
Chapter 1479

Chapter 1479
The Magic Territory has always been guided by Asura's leader, but it was only under the acquiescence of the Asura Dynasty that the current situation was maintained.

If someone from the dynasty came to the entire Asura Cult, all the congregation would still come out and line up to welcome them.For example, this time Yi Tian received a message that an imperial envoy from the dynasty would pass by the Magic Realm in the near future, so all the monks in the church had to go out to greet him.

Originally, it was not necessary for a visitor like himself to participate in such a banquet, and Yi Tian didn't want to be troubled during this period.

But it was the leader Mu Lang who sent the subpoena, he had to give him face, and he still had something to ask him, and it was not convenient for him to turn his face right now.Such Yi Tian reluctantly agreed, and participated in this banquet as a priest of the foreign affairs of Asura Sect.

Sitting in the main hall of Asura Sect at this time, Yi Tian looked around.The entire meeting place has hundreds of feet of space, and the last time I used the concealment technique, I just glanced over it and didn't check it carefully.

Now he is being arranged to sit and wait at the end of a group of monks in the distraction period, and Yi Tian has additional requirements for this position.Of course Mu Lang realized that he didn't want to cause trouble, but he answered the summons again and came out just as a courtesy.

If something really happens, I'm afraid Yi Tian will definitely protect himself wisely, Mu Lang is also very clear about this, if there is no full benefit, I'm afraid he won't be able to invite him.

In the main hall, apart from where the leader is, all the distracted cultivators sat on the lower steps on the right, giving up all the seats on the opposite side.

And there are still two vacant seats on the left of the upper-level teaching chair, obviously at least two big people will come.And there is a long row of seats on the lower step on the left, facing one's own side.

Behind them are a group of disciples of the Transformation God stage sitting in the second row, and disciples of the Nascent Soul stage sitting in the third row.

After sitting and waiting for half an hour, no troops from the opposing brigade appeared, and the distracted monks around them were obviously a little impatient.On the contrary, Mu Lang, who was in the seat above, looked calm and relaxed, as if he had expected the other party to appear.

Yi Tian sits at the last table and drinks by himself and doesn't talk much with others, since he doesn't know these people anyway.Behind him, he found that Luo Jinzhong was also present, and his seat happened to be arranged behind him.

It must be Mu Lang's deliberate arrangement, but Yi Tian couldn't help but think about it, it seems that if there is no good feast today, maybe there will be trouble coming to the door.

Just as he was thinking about it, he suddenly discovered in his divine sense that there was a very strong spiritual pressure fluctuation flying six or seven thousand miles away, flying directly towards this place.I didn't expect that after breaking through from the Demon Realm to the Asura Realm, my strength would improve again.Presumably, the range of five thousand miles of divine sense has almost reached the level of a monk in the early stage of integration.

After paying attention for a while, Mu Lang, who was sitting, also noticed the other party's course of action, and immediately coughed lightly to attract the attention of everyone on the scene, saying: "The special envoy of the imperial court is here, everyone follow me to meet him. "

After speaking, he slowly stood up and led the congregation towards the outside of the main hall. Yi Tian just observed and then walked out among the crowd.

After sizing up Mu Lang's appearance, he guessed that this time the visitor is of great importance in the dynasty, and the ability to make the master of a sect come out to welcome the person in person must be a monk of the fusion stage.

A little later, a group of monks flew directly into the air and lined up behind Mu Lang in two lines.Not long after, I saw a small black dot appearing on the edge of the sky, and then it quickly magnified in the pupils.

Yi Tian had already scanned it with his divine sense and knew that it was the warship of the Asura Dynasty. Looking at this posture, it was not much different from the Great Heavenly Demon, which he had seen in the Demon Realm back then.

Moreover, there is also a device on this ship that shields spiritual thoughts, and I can only check it roughly.

After a little thought, he turned his head and saw that the warship was already very close at hand, and it slowly slowed down after flying to about a hundred miles.At the same time, the protective shields that were put on gradually fell down, and after that, groups of cultivators in the stage of transforming gods in bright costumes appeared.

From the mouths of those monks around, I learned that these are the imperial guards of the Asura Dynasty. It seems that the people wearing them must be the royal family.Yi Tian was stunned for a moment. He didn't know much about Luo Ziyan, and at the same time, his understanding of the Asura Dynasty was only superficial.

Although the two princes have always shown disdain for Asura Cult, they don't know what the attitude of this one on this boat is.

Just as he was thinking about it, he suddenly saw a small boat put down on top of the warship. Later, dozens of people flew out of the cabin and landed on the small boat.The two leading monks at the distraction stage drove slowly towards Mu Lang.

At the same time, there was a divine sense protruding from the boat and sweeping over a group of Asura monks, Yi Tian frowned slightly. Needless to say, this spiritual sense is three points stronger than his own, and it must be a monk at the integration stage.

Fortunately, the other party's divine sense seemed to be focused on paying attention to the many distracted monks present, especially after staying on Mu Lang for a long time before sweeping past the people behind him one by one.As for Yi Tian restraining the spiritual pressure fluctuations on his body and putting on the breath restraining cloak majestically, the divine sense was just brushed roughly and then retracted.

After the small boat flew nearby, the main door of the main cabin opened with a bang, and a lady in palace costume walked out.Seeing this, Mu Lang hurriedly flew forward and bowed to her, saying: "I didn't expect that this time it was Senior Yunlin who came here, and this junior is welcome."

"I haven't seen Mu Lang for many years, but you still look the same," the female cultivator named Yun Lin replied calmly.

However, she just said something casually, but the voice seemed to reach the ears of everyone behind her. Now everyone behind the Asura Realm hurriedly bowed their hands and said in unison: "See senior."

Immediately, under the leadership of Mu Lang, dozens of people on the boat followed Yun Lin and slowly descended towards the hall.

Yi Tian mixed in the crowd and didn't dare to stretch out his divine sense to avoid causing trouble, but just glanced at the people behind Yun Lin.Suddenly, it was discovered that most of these people's strength was in the middle stage of distraction, and there were three monks in the late stage of transformation.

In these people, you can feel the same feeling as Luo Ziyan back then, but the intensity is not satisfactory.On the other hand, they seem to have no feelings for him, Yi Tian thought in his heart that his cultivation base is slightly higher to have this appearance.But when I thought about it carefully, Luo Ziyan mentioned that she seemed to have a feeling for all the monks who had practiced the Asura Transformation Technique.

Thinking of this, Yi Tian's forehead was slightly oozing with cold sweat, maybe the leader of the monks in the fusion stage would have the same feeling for him.

I glanced at the few people flying in the front and found that they were not acting abnormally, and I was gradually relieved at the moment.

(End of this chapter)

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