
Chapter 1482 Combination

Chapter 1482 Combination
Originally, most of the people from the dynasty had the purpose of taking the school exam, and Mu Lang should have expected it early in the morning.In the previous competition of monks in the stage of transformation of gods, Asura taught that Luo Jinzhong overwhelmed the three opponents, and then made Luo Yao lose face and couldn't get off the stage.

At this time, Yunlin was also silently watching the development of the situation. It is estimated that she also wanted to see how much the Asura Cult had developed over the years.

Mu Lang's complexion darkened and he knew that this matter was going to be difficult, but since the guest made a request, he couldn't let his prestige as the host be weakened, otherwise it would be really difficult to take charge of the teaching in the future.

After thinking about it, the corner of his mouth smiled and said: "If the monks in the distraction stage make gestures, it will cause greater damage to the enemy. Why don't we limit ourselves to three moves in the Xumi spiritual weapon."

After hearing this, Luo Yao waved his hands and said, "Cultivators in the distraction stage are already considered masters, and they can naturally retract and release the spells in their hands freely. If it is difficult to show true strength with only three moves, it is better to change For the best of the best.”

Now Mu Lang's face showed embarrassment, and he frowned slightly facing Luo Yao's aggressiveness.After a while, he glanced at the group of monks sitting on the right, and finally locked his eyes on the person in the last seat, then smiled and said: "In this case, let's have three people from each faction to compete."

Seeing that Mu Lang responded so readily, Luo Yao was also taken aback, and then asked: "Then I don't know what other demands the Master Mu has, so let's try to tell them as much as possible, and the bloody men of my dynasty will take it all together."

Mu Lang turned around to look at Yun Lin who was sitting upright, and then replied: "One-on-one may not be able to reflect the magic of our clan's skills, how about three-on-three melee."

As soon as this remark came out, all the people present had different expressions on their faces. It seemed that many Ashura congregants did not understand why the leader made such a decision.

On the other hand, Yi Tian, ​​who was sitting at the bottom seat, looked at the person in the upper seat meaningfully and said in his heart, "Old fox, he is thinking of using the three-style exercise again. It is estimated that this will be due to the differences in exercises between the two parties." Only then will there be such calculations.It is estimated that this will not need to be helped by myself. After thinking about it, he still looks like an old monk in silence.

But Luo Jinzhong, who was behind him, couldn't bear it anymore, and asked in a low voice: "Senior Yi, do you think our chances of winning this matter."

To put it bluntly, in front of the monks of the fit stage, every move of a monk of the transformation stage who wants to cultivate like Luo Jinzhong will be watched.Moreover, he is still the object of key care, so if he asks such a question, he will get himself involved for no reason.

Yi Tian glanced at Yun Lin, who was seated above, and found that although the other party didn't look here, it is estimated that the divine sense has always locked Luo Jinzhong and Siling.After thinking about it, he replied faintly through voice transmission: "It depends on the master pastor's plan. The outcome should be five to five. You can just calm down and watch the changes. Don't say any more."

The latter was obviously taken aback when he heard it, and after three breaths, he understood the meaning of the words and sat on his own hope and kept silent.

At this time, there were three people on each side of the scene, and the six distracted monks fell into the disc and turned into six black dots.Everyone present could use their spiritual thoughts to reach in to find out, and saw that the three Ashura Sects seemed to be surrounding each other to form a defensive line.

The three people on the opposite side dispersed and surrounded them on three sides. At the same time, they stretched out their hands and formed the same seal, showing the body of Asura.

What surprised Yi Tian was that among the three members of the Dynasty, there was still one who hadn't practiced the realm of condensing the emptiness into reality, and there was a two-foot-tall phantom of the law behind him.As for the other two people, they are the real bodies that have formed three heads and six arms, but the eyes of the two people are closed. .

But on the other hand, the movements of the three Asuras were even weirder. The three of them formed seals at the same time, and then an unusually solid Dharma body appeared behind them.At this time, the three of them took out the aura in their hands and lightly sacrificed it to the hands of Fa Xiangshen. The three of them controlled the latter at the same time, one defended and two attacked, and they fought with the three people in front of them.

Yi Tian stared and looked at it for a long time before he sighed softly. He didn't expect that Mu Lang was also an extremely talented person.I'm afraid he noticed the flaws in the exercises early in the morning, so he asked his three disciples to perform the seal together.Not to mention that this is really a bit of a different effect, the three heads that appeared on the phantom actually have their eyes open.

Needless to say, this phantom with six eyes opened is definitely not inferior to the body after condensing the void into reality, and with six eyes opened, it is bound to be able to cast three kinds of spells and the unique supernatural powers of the Asura clan at the same time.

But this supernatural power also has a fatal shortcoming. After the three of them work together, their mobility becomes extremely poor.Frankly speaking, it can only be used in the magic seal, otherwise, if it is too far away, the phantom of the dharma will not be able to maintain it.

And at the same time, the spiritual power consumption of multi-pronged approach is bound to increase exponentially. Even the monks in the distraction stage have a deep background and it doesn't take long, so they are in an urgent battle against the Asura Sect three.

But it seems that the other party is also a person who has lived for thousands of years, although he was frightened by the posture in front of him when he came up.But after stabilizing the ground, he began to think about the method of breaking the formation.The supernatural powers and spells in everyone's hands attacked one after another, but the fighting was not lukewarm. It seemed that they also noticed the weakness of the three-person combined formation and prepared to take targeted shots.

Although the power of the combined body and body combined by three people is quite powerful, without the assistance of mobility, it gradually falls into a disadvantage.At the beginning, they could still attack each other, and the two made moves and the other defended, but after a long time, the two frequently defended at the same time.

Needless to say, it was probably due to too much spiritual power consumption, but Yi Tian, ​​who was sitting at the bottom seat, showed doubts on his face.After sizing up Mu Lang, he saw that he hadn't reached the final stage of making a stop, and he probably still had some reserved tricks.

Suddenly, the situation on the scene changed suddenly, and the three Asuras taught them to take out the Dao Yuanlun spiritual weapon and sacrifice it, and it turned into a size of three feet.The three of them flew to the spirit weapon at the same time, and they rushed out of the opponent's encirclement in an instant when they were controlled by the Faxiang body.

After arriving in the distance, the three of them formed seals at the same time again, and the phantom of Asura's dharma body in the center suddenly turned into a height of more than three feet.

Yi Tian went through it quickly in his mind and found the source of this magical power. It was originally an upgrade trick of the three-style Asura hand.Although I know that there is such a supernatural power, but I have never seen the jade slip and naturally have no way to practice it.

And to use this move, it is best to use it together with the Dacheng Dharma Body to maximize the power of the move.Immediately, an overwhelming aura emerged from the Dharma Body Statue and swept towards the three people in front of him. At the same time, the spirit weapon buzzed, probably because the magical powers of the tricks were so powerful that even such a Xumi spirit weapon could not fully withstand it. down.

(End of this chapter)

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