
Chapter 1483

Chapter 1483
In the six-person battle circle, the three of Asura's sect performed a joint attack technique to sacrifice the phantom of Asura's body technique, and then directly performed the magical and secret technique of Asura's seal hand.

The resulting seal turned into a swastika and then covered the heads of the three opponents. At the same time, the overflowing spiritual pressure fluctuations on the seal of supernatural powers made the whole disc spirit make a 'sizzling' sound, as if about to It looked like it was forcibly broken through by the spiritual power inside.

When Mu Lang saw it, his face was startled, and just as he was about to make a move to keep the spirit weapon, Yun Lin who was beside him stretched out her hand to check the disk in front of him one step ahead of him.After the white spiritual light was injected into the disk, it immediately stabilized the Sumeru space.

Yi Tian's eyes flashed to see Yunlin's move, but he was shocked in his heart.I didn't expect that she would be able to settle the situation in front of her with light gestures. If she was herself, she could do it too, but she definitely couldn't do it so easily.

And the six people in the disc spiritual weapon seemed to be completely unaffected, and after the magic seal was sacrificed in their hands, it covered the heads of the three people in front of them.

Yi Tian took a closer look at the ten-thousand-character seal, which seemed to be very similar to the Buddhist sect's secret technique, but the direction of the seal was opposite.In terms of power, it doesn't make much difference, and the boundless killing intent contained in it secretly coincides with the evil spirit on the phantom of Asura's dharma body.

After the agent flew over, he directly attacked the three people in front of him indiscriminately, and immediately pushed them away for several miles.Among them, two people with slightly weaker cultivation bases flew out of the Xumi space when they saw that the situation was not good.

Only one person relied on the six hands of Asura's dharma body to seal himself at the same time and cast secret magic powers to protect himself and retreat to the side.On the other hand, the spiritual pressure fluctuations of the three members of the Asura Sect dropped sharply after performing this magic seal, and everyone's cultivation seemed to have dropped a level.

But with the three of them joining forces, they still strictly guarded against sticking to it. Needless to say, the Asura Cult won this round.After a while, Mu Lang said untimely: "The fact that the two of you are out makes my Ashura Sect slightly better, and Fellow Daoist Luo Yao accepts."

In fact, from Yi Tian's point of view, his side is just a winless situation. After the three of them join forces, they have to practice for a while to make up for it.But the other party was only temporarily suppressed, and they were the ones to win the real fight.At least one person still has the power to fight. If he continues to fight, he will win with one enemy and three consumptions.

Thinking about it, my vision is not bad, so the three people in the seat will not be wrong.It's just that Mu Lang accepts the decision immediately when he sees a deal, I'm afraid Luo Yao will inevitably feel dissatisfied.

But all of this still depends on how Yun Lin, who is in the seat, speaks out, her attitude is crucial to the result.

Sure enough, before Luo Yao could reply, Yun Lin smiled and stretched out her hand to release all four people from the spiritual weapon in front of her.Then he looked at it and said: "Master Mu is indeed a man of heaven, and he can forcibly open the six eyes of the phantom body with the power of three people. For this alone, no one in the entire dynasty can do it. to the right."

Mu Lang smiled and said, "Thank you, Senior Yun, for your kindness. This technique is what I have studied for many years. Although there are still some flaws, it can temporarily make up for the shortcomings in the technique. If you meet a difficult opponent and cooperate The power of the three may still have the power to fight."

After hearing this, Luo Yao replied angrily: "After all, you are just playing tricks, and it seems that there are many disadvantages in this joint attack technique. After performing it, it is likely that the spiritual power will be overdrawn and the cultivation base will temporarily drop. At this level, it won’t be possible to recover within a hundred years of effort. It’s said that the Master of Compassion is not in charge of the army, but if he does this, it’s not afraid of chilling the hearts of his subordinates.”

