with her cultivation base.

They must be old-fashioned monks in the integration stage, although they may have exhausted their advanced potential, they can almost be regarded as senior monks in their realm.Now the power in the Asura world is almost controlled by them. If you want to take food from a tiger, you must not only have the determination to fight a tiger, but also have the strength to fight a tiger.

Along the way, the little girl Si Ling concentrated on driving the flying boat and didn't talk to the two of them. From her eyes, Yi Tian could find that she was deeply wary of herself.It seems that the previous experience also made her more vigilant, unless she used the soul search method, it was impossible to get any useful information from her mouth.

Yi Tian didn't care about this, anyway, after arriving in the Magic Realm, he inquired about the situation in the Ashura Sect.I won't take matters into my own hands for no reason, it's better to take it easy in everything.

A few days later, the assault boat rushed into an area shrouded in a gray sky. After flying along this road for more than half a day, they finally found a building in a town of cultivation thousands of miles away.

In the cabin, Yi Tian walked to the window and the purple light flashed in his eyes, and found that thousands of miles away was a huge cultivation town, and its scale was not much smaller than that of Qingfeng Old City.

Suddenly, I felt emotional in my heart. I didn't expect that the resources of the Asura world were so rich, even in such a border area where resources were extremely scarce, it was possible to build such a large-scale cultivation town.In other words, I couldn't figure out what the size of the main city of the Asura royal family would be. It was like being limited by poor resources.

Dozens of monks stopped in the air and intercepted the flying boat when it was thousands of miles away from the cultivation town.As the person in charge, Siling seemed to be in high spirits at this time, and flew out of the cabin with Luo Jinzhong to negotiate with the person opposite.

Yi Tian is also funny in his heart, such a little girl has no eyesight, but in order to avoid suspicion, it is better to keep as little noise as possible.After scanning the people outside with his divine sense, he found that most of the monks who blocked him were at the Nascent Soul stage, and the leader was a mid-stage cultivator who was on par with Luo Jinzhong.These people wore clothes similar to Luo Jinzhong's, except that there was an Asura Dharma body logo embroidered on the back.

Luo Jinzhong had already mentioned before that these marks were the orthodox badges of the Asura Dynasty. Obviously, this is also the recognition of the status of the Queen Asura, but only because she disdains the attitude of the two princes to behave in the world, she will become a third-party force.

After the other party's questioning, Siling showed the token in his hand, and the brigade in the air quietly withdrew later, presumably passing the interrogation.

After the two of them returned to the cabin, they continued to drive the assault boat towards the huge town in front of them, and they arrived outside the city gate not long after.

Taking back the flying vehicle, Yi Tian restrained his aura and suppressed his cultivation base to be on par with Luo Jinzhong in the mid-stage of transformation, and then followed the two into the special passage of the city gate.

Along the way, Yi Tian found that although the town occupies a favorable terrain, there are two large spiritual veins gathering underground.But the number of monks in the city is less than a quarter of Qingfeng City, so it seems that some places are still very depressed.Most of the flow of people still hit the main areas, needless to say, most of them are close to the central authority of the Asura Sect.

A moment later, when the three of them came to the tallest building in the city, they were stopped. This time, Si Ling couldn't get in even if he showed the token in his hand.On the contrary, the three of them directly invited them into the nearby post house for a rest, and the person who sent the message just said, "The leader is in seclusion, please stay calm and wait for a few days, the leader will naturally be summoned when he leaves the retreat. "

Even if the little girl Siling is unwilling in her heart, she can't help it. The mission of her new empress is naturally to be loyal to her duty and make things half done.If the people who hated the Asura Sect didn't see the leader, all previous efforts would be wasted, so they could only reply patiently, and at the same time, they took out a lot of property to bribe the monks on duty to ask them to report the leader's movements as soon as possible.

Since they came, the three of Anzhi settled in the post house, and Yi Tian didn't hesitate and simply asked for a room. The above claimed that he was going to retreat before the meeting, so he went into the room and didn't come out.

In fact, this is not the case. After entering the guest room, he directly sacrificed the banning barrier to seal the surrounding area, and his own figure turned into a transparent body and disappeared in place.

After sneaking to the outside world, Yi Tian walked slowly in the street, wearing a breath-suppressing cloak on his body to suppress his breath, but his figure disappeared into the void.With my current strength, I am afraid that only old monsters in the fusion stage can detect my existence.

And every time before entering the city, he had already quietly scanned this area with his divine sense, and found that there were no fewer than ten monks in the Asura Cult who had a distraction cultivation level.Among them, the leader's hall is the strongest, with about six people gathered within a thousand feet.

As for the other four people, they were stationed near the fronts of the four roads in the southeast, northwest, respectively.The cultivation of these people varies from the early stage of distraction to the late stage, but only one has really reached the late stage, and the remaining three mid-stage monks are all early stage.With a slight movement in his mind, Yi Tian showed a slight sneer on his face. In this way, with his own strength, it can be said that he is in the realm of no one in the Ashura Sect.

However, this Asura teaching has aroused my interest. It is very interesting that the teaching can train disciples to practice royal skills.Striding heavily into the main entrance of the Holy See, Yi Tian sized up the Nascent Soul Stage monks on duty with disdain, and with his own cultivation level, he would not be noticed even if he stood beside them.

After walking through the long corridor to the main hall, there is a huge mural of Asura's body in front of him. The person who painted it has [-]% of Luo Ziyan's imagination, but it is definitely not her.

As for the three-headed and six-armed appearance, they are almost the same as what I knew before, showing the "bloody, killing and violent" side of the Asura monks.

On the mural, the two main hands are holding the sun and moon with the same brilliance wheel, one green and one red are performing the two moves of covering the sun and covering the moon.

(End of this chapter)

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