
Chapter 1480

Chapter 1480
When Mu Lang returned to the main hall with the special envoys of the Asura Dynasty, he invited Yun Lin to take the seat in the middle of the upper steps, but he himself retreated to the right.

Yunlin also stepped forward to sit down slowly without hesitation, and the monks she brought took their seats in turn on the left side.Yi Tian found that sitting on the left side of Yunlin was a distracted late-stage cultivator with a ferocious face, and there was a faint bloody aura leaking from his body, obviously this person was a massacre.

There are not one thousand but eight hundred people who can gather so much evil spirit to die in his hands, and it seems that this person looks arrogant and doesn't pay attention to the people of Asura Cult. If it is not estimated that Yunlin in front of him may really Get out of the way.

As for Mu Lang, he is also an old man, and after complimenting him a few times, he talked and laughed without revealing any flaws that could be exploited by the other party.

The rest of the cultivators on the lower left were still polite, facing the upper peak, they all stood up and toasted to the master's house.

Then Mu Lang also paid back one by one, acting like a master.After a while, Yun Lin, who was on top of the seat, said, "The Asura Sect is full of talents now, and they can participate in the once-in-a-thousand-year candidates. I don't know that the pastor is ready."

"Although the Despicable Sect is relatively peaceful, it always remembers Her Majesty's entrustment, and does not dare to slack off in cultivating younger generations. This time, the Sect has selected [-] Nascent Soul Stage disciples and five Transformation Stage disciples to participate in the contest ,” Mu Lang replied.

"That's very good, the empress also wants to open up ways to expand the Imperial Forest Army and the Imperial Army," Yun Lin replied with a smile.

Unexpectedly, the fierce-looking man sitting on the side said: "In fact, it is a good thing for Her Majesty to open up doors to enrich the Imperial Guard, but the matter of selecting pillars for the Imperial Dynasty is not a child's play, so Prince Wei must strictly guard against those incompetent soldiers. The people are just making up for their numbers.”

As soon as this remark came out, the uproar on the entire scene stopped silently, and the faces of the people sitting on the right showed surprise.But caring about the power of the person in front of him, he dared not speak out. As for Mu Lang, his eyelids trembled. It seemed that he knew the strength of the master in front of him and didn't dare to refute it.

He stopped later and said: "Earl Yao's words are somewhat reasonable, but although the Queen's selection of scholars is to obtain martial arts, the purpose is to fill the strength of the Royal Guards. For this reason, the strength can be placed second. The most important thing is loyalty." yes."

Unexpectedly, Mu Lang is also an old man who deliberately diverted the topic, and now even Yun Lin, who was sitting in the front seat, nodded in agreement and said: "What Master Mu said is true, the dynasty wants to be the center, dare to A righteous man who died for the queen. As for cultivation and strength can be cultivated slowly and according to circumstances, Luo Yao is biased in your opinion on this matter."

Unexpectedly, Yunlin would directly embarrass him in front of everyone, Luo Yao's face changed slightly after hearing this, and he hurriedly turned around and cupped his hands at Yunlin and replied: "The last general is just talking about the matter, Prince Wei sleeps all night because of the dynasty. There are so many things to do every day, and the devil general just wants to share the worries of His Royal Highness."

Although Yun Lin, who was sitting in the front seat, didn't change her face, every time she heard the word "Prince Wei", the disgusted light in her eyes flashed unconsciously.

Yi Tian sat at the last seat and had a panoramic view of them, but carefully looked at the situation in front of him in his heart.It seems that Yun Lin, who is above the right position, is quite dissatisfied with this Luo Yao, or it is because she has great opinions on the people behind him that she behaves like this.

At this time, Mu Lang smoothed things over and said, "Both of you are loyal to the imperial court, but the things you are responsible for are different. This time, I, Asura Cult, have been entrusted by Her Majesty the Empress, and I will definitely do my job well and live up to the empress' high expectations." .”

Yun Lin just nodded her head slightly, but Luo Yao rolled her eyes as if thinking carefully, and said, "Since Master Mu has a lot of confidence in the disciples of the sect, how about asking the elites of the sect to show their heroism?"

Speaking of which, the atmosphere in the room jumped up, and the monks in the back row of the Asura Cult became eager to try.Especially those cultivators who might participate in the once-in-a-thousand-year candidates had a strange expression on their faces, presumably they were eager to show their faces in front of everyone.

On the other hand, the row of monks sitting opposite all looked at the Asura Cultists coldly, with playful smiles on their faces.

After discussing with Mu Lang a little later, Luo Yao and Mu Lang first sacrificed a transparent disk spiritual weapon and placed it in the middle of the hall. Later, one of the three people at the last banquet on the left walked out slowly under Luo Yao's signal. After seeing everyone on the field, they flew directly into the spiritual weapon.

The inner figure shrunk down to the shape of a projectile, and needless to say, this disc should be a spiritual weapon of Xumi space.Yi Tian is used to this, and there is no surprise on his face. It is reasonable for Mu Lang to choose to let his disciples play here.

It's just that Luo Yao's subordinates on the opposite side don't seem to be vegetarians anymore, and it is estimated that Asura's Dharma Body has also cultivated a little bit.Looking at the people taught by Asura, it seems that they are at best refining, and I am afraid that they may not be able to do it with such strength.

Sure enough, there were some disciples behind him who had received Mu Lang's sound transmission and hurried off. The two of them showed their spiritual weapons and began to fight in the Sumeru space without saying a word.

After scanning Yi Tian's divine thoughts, he lost interest, and he didn't notice such a fight, and then he entered the state of an old monk's trance on his own.Half a moment later, there was some applause from the opposite side, and the result was known without looking.

Immediately afterward, Mu Lang sent his disciples to fight against each other again, but the result was as expected.In the third scene, Yi Tian found that Luo Jinzhong, who was sitting behind him, stood up and flew into the spirit weapon.

Immediately opened his eyes and looked carefully, he didn't expect Mu Lang to let him play.It was obvious that he was in a hurry and wanted to save face, and Luo Jinzhong was not weak and was the original commander of the Imperial Forest Army, so he could easily capture him.

It's just that Yi Tian was surprised to find that in the Sumeru space, he actually showed the body of Asura after condensing the void into reality.This really shocked all the other monks present, and even those monks in the distraction period showed a look of surprise in their eyes.

On the other hand, Luo Yao, who was at the upper level, looked suspiciously in his eyes, and asked after watching for a while: "Is it possible that this person is Luo Jinzhong, who rebelled from the Imperial Forest Army many years ago, and after only a few decades, his strength is even worse?" With such a leap forward, I am afraid that only the descendants of the two princes in the dynasty can stabilize him."

Mu Lang said with a smug expression: "Zhizhong joined my sect 40 years ago, and the resources in the teaching will certainly be biased towards him. It is only natural that he can achieve such achievements."

These words made Luo Yao lose face, but the facts speak louder than words.In less than half an hour, the three cultivators at the stage of transforming gods who followed came off the field one by one and fought against Luo Jinzhong, and they were all defeated by the Sun and Moon Shuanghui move without exception.

When the battle was over, Luo Yao's face was livid, and he seemed to be on the verge of eruption, but then he glanced at Yun Lin who was in the right position, his face changed several times, and he suppressed his anger alive.

(End of this chapter)

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