
Chapter 1476 Visit

Chapter 1476 Visit
After walking through the main hall, he came to the apse. After walking a few steps, Yi Tian suddenly moved his mind slightly and found several familiar auras deep in the corridor on one side.I shouldn't have pressed this in my heart, I definitely don't have half acquaintances in the Asura world.

Walk quickly into the long corridor to the depths, and later look up to see the three big characters of "Sura Hall" written on the gate.Yi Tian broke through the restriction and walked in as soon as the aura around him aroused ripples in the air.

When I came to Neizhong, I found that this is a hundred-foot-large school yard, surrounded by different separate rooms like a kung fu room.In the school grounds, dozens of Jindan stage monks were sitting and listening to Taoism, and in the front row was a Huashen stage monk speaking to them.Passing by Yi Tian inadvertently, he listened to the content of the monk's speech in the stage of transformation, but he didn't expect that what was explained here turned out to be the transformation method of Asura.

Later, I saw that the cultivator in the transformation stage demonstrated in person, Yi Tian walked to the corner of the school field and looked at it with his eyes, and found that the imprint formed by this person's hands was exactly the opening gesture of the body of Dharma.

The surrounding spiritual power rushes toward him rapidly, only to hear the sound of 'Zla', behind the cultivator at the transformation stage, the phantom of Asura's dharma body appears again.

But visually, its strength should be three points stronger than Luo Jinzhong's. After a while, the phantom shadow slowly shrunk down and became the size of a human being and then attached to the main body. In this way, it just became a phantom and did not condense into reality. look.I only heard the voice of "change" in the mouth, and the phantom of the dharma body changed, and the four arms and two heads seemed to be attached to the body of the deity.

It seems that this is a complete Asura movement, but Yi Tian feels something is wrong in his heart.It seems that there is something wrong with this exercise, that Asura's real body has nothing but appearances, and the four naked arms do not complement each other's spiritual power.As for the two heads at the back of the head, they were like dead objects, their eyes were closed tightly, and there was no change in expression on their faces.

Seeing this, Yi Tiancai realized that the familiar feeling just now came from this dharmakaya image, and there was a huge discrepancy between the exercises practiced by the person in front of Mingxi and what he had learned.To put it bluntly, they are not on the same level at all. If the Ashura religion is based on this, the two princes don't need to worry at all.

Obviously this is just a counterfeit product, so it seems that although Luo Jinzhong's cultivation level is not as good as that of the person in front of him, the exercises he practiced can be regarded as orthodox.In time, as long as he can condense his body skills, his strength will surely have a qualitative leap.

As for the same feeling also appeared in many single-person secret rooms around the school grounds, but it was similar to the person in front of him.As for the faint and strong spiritual pressure fluctuations that were detected in the main hall behind the school grounds, it must be the elders of the Shura hall who passed on the skills.

Immediately, Yi Tian felt that this place was very boring, so he turned his head and retreated. After returning from the original road, he went back to the main road and walked towards the apse of the Asura Sect.

Along the way, I passed several forked roads, and at the end of the road, I could feel the existence of monks in the distraction stage, but most of them were not as good as myself.

The deeper you go, the Asura Cultists who are rarely seen around here, I guess in my heart, I have almost reached the forbidden place where the leader retreated.I came here this time because I wanted to chat with the so-called leader, and I guess I couldn't learn the exact location of the cross-boundary portal and the rules of the teleportation from ordinary people.

After walking to the end of the promenade, Yi Tian found that he had come to the foot of the outdoor mountain, and looked along the road in front of him, circling to the entrance of a cave halfway up the mountain.

Thinking that the leader should be retreating in the cave mansion, the wind under Yi Tian's feet restrained his breath and walked quickly to the entrance of the cave within half a moment.His eyes swept over the cave door, and there was a golden light shining, needless to say, it should be forbidden by the cave.On the cave door is carved a pattern of Asura Dharma Body, which is obviously made by the same person as the huge mural in the main hall.

While Yi Tian was bowing his head and pondering how to break the restriction in front of him without disturbing the leader who was retreating inside, suddenly the mural of Asura in front of him seemed to have changed.

A flash of light flashed in the eyes on the head of the Faxiang body, and then it seemed that he had found his hidden whereabouts. After the flash of light, the light skipped over himself.Immediately, Yi Tian's concealment technique was broken.

Surprised on his face, he didn't expect to encounter such a change. Yi Tian was about to pull away and leave, and suddenly an old voice sounded in his ears: "Everyone who comes from afar is a guest, so I invite fellow Taoists to come into the cave to talk about it, old man Mu Lang has been waiting for a long time."

As soon as the words fell, the barriers of the cave door automatically separated to reveal a three-foot-wide gap on both sides, and then a light flashed on the front door, only to hear the sound of "click" and then the two doors opened backwards, revealing a long black gallery.

Even now, people have said very clearly, "I've been waiting for a long time." Maybe I was noticed as soon as I stepped into the Asura Sect main altar.Yi Tian pursed his lips, and his momentum was not weak, he stretched out his hand and arched back: "In this way, Yi Tian will rely on disturbance," after speaking, he strode through the restricted gap and walked into the passage of the cave.

The cave where the leader of the Asura sect retreated was also simple and crude. After Yi Tian walked in, he found that there was only one passage.After walking a hundred steps, they came to the end, and there was a [-]-year-old monk sitting cross-legged inside.

The spiritual pressure fluctuations on his body have roughly reached the peak of the distraction stage, as if he could advance to the fusion stage anytime, anywhere.It's just that Yi Tian carefully inspected the vitality of Mu Lang's body, it seems that it doesn't match his cultivation base, and the vitality is far less than that of a normal monk in the distraction period.

Going forward, he bowed his hands and said: "Xia Yitian took the liberty to come here to disturb fellow Taoist Qingxiu, please forgive me for any inconvenience."

Mu Lang opened his eyes and looked around, then pointed to the open space in front of him and said, "Fellow Daoist, please sit down and discuss in detail."

It seems that Mu Lang is also a penance. There are no other decorations in the cave, even he himself is just sitting on the ground.But Yi Tian's eyes were full of admiration. Most of the monks like him were devoted to Taoism, and their natural strength far exceeded the same level.

After walking forward and sitting down slowly, Yi Tianzheng said with a straight expression: "I take the liberty to come here to ask Fellow Daoist Mu, where can I find the door of the interface?"

"I don't know where Daoyou Yi came from, and where he wants to go?" Mu Lang replied lightly.

"Come from the Demon Realm, go to the Demon Realm," Yi Tian didn't need to hide anything, the devilish aura in his body after staying in the Demon Realm for hundreds of years naturally couldn't be cleared for a while.Anyone who is a monk in the distraction period can easily detect this, so it is not easy to arouse others' suspicion by answering directly.

As for the fact that the demon world is the main purpose of my trip, if I don't tell him, I'm afraid the other party will point me to a passage to the spirit world.

(End of this chapter)

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