
Chapter 1491 Trouble

Chapter 1491 Trouble
After coming out of Mu Lang's place, Yi Tian's face was full of sadness. Unexpectedly, Yun Lin was really determined to do things, not only ordered Mu Lang to close the passage through the gap in the interface, but also left an assistant in Asura's teaching.

Its name is to assist Mu Lang in guarding, but the actual effect is needless to say, it is aimed at himself.It seems that Yun Lin is still worried about her and that's why she stays behind. During the conversation with Yu Mu Lang, she intentionally or unintentionally revealed that she wants to leave directly.But the latter changed his face and tried his best to dissuade him, and even revealed that there was a trace of Yunlin's divine sense in the soul of the person who stayed behind, and if he had any changes, he would never be able to hide it from the other party.

At this point, Yi Tiancai really gave up, with no way out and ambushes hidden by her side, Yun Lin was going to force herself to go all the way to the dark.

Jing Mulang explained that the Asura Sect expected to send a large group of people to the imperial city after 50 years, and then was the time to set off.As for the trial of the three candidate monks mentioned by Yunlin, she is not in a hurry. At this time, it will not start until 200 years after the selection of the Imperial Forest Army in the imperial city.

Calculated in this way, I will have to stay in the Asura Realm for a full 250 years before I have the opportunity to go to the Demon Realm.

Thinking of this, Yi Tian also feels that there is no better way for the time being, but it is not a big problem to upgrade his cultivation to the later stage of distraction during this period.

As for whether he can reach the peak in the later period to the stage of crossing the catastrophe before the Asura Fire Realm, he has no idea.If there is no other opportunity, I am afraid that thinking about this matter is just an extravagant wish.

After returning to the cave, Yi Tian opened the restraint and sat up cross-legged in the cave, took out the astrology wheel in his hand and looked at it repeatedly.Unexpectedly, this palm-sized spiritual weapon actually has the function of insight into the opportunities of luck. After seeing it, Yi Tian held it in his palm and began to try to inject spiritual power into it to activate it.

But after a trace of blue spiritual power was poured into it, the entire astrological roulette began to vibrate violently, and the runes on it were slowly activated by the spiritual power and emitted a dazzling light.

It's just that Yi Tian soon discovered the strangeness above. Only one-third of the handwriting on these attachments was activated, and the remaining two-thirds did not respond at all.

Needless to say, this must be driven by the skills of the Asura clan, and the three heads and six arms can be cast at the same time to fully activate it.

If you want to maintain a normal state like this, I'm afraid it won't help.After thinking about it, Yi Tian was unambiguous and first stretched out his hand to lay down several prohibition enchantments in the cave to cover himself.

Then his hands were slowly knotted in front of his chest, and he uttered a long series of blunt and awkward mantras.If Mu Lang or Yun Lin were here, they would definitely be able to find that the kung fu performed by Yi Tian at this time is the most orthodox movement spell of the Asura Dynasty.

After the green lights slowly raised up on his body, purple halos flashed from the Niwan Palace on his forehead, and the purple flame of thunder flew out in an instant, forming a purple corona on the back of his head.

After several "chacha" sounds, four arms stretched out from under the double ribs, and two heads appeared on the left and right sides of the back of the head.The only difference from Luo Yao and others before that is that now Yi Tian's Dharma Body image has no evil spirit at all, with a peaceful smile and wise eyes on his face.

Reaching out his hand to take out the bronze mirror and looking for himself, Yi Tian also looked a little surprised after sweeping his eyes.Maybe it's because I haven't looked at my Dharmakaya carefully for a long time, and now it seems that the faces of the three above are slightly different than before.

The three peaceful, peaceful, and wise faces all have the same golden imprinted rune on their foreheads. I remember that when Luo Ziyan set her up before, only the main forehead would change.

Thinking that it might be the improvement of his own cultivation that caused such a change, Yi Tian could only smile helplessly on his face, and then took out the astrology wheel again, formed two seals on his six arms, and injected spiritual power into his face at the same time A palm-sized round wheel.

In an instant, the horoscope wheel was activated and rotated rapidly in the air, and its volume became larger and larger until it was about two feet in size.

At the same time, the appearance of Asura Dharma Body slowly appeared on the astrology wheel. After Yi Tian took a closer look, he found that it turned out to be the appearance of Luo Ziyan, but she looked a little mature, not as childish as she was back then.

Afterwards, the dots of starlight on the spirit wheel illuminated the phantom, and the surrounding background appeared as if he was in a certain palace.

After ten breaths, the Asura Dharma Body slowly opened its six eyes and looked around. Finally, his eyes stayed on Yi Tian and said: "I didn't expect that you would be the contemporary Emperor Asura, please report your name. Now the king of the dynasty How could it have declined to such an extent, could it be that even the monks in the fusion stage can't find it?"

Yi Tian was startled when he heard the words, and then he looked at the phantom in the astrology wheel with a steady mind before replying: "Senior, I have misunderstood the person, I am not a contemporary Asura Emperor, as for the contemporary Asura Empress is Luo Zi Yan, she is in the imperial city right now."

"Oh, since you are not the Emperor Asura, why is there a mark on your forehead, and why is your face different from that of ordinary Asura men?" The phantom exclaimed, "You still have the aura of the Buddha sect on your body!" , No wonder you have refined the killing spirit of the Asura clan. You look like you are recorded in the documents of the royal family, peaceful, peaceful and wise."

The other party finally saw his appearance clearly, and Yi Tian felt relieved, so that he would not have to explain himself when he came.Immediately sizing up the phantom, it is estimated that it is a divine thought left by a Mahayana monk, and then asked respectfully: "I don't know the name of the senior, the younger generation accidentally activated the astrology turn to disturb the senior."

"This seat, Luo Yilan, is the queen of Ashura. The imprint on your forehead should be left by Zi Yan, kid?" Luo Yilan said in a deep voice.

Knowing this, Yi Tian simply replied directly: "That's true, Luo Ziyan forcibly left such a mark on me after meeting me in the spirit world."

"Boy, don't be ignorant of good and evil. Since it was Ziyan's decision, I have nothing to say. But if you want to be my great-great son-in-law, you have to accept my test," Luo Yilan said.

After hearing this, Yi Tian froze and hurriedly distinguished: "Senior seems to have misunderstood a bit, but I never meant it, it was all Luo Ziyan's wishful thinking. If you have to drive ducks to the shelves, I would rather quit."

Luo Yilan was stunned for a moment when she heard the words, and then her face was slightly angry. Fortunately, she was good at nourishing her spirits and then said after a moment of silence: "Well, I won't force you, but there are a few things I need to ask you to do right now. .”

"Can I say no?" Yi Tian smiled wryly.

 Thanks to Daoist Kang Liandi, my family has Ergou for their strong support.

(End of this chapter)

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