
Chapter 1492 Encounter

Chapter 1492 Encounter
Originally, Yi Tian was going to retreat and practice for a while to wait for the opportunity, but he did not expect to activate the astrology wheel unintentionally, and then met the former Asura Queen Luo Yilan.This time, my own rhythm was completely disrupted, so I had no choice but to agree to the request of this Mahayana monk first.

It is also ridiculous to say that Luo Yilan's body is hidden in the secret realm deep in the Asura world, entrusting the entire Asura dynasty to Luo Ziyan.But the latter's cultivation base is not good, and he can only rely on the balance of the two princes and Yunlin's three forces to barely maintain the situation.

However, Luo Yilan left a message for herself to go to the depths of the magic domain of Asura Realm to find the seven-aperture glazed core for Luo Ziyan to help her break through to the fusion stage.Yi Tian naturally didn't dare to violate it, and kept the matter in his heart after hearing the details.

Later, he found an excuse to say hello to Mu Lang and left the city quietly by himself.After flying out of the area controlled by the Ashura Sect, Yi Tian cast it, and after a purple thunder flashed on his body, he flew towards the depths of the magic domain.

It's interesting to say that what Luo Yilan wanted was actually hidden in the depths of the magic domain, and when Mu Lang escaped from the imperial dynasty to the magic domain to open up the secret of freedom in the sect.

And this seven orifice glazed core might be one of the links, Yi Tian also thought about it in his heart, if Mu Lang has stayed in this area for more than 3000 years and has not found out, he is afraid that he has to go deeper to have a chance to get close to it. treasure.

Yi Tian also made full preparations when he was taught by Asura, engraving the map of the magic domain on the jade slip.But at the beginning, it was discovered that there seemed to be a large gap in the jade slip of the map, at least within the ten thousand li radius controlled by the Asura Sect, it was clearly marked.

But after leaving the territory of thousands of miles, several key transfer stations were marked on the map piecemeal. As for other areas, they were all blurred and blank. I am afraid that I took the time to record these places while walking.

After flying in the air for a month, Yi Tian found that he was millions of miles away from the control range of Asura Cult.Along the way, in addition to recording the encounters on the terrain correction map along the way, I was also constantly inspecting the whereabouts of the Qiqiao glass core.

According to Luo Yilan's news, the seven-aperture glazed core grows in the glazed mountain deep in the magic domain.The glazed core is the core part of the seven-colored glazed ore in this mountain. It is considered to be a high-level heaven-level treasure, and it has only appeared twice in the Asura world.

Faced with such a description, Yi Tian also felt that he was making fun of himself, thinking that he would have to be so lucky to come across such a rare treasure.But now that the promise is made, I can only bite the bullet and search. If it doesn’t work, I’ll find Luo Yilan to explain the situation through the astrology wheel

At noon, Yi Tianfei looked from a distance in the air and found that there seemed to be a shining light at the end of his eyes.After stabilizing his figure in the air, he used his divine sense to extend it to try to check, but found that his divine sense could not fully see the scene in the halo.

Immediately, a purple light flashed in the eyes, and the pupils instantly turned into a strange purple, and they cast the demon pupils and looked there.After three breaths, a look of surprise appeared on his face. It seemed that he was sitting on a mountain peak in this halo, but there were colorful halos flashing everywhere on the mountain peak.

Needless to say, this should be the brilliance that only the colorful colored glazes would flash. Yi Tian was overjoyed at the moment and hurriedly turned around and flew straight towards the mountain.

After flying thousands of miles, the mountain peak became bigger and bigger in front of my eyes. I didn't realize that it was the halo of sunlight shining on the exposed glazed mine until I could see the whole picture of the mountain peak.

Just when I was overjoyed, I suddenly found in my spiritual thoughts that someone was galloping here from another direction.The other party's flight path was also clearly heading towards this glazed glass peak. After careful investigation by the divine sense, it was found that this person's cultivation base was not strong, roughly as high as that of the peak in the late stage of transformation.

Fortunately, I kept my breath back and didn't make too much noise along the way. At such a distance, the other party should not have noticed my existence.Yi Tian immediately stretched out his hand to pick up the formula, and after three breaths, the whole figure disappeared into the air.

Only a gust of wind was left behind, Yi Tian escaped into the void, slowed down and quietly approached the direction of the man.

To be honest, I no longer like to fight and kill like I used to in Taiqing Pavilion in the spiritual world.After traveling to many other worlds, especially after practicing in the Buddhist world for a period of time, Yi Tian knew the relationship between karma and cause and effect.

I am bound to go far on the road, so try not to make too many murders, otherwise it will have an adverse effect on the future.

After restraining his breath, Yi Tian followed the incarnate monk all the way to the foot of the Liuli Peak. After he arrived, he did not search the mountain with great fanfare. Search around.

It didn't take long to find a stone pillar mark, and Yi Tian turned his head and glanced to find that the stone pillar was actually engraved with the seal of the Asura Dynasty.

The man was overjoyed when he saw it, and then he went forward and began to survey the terrain, while Yi Tian stood aside and stared at the stone pillar carefully, and his face couldn't help but feel embarrassed.

Based on my own research on formations, this stone pillar should be part of the formation here, and it seems that this formation cannot be opened by one person.

It's just that I have never met this person and I don't know the details of him, so I don't want to show up so as not to frighten him.

Just as he was thinking about it, he suddenly frowned slightly, and at the edge of the extended divine sense, he found someone rushing in again.The people who came this time looked like they were in the early stage of distraction, but they didn't know if they were the accomplices of the person in front of them.

Yi Tian was secretly amazed that he only knew that there was a glass mountain in the magic world through Luo Yilan's phantom message on the astrology wheel.But I don't know where these three people came from. If their purpose is the same as his own, then there must be something strange about this matter.

After thinking about it, he made up his mind to wait quietly and wait for the two people to arrive, and then act by chance.

In less than a cup of tea, two escaping lights were seen flying towards here, one in front of the other, and the people below seemed to have realized that the situation had changed.Then he hurriedly stood up and set up his escape technique to prepare to escape, but he didn't know that the two on the other side seemed to have expected this situation a long time ago.

In the air, the two rays of light suddenly separated as if they had agreed, one south and one north, circled the Liuli Peak, and intercepted the cultivator of Huashen.

At the same time, a cold shout sounded in the air: "Luo Xiao, why did you travel all the way to the depths of the magic domain when you were not in the imperial city to serve the queen?"

It turns out that the cultivator who transforms the spirit is called Luo Xiao, and he is also a member of the imperial dynasty.

(End of this chapter)

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