
Chapter 1478 Missing

Chapter 1478 Missing
After coming out of the main altar of the Asura Sect, Yi Tian went straight back to the post station, and explained to Luo Jinzhong and Siling that he planned to settle here for a period of time.

After the two listened, Luo Jinzhong immediately sent the Jade Talisman of Communication. Based on his knowledge, he naturally knew that it would be of great benefit to him to have a monk in the distraction period as a backer, so he naturally refused to let go of such a good opportunity.

Moreover, during the battle in the Dongfu Grottoes, he was reminded that Yi Tian must have a deep connection with the Dynasty.Although he didn't hear any positive and affirmative reply, Luo Jinzhong understood.

And Yi Tian just told him privately through sound transmission, and he didn't want to cause any trouble here, so it's better to keep a low profile.

As for the little girl Siling, she always had a lot of opinions about herself along the way, and she was always on guard as if she was guarding against thieves all day long, so Yi Tian didn't want to have the same knowledge as this little girl.

After taking the explanation, he turned around and left the inn. Anyway, the next thing had nothing to do with him. If the two of them encountered any troubles, they should either ask Mu Lang to help or ask him to mediate.

After walking to the main street, Yi Tian wandered around the city with great interest. He didn't expect that although the Asura Cult was independent, it was still a branch of the royal family.After establishing a foundation in the magic world, he absorbed talents from all walks of life with great fanfare to expand his strength.

The most surprising thing is that there is a special martial arts hall in the city, which beckons past monks to join the teaching.And he didn't hesitate to play the banner of teaching without discrimination, but all new disciples who joined the teaching can practice the body skills of Asura Transformation.

Such a move surprised Yi Tian. With the idea of ​​finding out, he ran into the corner alley at random and used his magical powers to conceal his whereabouts. After turning around, he slipped in through the side door of the Yanwu Hall.

After coming to Neizhong, I found that there are quite a few disciples of Jindan period who are practicing retreat in the secret room of Yanwu hall.Exercising the secret technique, he randomly chose a room to break through the restriction, and Yi Tian realized that he hadn't touched the restriction.

After entering the inner room, I saw a Jindan cultivator sitting cross-legged in the middle of the secret room, meditating and practicing.Walking forward slowly without arousing a ripple of spiritual pressure fluctuations, Yi Tian glanced over and found that there was a jade slip spread on the ground, with the words 'Asura Dharma Body' written on the cover.

Needless to say, this must be the jade slip of martial arts given by Yanwutang, Yi Tian was curious and wanted to see how it was different from the one in his hand.

Stretching out his hand quietly, the golden core cultivator fell into a deep sedation state, and then manipulated to pick up the jade slips on the ground, then quickly scanned them with his spiritual sense, and wrote down the contents one by one.

After ten breaths, his face revealed a clear expression. The exercises recorded in this jade slip are more detailed than the Asura changes in his hands.Among them, there is also a supernatural method that records the phantom body of the dharma. The biggest effect of this technique is that it can separate the body from the dharma, and at the same time, the two can be transformed into each other.

In other words, when the dharma is separated, the main body and the dharma can be switched to each other, which can be regarded as a very tasteless spell, but for low-level monks, this is tantamount to an extra life-saving skill.

However, in the whole volume of the Jade Slips, there is no starting method of the first three points of spiritual consciousness, but directly starts to practice from the second chapter of Dharma Body.

After thinking about it, this problem came up. I didn't expect that the Ashura Cult would produce a mutilated castrated version.No wonder it can turn into a rotten skill. Without the three-point technique of spiritual consciousness, even if you cultivate the dharma body, it will be useless.

At best, it can only be regarded as a divine sense with three bodies. Let alone revealing the true power of Asura's Dharma body in actual combat, it is impossible to do it even while cultivating.

I really don't know if Mu Lang took the wrong medicine and used such incomplete exercises as the treasure of the town's teaching. Now even if he cultivates so many disciples in batches, he is doing useless work.

Think about it, there are not a few people in the dynasty who really master the secrets here, but in order to maintain their current status and advantages, they will naturally not take out the key skills.

Such a precious thing can only show its true power if it is in the hands of the ruling class. Thinking of this, Yi Tian couldn't help showing some sympathy on his face.It seems that I also found that many people in the Ashura Sect are practicing this technique, but unfortunately they go astray as soon as they come up, even if it takes thousands of years, they may not be able to reach the realm of Xiaocheng.

In fact, I really can't understand the Asura Dynasty's actions. If Luo Ziyan really meant it, it would be too deceitful.Drawing a pie for one's own people, but in the end the most critical part is ignored, and it is really the art of the superior to be kept in the dark until the millennium is wasted.

Then Yi Tian continued to inquire about the several Jindan cultivators next to him, and it was no surprise that the Jade Slips of Cultivation Technique they held in their hands were all exactly the same.After watching it four or five times, Yi Tian lost his temper, and looking for Mu Lang seemed to be doing nothing.Naturally, this will not pose any threat to the Asura Dynasty. After all, the eyes and ears of the two princes have already been all over here and fed back the situation here.

So far, the Ashura Sect has naturally become a dispensable affiliated force, and nothing can be caused by it, and with the acquiescence of the previous Asura Queen, it will become a special existence.

After finding out the situation here, Yi Tian lost interest. After quietly leaving, he found a good rental cave in the city and prepared to retreat for a hundred years and wait for the opportunity to leave this world.

Ever since I took the abyss of the demon world and absorbed the spirit seed into my body, I haven't found a chance to temper myself well, and now the power of the magic source and the spiritual power of the spirit seed have gathered into the chaotic air and need to be sacrificed again before they can be fully converted and used .

Sitting cross-legged in the cave, opening the restriction and isolating the prying eyes of the outside world, Yi Tian stretched out his hands and made seals to directly reveal the deity of Asura's dharma body.Then the three without interfering with each other took out the jade slips in the storage ring and began to practice.

As the main body, it still continues the Lihuo Nine Changes of Lihuo Sect's natal technique, and the sixth layer is the strengthened Lihuo real body.After cultivating the Burning Flame Demon in the Demon Realm, it has greatly helped in the cultivation of such supernatural powers.Moreover, what I am practicing now is the unity of gods and demons, even if I recover my spiritual cultivation, the agility that I practiced is still full of chaos.

In addition, the Leiyan Ziyan tempered by the natal cultivation completely replaced the original Nanming Lihuo.

At the same time, the other two began to practice the Buddhist sect's secret technique and refine the heavenly spirit weapon respectively.After so many years in the devil world, I have also collected a lot of unique treasures, and it would be suitable for refining some spiritual weapons.

In this way, there is no sun and moon in the cave, and Yitian continued to practice in the cave for 50 years without incident, until one day a flash of light flashed from the sky and flew directly into the restriction in front of the gate of the cave.

(End of this chapter)

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