
Chapter 1484 Shots 1

Chapter 1484 Shot One
Hearing what Mu Lang said, everyone's eyes on the scene immediately focused on the end of the first row of seats on the right.Not only the faces of the visiting guests showed surprise, but even the eyes of the Ashura disciples on the right were full of puzzled eyes.

In any case, they never imagined that the leader would hand over such an important gambling fight to such a little-known monk.To be honest, the understanding of the newly promoted priest by the many distracted monks present was only Mu Lang's verbal explanation.

On the other hand, Mu Lang looked determined and did not know what kind of medicine he was selling in his gourd.Luo Yao, who was the one who provoked him, didn't want to lose his momentum at this time, and if he looked at Yi Tian in a blink of an eye, he would find that he was just a mid-stage cultivator who was distracted.

But he is not an easy person who has experienced many battles, so he said after thinking about it: "Before I came, I heard that the pastor's strength is supernatural, and he has almost stepped into the integration period with one foot. I wanted to take the liberty to ask for advice, but how could the leader actually It is really a missed opportunity to refuse, and I guess there will be no chance to ask the leader for advice after this visit."

Mu Lang laughed loudly when he heard the words: "Although I won't make a move, I believe it's the same if Fellow Daoist Yi represents me. Why doesn't Fellow Daoist Luo have confidence?"

"Hmph, I've never been afraid. It's just that I have a slightly higher level of cultivation and I will inevitably be criticized by people in the mid-stage monks. Even if I win, it will be invincible," Luo Yao waved his hands.

Although he looked arrogant, he still had a bit of arrogance, and naturally he didn't want to take advantage of the slightly weaker monks.But in the entire Ashura Sect, only Mu Lang has reached the late stage of distraction, and most of the rest are early stage monks.There are only four monks in the mid-term, and the three of them from the original religion have all left the field and fought with each other, so naturally they can't make any more moves.

And I am the only mid-term monk among the remaining people, so after being named by Mu Lang, I feel a little bit like pushing ducks to the shelves.Standing up slowly, he cupped his hands at the three people seated above him and said, "Please be merciful, Lord Earl." After speaking, the figure jumped directly into the disc spirit weapon without saying a word.

When Luo Yao saw it, she just snorted coldly, then disappeared from her original position in a flash, before leaving, she didn't forget to say: "With the witness of the lord, if I win the pastor, don't go back on what you say. "

After hearing this, the latter just turned his head and glanced at Yunlin before replying: "That's natural, once a man says something, it's hard to follow."

Yun Lin didn't see any joy or anger on her face when she heard the words, but she moved her lips slightly as if she was asking through voice transmission, and Mu Lang also replied a few words through voice transmission later.Needless to say, the content is naturally to introduce the situation of the Ashura Sect, especially the situation of Yi Tian, ​​​​who is fighting.

Immediately, a strange look flashed in Yunlin's eyes, and at the same time, she turned her attention to the Xumi space inside the disc.With her strength as a monk in the body-fit period, she naturally penetrated the divine sense directly without many taboos, and the two of them expected to dare not have the will to oppose it.

It's just that at this moment, Yi Tian stabilized his figure in the center of the Sumeru space in the disk and couldn't help thinking that the battle before him was related to his weight in Mu Lang's heart.So there is only one way to win but not to lose, but with such a bodybuilder cultivator watching from the sidelines, it is inevitable that there will be a place where hands are tied.

At the same time, I can't give full play to myself, I'm afraid that my strength will be greatly reduced.Moreover, he was originally attacking the strong with the weak, so he encountered a big trouble.

Just as he was thinking about the sudden wave of spiritual pressure in the air wrinkling rapidly, it should be that Luo Yao locked his position and killed him.

Stretching out his hand, he first took out the demon soul banner and waved it in his hand a few times, several streaks of black mist shot out from it and submerged his figure directly.After three breaths, the surrounding area of ​​hundreds of feet was covered. Hiding in the black mist, Yi Tian felt that the divine sense on his body was isolated.

In this way, he took out the Brahma Golden Bell and held it in his hand and shook it non-stop. The ripples of the bell scattered through the black mist and formed a sonic domain within ten miles around Yi Tian.

Everyone watching from the outside showed surprise on their faces at this time. This is the first time they have seen such a trick.As for the seated Yun Lin, after looking at her, she said softly: "This person really has some skills, and he can use two kinds of body skills that are mutually exclusive at the same time."

Mu Lang didn't change his face, as if he had expected it early in the morning, and then slowly replied: "Junior Brother Yi is the one who is second only to me in strength in the sect, and I'm considering asking him to lead the team to the imperial court to participate in the grand ceremony in the future."

"That's very good," Yun Lin said lightly.

After all, the situation on the scene changed again, and the ripples scattered in a void in the sonic domain could not pass through.A little later, I saw a bunch of ripples flying out of the black mist and hitting it straight.

The ripples pierced through the void and made a "zizz" sound, and then exploded near the void. The range of the sonic bullets cast by using the eight sounds of thunder is about half smaller than that of the seven magic sounds, but the power is indeed more than doubled.

Immediately, several ripples appeared in the void, and Luo Yao's figure appeared out of thin air, but at this time, the contemptuous expression on his face was completely replaced by a deep and dignified expression.

A bright golden mask appeared around the body and blocked the aftermath of the sonic bullets.After the sound wave bomb passed by, Luo Yao shouted: "I didn't expect there to be such a good player in the Asura sect, but unfortunately in the Asura world, your own clan's skills are the strongest. Napa, you have many foreign clans My supernatural powers can't turn the palm of my hand in front of me."

Said that the armor worn by the whole person burst directly, revealing the bronze-colored skin underneath.Suddenly, extremely strong spiritual pressure fluctuations appeared on his skin, and Luo Yao's entire figure seemed to swell under the seal of Luo Yao's hand.

After forming a vortex of spiritual power in the air, it instantly engulfed his figure. After three breaths, the surrounding vortex of spiritual power quickly retracted, revealing a figure one foot tall.At this time, Luo Yao's figure had grown by at least half of his height, and the spiritual power that was constantly oozing from his body formed a wind shield around his body.

Yi Tian, ​​who was hiding in the black mist, looked at Luo Yao for a while and realized that Luo Yao's strength at this time had been greatly improved compared with before.But he didn't use Asura Dharma Body directly, so he underestimated himself.

But that's good too, since the other party has a heart of contempt, wouldn't he have the opportunity to suppress him by taking advantage of the situation.

In the situation where Mulang's spiritual thoughts from the outside world swept across the jade plate, there was a hint of joy on his face, and he said, "Daoist Luo Yao is a little bit overbearing, I didn't expect to have reservations before the battle, I'm afraid if it's him this time If you lose, you have nothing to say."

"The pastor doesn't know. If Luo Yao shows his true body, I'm afraid that only the lord of the fusion stage and a few monks of the distraction stage in the entire dynasty can handle it. Make it too big," Yun Lin said sharply.

Unexpectedly, this big bastard actually had a side as careful as dust, Mu Lang's face twitched slightly and he couldn't help feeling worried.

(End of this chapter)

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