
Chapter 1490 Explained

Chapter 1490 Explained
After Yunlin left, the Asura Cult's banquet officially ended, and before Yi Tian returned to the cave, he received a message from Mu Lang early.

In fact, I also roughly knew the other party's intentions in my heart, but this time I couldn't tolerate myself not going.Since Yun Lin opened her mouth, it is estimated that Mu Lang is determined not to go against her will and open a back door for herself in private.

Thinking about it, she still lacks strength, if her cultivation could break through the bottleneck of the distraction stage and reach the fusion stage, then Yun Lin would not dare to talk to herself like this.

But the trouble is that there are many restrictions on the advancement of exercises in Lihuo Palace, but at this moment, Yi Tian can't help thinking of the words of Patriarch Wuye back then.The Fire Realm of the Nine Realms of the Upper Spirit is the first to be promoted to the Asura Realm, but advancing in the Asura Fire Realm in the Asura Queen's bedroom is likely to cause quite a commotion.

But now that I am being targeted by a powerful monk in the world of Asura, if I can't make a breakthrough, I will still be a man-made knife, I am fish and meat, and I can't tolerate any resistance from myself.

After thinking about it, Yi Tian still felt that it was better to hold his ground and see the tricks, at least go to see Mu Lang to see what he has to say this time, or what benefits he can gain from him.

Today, Yi Tian's status in Asura Cult has been rapidly improved with the battle of the banquet.Those monks in the distraction period all bowed their heads and praised Yi Tian when they saw Yi Tian's figure now, and those low-level monks even bowed their heads and bowed down.

Yi Tian also didn't want to be entangled too much by the things in Asura's religion, and after walking all the way, he just turned into a green light and flashed past.

Not long after, he arrived outside Mu Lang's private cave, the deepest part of the sect, and saw the cave door wide open. Just as he stood firm, he heard a voice from inside the cave: "Friend Daoist Yi is here, please come in quickly."

After hearing this, the green light flew directly into the cave after jumping over, and then the restriction outside the cave was slowly closed.

After entering the depths of the cave, Yi Tian glanced over and saw Mu Lang sitting cross-legged in the middle, so he slowly walked forward and sat down on the stone futon in front of him.Later, he said with a displeased expression on his face: "Master Mu, is it a bit too much this time? I'm afraid I'll have a hard time in the future because I'm being targeted by the monks in the integration stage because of this matter of driving ducks to the shelves."

A look of shame appeared on Mu Lang's face and he said: "This time it's the old man, not because you have troubled Fellow Daoist Yi, but Senior Yun must have found you and the opportunity, right?"

Guessing in his heart that Yunlin would probably reveal something to Mu Lang, Yi Tian didn't hide anything and directly stated Yunlin's appeal briefly.

Although the latter's face seemed calm after hearing this, the surprise in his eyes was undoubtedly revealed.After listening to it, he replied with a wry smile: "To be honest, Senior Yun has warned me time and again not to let you go, otherwise the entire Asura Cult will not be able to get her protection. At this time, Fellow Daoist Yi also invites you to leave." Take it easy."

I had expected that Yunlin would monitor her whereabouts, but I didn't expect that she would directly use the safety of the entire Asura Cult as a bargaining chip.It seems that Mu Lang is playing the mouse and is determined not to go against Yun Lin's meaning. Now that he is in the Asura Realm, if he wants to cross the gate to go to other interfaces, he must get the approval of the monks in the fusion period.

Or you can upgrade your cultivation base to the integration stage so that you don't have to look at the faces of the integration stage monks anymore.

After thinking about it, his face remained unchanged and he said: "At this time, I know the difficulties of fellow Taoist priest, so the previous agreement is over. Now I have accepted Yunlin's agreement to assist the person she chooses to go to the fire realm in the Asura Realm for trial. I’m afraid we’ll be leaving soon.”

After hearing this, Mu Lang knew that he was taking advantage of the situation, and he was naturally unhappy about being forcibly pulled into a strong man.Now that we talked a few words, there is a meaning of refusal inside and outside the words, which is naturally reasonable.

It's just that other people have never seen such a scene before. After sweeping his eyes, a faint smile appeared on his face and said: "You don't need to be angry, you are really old at this time. You are not embarrassing you. I have prepared a small gift to express my apology." I still hope to accept it."

After speaking, he took out a palm-sized spiritual weapon from his bosom, pushed it gently in the air, and said in his mouth: "I have kept this object in my collection for 2000 years and have not been able to find out the secrets inside. Since you appeared, this thing has always shone with a strange light, I think maybe you will be the one who is destined."

Yi Tian's eyes flashed and he saw that in front of him was a simple palm-sized round wheel with different rune characters on both sides.

Needless to say, this should be the 'astrology wheel' that Luo Yao kept saying that he wanted to exchange it before, but Mulang, who is such a valuable treasure, would hand it over directly, which made Yi Tian slightly hesitant, wondering whether he should take it or not.

Later, he tentatively asked: "This is the treasure of your religion, so it is easily given to the next generation. If Prince Wei sends someone to ask for it, I am afraid that the priests will not be able to protect themselves."

Mu Lang really laughed and said: "This thing has been stored in our religion for more than 2000 years. It was originally a treasure bestowed by the former Empress Ashura. I am just a caretaker."

"Since it was bestowed by the modern empress, only Asuras can use it. If it is given to my subordinates, wouldn't it be meaningless to cast the pearl secretly," Yi Tian distinguished.

Mu Lang sighed and showed some hesitation on his face, then a clear look flashed in his eyes and said: "You are right, to use the astrology wheel, you must have mastered the skills of the Asura clan. It is to achieve the state of the six-eyed dharma body like Luo Yao, but I have found that since you came to this teaching, this object often reflects phantoms, which is something I have never seen before."

"Oh, what is Xuying?" Yi Tian raised his eyebrows and asked.

"Forget it, this matter has nothing to do with you, I only hope that you will have the opportunity to decipher the inner mystery in the future," Mu Lang thought for a while and replied.

It was only then that the origin of the astrological wheel was revealed, and it turned out that this object was originally a token kept in the hands of the queens of Ashura.It's just that it needs to be used in conjunction with the 'Sura Destiny Spectrum' to use it to divination the luck of the Asura people.

Although it is not available now, it can still be used, but it is less effective than the two spiritual weapons, and it needs to be used in conjunction with the Asura skills.So Mu Lang has deep doubts about this, but this 'horoscope wheel' has projected fantasies from it from time to time in recent decades, which has never happened before.

Looking back on this period of time, nothing major has happened in the entire Asura Cult, except for my own arrival.

Yi Tian is well aware of this, although he has not displayed the Asura Dharma Body since he entered the Asura Realm, but the imprint left by Luo Ziyan on his forehead behind the recovery is gradually showing signs of becoming active .Needless to say, if there is no connection among them, it is absolutely impossible.

(End of this chapter)

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