
Chapter 1493 Distress

Chapter 1493 Distress
In the depths of the magic world, Yi Tian flew for nearly [-] to [-] days and finally found a clue to the Qiqiao glass core.It's just that at the same time, I met three people from the Asura Dynasty, but their strengths were far apart. Two monks in the early stage of distraction faced a person who was at the peak of the late stage of transformation.

The result of such a confrontation can be imagined, but I don't want to expose my whereabouts, so I will wait and see what happens for the time being.

The cultivator at the transformation stage named Luo Xiao had a handsome face, and his 30-year-old appearance was like a crown jade, which looked like a little boy.However, this person has obviously seen a big battle. Even after being surrounded by the other party, his face only showed a little fear.

He stretched out his hand and took out a simple round shield to sacrifice, and then it turned into a halo to block in front of him, and then he said: "Pang Xian, Pang Li, although we have some mistakes in the court, we are all doing our own thing. host."

Before Luo Xiao could finish speaking, the person at the head on the opposite side slowly pushed his upper body to hide his legs, and after revealing his true face, he turned out to be a tall and thin monk with a sharp mouth and monkey cheeks, which should be Pang Xian.As for the other person, it is naturally Pang Li, and his image is not much better. The fierce look on his face cut off Luo Xiao's retreat.

"Boy, isn't it because of the protection of Senior Yun and Her Majesty the Empress that you dismissed me and my brothers in the imperial court? It seems a little too late to start a relationship after you're out there, right?" The thin man laughed bitterly.

"Brother Xian, there is no need to talk too much with him. This time we have found Liuli Peak and we are going to investigate the Liuli Cave. I heard that there is a guardian monster inside that is very powerful. Let this boy be used as a bait to lure it out of the cave. Let me help you," Pang Li spat.

"That's true, kid, you heard what my brother said clearly, don't say that I won't give you a way to survive now, as long as you go down and lure the gold-eating beast in the glazed cave out of the cave, we won't make things difficult for you anymore, "Pang Xian said coldly again.

It is obvious that his words seem to be indistinguishable, and the steel whip spiritual weapon in his hand is full of inspiration, and he can strike anytime, anywhere.

When Luo Xiao saw it, a trace of bitterness appeared on his face. If a good man doesn't suffer from the loss in front of him, it is probably a dead end now.The possibility of him escaping from the attack of two monks at the early stage of distraction is extremely slim.

After thinking about it for a while, Luo Xiao still gritted his teeth and dropped down to prepare to enter the glazed cave for a fight, but he didn't know that there was a gust of wind blowing not far behind him, roughly thirty feet away from him.

After he found the entrance of the Liuli Cave, he sighed and plunged in. As for Yi Tian who was following behind, he stared at the entrance of the cave with a thoughtful expression on his face.The two people who swept across the sky with their spiritual thoughts found that they were waiting in a serious formation, and then they pulled away and followed Luo Xiao into the cave in a flash.

The entrance of this glazed cave was about three feet wide, and after a short walk, the passage began to shrink to about half of its original size.There are different fork roads around. At first, there were only three roads, one main road and two small roads.

Walking to the back, I found that more and more of the forked roads stretched underground like a spider web. After Yi Tian left, he found that he had lost Luo Xiao's whereabouts.Although the life and death of this person has nothing to do with him, but he should be Luo Ziyan's subordinate, Yi Tian thought in his heart whether he should try to help him secretly.

While kneeling, suddenly there was a violent spiritual pressure fluctuation in the depth of the passage in front of him. Needless to say, Luo Xiao should have encountered a gold-devouring beast.

I didn't expect this guy to be so reckless and directly shot in the cave passage. The spiritual pressure fluctuations in the air indicated that he should have already made a move.

Immediately after Yi Tian probed his divine sense along the direction of the passage, he found that Luo Xiao was rushing towards his direction.

Thirty feet away behind him, there were two green light flashes, and then he used his spiritual sense to check for a five-foot-sized four-legged gold-devouring beast.The green light is exactly the two eyes of the gold-devouring beast, and its strength is about that of the middle stage of distraction.

Obviously this spirit beast is the guardian monster here, and it is very agile even in the dark cave, even if it is familiar with the geographical environment here.

With Luo Xiao's escaping speed, he would run into him within ten breaths, so Yi Tian pulled away and retreated quickly.It is difficult to use it in such a small space, so it is better to retreat to the stone room at the fork in the back passage.

After thinking about it, he raised the breath-suppressing cloak and covered his whole body, then hurriedly retreated, and returned to the previous fork in the road after three breaths.But with a slight movement of the divine mind, a look of solemnity appeared on his face, and the divine mind detected that Pang Xian and Pang Li, who were originally in the air, had entered from the entrance of the glazed cave and were rushing towards him at this time.

These two guys didn't come early or late, and the timing was extremely clever.Yi Tian's face twitched slightly, then he found a small road at the intersection of the four forks and slipped in, and then suppressed the breath on his body to the lowest level, and the whole figure entered the stone wall.

Just after hiding their figures, the two groups of people arrived. Luo Xiao jumped out of the main road and joined the Pang Brothers.

The three of them looked at each other and then their eyes intertwined. They stood at the intersection of the four forked roads, and a low-pitched roar sounded in the passage in front of them, and then a gold-devouring beast crawled out of it.The two green lights flashed and stared at the three people in front of me for a while, then stared at Luo Xiao's back, then opened his mouth and roared: "You four dare to trespass into the Liuli Cave without the hand letter of Queen Asura, His crime deserves to be punished."

"Four," Pang Xian was startled when he heard this, and hurriedly searched with his divine sense, but he didn't find any suspicious signs.It's just that the words of the four-legged gold-devouring beast in front of you are lying, and immediately shouted: "We are here on behalf of Prince Wei to look for the glazed stone. Since you recognize Queen Asura, you shouldn't stop us."

"Prince Wei, I don't know him. I only recognize Queen Ashura's handwriting here," the four-legged gold-devouring beast opened its mouth and called.

After hearing this, Luo Xiao was overjoyed and hurriedly took out a jade tablet and said: "This is the token of the contemporary Queen Asura. I was ordered to come here to look for the Blue Star Diamond and ask seniors to look at it."

The four-legged gold-eating beast stared at the jade tablet for a while, and then said disdainfully without showing any smile on its face: "What Queen Asura, she is just a young girl, without Queen Luo Yilan's warrant or It’s the mark, don’t let any of you get in.”

As soon as this remark came out, the faces of the three people suddenly became very exciting, while Luo Xiao was full of doubts. Logically speaking, he had already taken out the queen's warrant to make the other party not even recognize it.

In addition, Luo Yilan, who was chanting in the mouth of the gold-devouring beast, seemed to have never heard of his deeds, so it was possible that he was the former queen.

(End of this chapter)

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