These words are obviously trying to sow discord, but Mu Lang's skill in nourishing Qi is not one or two points strong.Knowing this, he still bit the bullet and replied: "Although this strategy can be a good way to save your life, even if you open the sixth eye, it still has the basic conditions to display the supreme supernatural power of our clan. It’s twice the result with half the effort, but it can also be used as a trump card.”

These words are true, even after hearing Luo Yao's words, she has no way to refute them.As for Yun Lin, after thinking for a while, she said: "What the pastor said is true, no matter whether the skill is exquisite or clumsy, as long as it is effective against the enemy. This technique is approved by me. I don't know if you can give me a copy. After returning to the imperial city, I will report to the empress and let her decide for herself."

Without even thinking about it, Mu Lang directly took out the prepared jade slips and presented them to him. For him, being able to connect with the Queen through Yunlin was the most important thing.As for Luo Yao's attitude, it can be completely ignored.

After two losses in a row, the monks on the left side felt ashamed.They were all born to be the leaders of the Asura Dynasty. How could they be so aggrieved again? Immediately, many people's lips moved slightly and whispered to Luo Yao, the seat of honor.

After hearing this, the latter also had an extremely solemn expression on his face. After thinking for a while, the fat on his face twitched and he smiled and said, "Today, I came to visit and learned the master priest's brilliant moves. Now it's not suitable to go to war again."

Unexpectedly, the other party would hold his hand just like this, Mu Lang's face remained unchanged, but the vigilant expression in his eyes did not relax at all.

Luo Yao changed the subject and said, "Master Suwen has a heaven-level spiritual treasure 'Astrology Wheel' in his hand, which is something that Prince Wei has long admired. This time, the special subordinates came here to exchange it with a heavy treasure. Also, please don’t refuse the pastor.”

Unexpectedly, it was his idea to use this spiritual weapon, Mu Lang's face suddenly became ugly when he heard it, it seemed that this thing meant so much to him that it was difficult to accept it for a while.

Yi Tian didn't know what the 'astrology wheel' they were talking about, so he lowered his head and asked Luo Jinzhong who was behind him through sound transmission, but the latter was also confused.

Instead, after three breaths, Siling's sound transmission sounded in his ears: "Although the astrology wheel is not one of the top ten spiritual treasures in the Asura world, its purpose is to predict the subtle things in the future exploration of luck, so it can be regarded as It is a top-level spiritual treasure, and Prince Wei will not let it go, since Prince Wei has always been in control."

"If Luo Yao succeeds, wouldn't Prince Wei be even more powerful?" Yi Tian replied via voice transmission.

"That's not necessarily the case. The astrology wheel depends on who uses it. If it is in the hands of ordinary people, it is just a piece of scrap iron, and it must be used together with the Lingbao 'Sura's Destiny Book', and the 'Sura's Destiny Book' It is in the hands of the queen, so even if the other party gets a Lingbao, it will not help," Siling replied like this.

So Yi Tian was determined, and then he glanced at the people above, seeing their appearance in the center of his eyes, but secretly sneered.This thing still needs to be gathered together before it can be used, but judging from the current situation, it would be a troublesome thing for Luo Yao to take it away.

Later, Mu Lang spoke again: "Why don't we gamble one more round, each side sends one person to fight, if your side wins, I will offer it with both hands, if our side wins by chance, how about letting it go?"

When Luo Yao heard the words, she raised her brows and turned to Yun Lin, saying, "Okay, I beg your lord to testify, Rong Mo will give it a try."

Speaking of this, Shang Yunlin also felt that it was difficult to ride a tiger, so she just sighed and nodded slightly.

And Yi Tian, ​​who was sitting at the bottom seat, only felt a sharp gaze swept over him and said: "Trouble."

Mu Lang's voice sounded again in the hall, and he said: "I am old, and as the master, it is naturally inconvenient to make a move." As he spoke, his eyes glanced at the people who sat down and found that most of them had dodge in their eyes Finally, he kept his eyes on the last seat and said with a smile: "Please Daoist Yi, please take a shot for the old man."

(End of this chapter)

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