
Chapter 1489 Promise 2

Chapter 1489 Promise Two

After listening to Yun Lin's explanation, Yi Tian suddenly felt like a big head, not to mention how to deal with Luo Ziyan, just being a partner Luo Yao is not a good opponent.

This time during the reception banquet, I have already lost face to him, I am afraid that after this incident, even if the other party does not show up on the face, he will still hold a grudge.

If I cooperate with him to go to the Asura Secret Realm, I am afraid that I still have an extremely unstable factor around me, and I will be bitten by him anytime and anywhere.

Yun Lin seemed to have thought about it early in the morning, and her face changed slightly: "In fact, it is helpless to find Luo Yao's help. There are not many distracted monks in my hands. Yao is equal, but her strength is far inferior."

"It's not that the junior doesn't want to help, it's just that I have a lot of worries in my heart. If the senior can give a reasonable explanation, then I can still consider the matter of making a move," Yi Tian was not in a hurry to deny it. It's good to let her retreat in spite of the difficulties, otherwise it will be hard for herself if she really pissed off the other party.

"Just speak up, if you have any concerns, just say it, if I can't give you an answer that satisfies you, then you can let it go," Yunlin replied, but there was still a slight worry on her face that flashed away.

Yi Tian looked in the center of his eyes and said with great joy: "The other party is not too sure about this matter. This time, he is rushing the ducks to the shelves. As long as he makes the problem clear and forces him to make a choice, he can justifiably get away."

After thinking about it, pretending to be contemplative, he lowered his head and calculated, "This junior has a few questions on his mind. First of all, I don't know what cultivation level the three fit monks are recommending this time?"

"The three of them are all in the early stage of distraction, and they have all opened the six eyes and completed the state of Asura Dharma Body," Yun Lin replied.

Speaking of the complete state of the Asura dharma body, Yi Tian felt more doubts in his heart. Luo Yao's strength was obviously higher than that of the distracted monks.It is estimated that he is practicing in a complete form, but why do the people of Asura Sect jointly sacrifice the Dharmakaya in a three-in-one form.

Thinking of this, I started another topic and asked this question specifically.Unexpectedly, after hearing this, Yunlin's face not only showed no doubts, but showed approval, and said: "Little friend Yi is really delicate, and it's not surprising that you foreign monks have doubts about this. The main reason is that the dynasty has been for thousands of years. According to the previous rules, all monks who have cultivated the real body of Asura can enter the inner court to study another three-point supernatural power, so as to complete the whole set of spells of the Dharma Body Image."

"Spiritual thoughts are three points," Yi Tian said in his mouth, but he was surprised in his heart, thinking that this set of spells was practiced before the Dharma body.But why did they find out that the order was reversed when they arrived in the Asura Realm.

Looking at Yunlin's expression, it doesn't look like she is lying to herself, but it still needs to be confirmed at this time.After taking three breaths, he raised his head and asked: "I don't know how powerful this three-point technique of spiritual thoughts is, and it has to be practiced in the distraction period. For example, can Luo Yao be able to use the three heads and six arms of the Dharma Body as a whole after training?" Used by three separate entities?"

After speaking, Yi Tiancai realized that he seemed to be asking too many questions. Fortunately, he brought up Luo Yao in the second half of the sentence as a shield. If the other party doubted his determination, he said that he wanted to know more about the Asura clan's body skills. Targeted shot.

Yun Lin nodded and replied: "Three divisions of the spiritual mind are the basic skills of Asura Dharma Body. After cultivation, the divine mind can be strengthened. When it is strong to a certain level, it can be used logically by dividing the divine mind into three parts." Shura's Dharma Body. As for how to be strong, you have already experienced it when you fought Luo Yao, so I don't need to say more about it."

"That's that, but the juniors are a little puzzled. Since the three-pointed spirit is the foundation of the exercises, why do they practice after the distraction period? Is it because the royal family is holding this card to control the Asuras?" ?” Yi Tian said without deep meaning.

After hearing this, Yun Lin shook her head helplessly and said, "I guess you will have doubts about this, just like other outside monks think, they all have some prejudice against my Asura royal family."

"I dare not, I just listened to what the senior said, and I would have a daydream, but the facts prove that my guess is not unreasonable. Like the Asura Sect, the three of them can barely exert the power of the Dharma Body, but it is Luo Yao who has the strength." This can completely crush the previous three people," Yi Tian sighed for a while.

"That's true. Speaking of which, the technique of three-thirds of the divine sense can be practiced at the initial stage of cultivation. It's just that there are only one out of ten people who have practiced it, and most of them will cause insanity due to forcible tearing of the divine sense or improper cultivation. After practicing the three-point reading, she just divided the spiritual reading in half and turned into a weird person with dual personalities," Yun Lin explained, and at the same time, a trace of loneliness flashed in her eyes, and it was obvious that the situation in her mouth must be Happened around me.

Seeing this, Yi Tian knew that he should have touched on the past of the other party, so it is best to stop here.It is more appropriate to say this, and at the same time, I am secretly glad that I did not make any mistakes when I was practicing, otherwise I would probably not be able to escape the ending of insanity.

Yi Tian said again when the topic changed: "I have some opinions on the proposal of the senior, I don't know if I should say it or not?"

"But it doesn't matter," Yunlin replied.

"If I need to take action, then Luo Yao will definitely not be able to follow. Although I can't say any deep hatred with him, but today's scene has already formed a relationship, I'm afraid there will be rifts when we cooperate in the future," Yi Tian said.

"You don't need to worry too much at this time, I will plant a restriction in Luo Yao's soul, so you don't have to worry about him not working hard," Yun Linzhi said with satisfaction.

"I'm afraid that senior will end up making wedding dresses for others in the calculation ahead. According to Luo Yao's attitude, he must be on the side of Prince Wei. Even if you put the soul restraint on him, he may not be really convinced, and as far as I know There are no less than three methods of prohibition for monks in the opening and combining stage," Yi Tian said with a worried face, what should be given up should be given up if such a twisted melon is not sweet.

Yun Lin sighed and said: "What Xiaoyou Yi said is very true, but I also suffer from the fact that no one can use my hands. Like Luo Yao, although he is biased towards Prince Wei, he is also a person who is rough but fine. He has repeatedly expressed his willingness to help in private with me."

"Aren't seniors afraid of his betrayal?" Yi Tian asked in puzzlement. In his opinion, people like this are the ones who need a place most if they are on two boats. It is not known that the candidate for the election betrayed directly.

Unexpectedly, Yun Lin shook her head with a smile and said: "He won't, many people behind him are under my control. As for his purpose, I also know, the only thing I can reveal to you is to let it go That is, Luo Yao will not become your stumbling block, on the contrary, he will never give up this excellent opportunity to bet on both sides."

(End of this chapter)

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