
Chapter 1494

Chapter 1494
Encountered a four-legged gold-devouring beast in Liuli Cave, Luo Xiao, Pang Xian and Pang Li, as if they were facing a big enemy, sacrificed spiritual weapons in front of them one after another.

Even the two Pang brothers were ready to run away anytime and anywhere because of the rapid operation of their spiritual power.

But the four-legged gold-devouring beast in front of him seemed to ignore the three of them at all, and after looking at it, it focused on Luo Xiao.To be precise, he focused his eyes on a certain place behind him, and after a long time, he turned his head and opened his mouth and roared: "If you can't get the Queen's edict or token, then you are trespassing on the Liuli Cave. So don’t blame me for being rude.”

After finishing the whole figure, it turned into a phantom afterimage and disappeared directly in place. After the sound of "whoosh", when it reappeared, it was already standing not far behind Pang Xian and Pang Li, blocking the passage of the future Living.

Such a four-legged gold-devouring beast blocked the owner in front of the cave at once like closing the door and beating a dog.

Then the aura on his body was boosted violently, and his cultivation broke through the eighth-level limit in an instant and reached the category of ninth-level monsters.Needless to say, this kind of cultivation has reached the initial stage of fusion, and immediately shocked the three people present.

Even Yi Tian, ​​who was hiding aside, showed nervousness on his face. There is no doubt that the four-legged gold-eating beast in front of him is definitely not blind.Half of its divine sense was locked on itself, and dealing with the other three was a matter of little effort, especially Luo Xiao who was not far in front of him was completely a soy sauce existence, and it didn't even get into its eyes.

Suddenly Pang Xian and the two moved, it seemed that they were unwilling to be stuck here and were ready to fight to the death.After the two flashes of spiritual light appeared in the cave, the spirit weapons of flying sword and steel knife greeted the four-legged gold-devouring beast.

At the same time, there were changes in the two of them. At this critical moment, Pang Xian didn't dare to hold back any more. After his hands were sealed, the image of Asura's Dharma body appeared on his body. shadow look.

Yi Tian, ​​who was staying in the dark, changed his face slightly, although he didn't fight them, but he could also find that Pang Xian's dharma body image had been cultivated a little bit, at least four eyes were opened, and Pang Li's phantom also had four eyes opened, but It is not one or two points worse than the movement technique of condensing the void and transforming the solid.

But even if it is such a visual inspection, the magical power of the two people is weaker than their own, but the spirit weapon flies to the front of the four-legged gold-devouring beast, and before it gets close to its body, it is protected by the golden light that flashed from it. Hold it.

After two beeps of 'Puff', the four-legged gold-devouring beast raised its front body and swung its claws out, knocking down the two spiritual weapons at the same time, and then it actually pinched the spiritual weapons with its claws and sent them to its mouth.

The sound of 'click, click' sounded, and within three breaths, the four-legged gold-devouring beast actually directly crushed the two spiritual weapons and slaughtered them into its stomach.

"This is its innate supernatural power. Our spirit weapon is nothing more than a snack for it," Pang Xian shouted sharply, "Let's do it together or we will all confess here."

After finishing speaking, he didn't care about so many. After the six arms formed seals in twos and twos, they unleashed three kinds of magical powers, fists, palms and fingers, to attack the four-legged gold-devouring beast at the same time.

Pang Li on the side was not to be outdone, and also controlled the six arms on the phantom of Asura's dharma body behind him, took out several spiritual weapons and attacked them again.

Luo Xiao, who was on the side, looked bitter when he saw it, and he also knew that he would have no chance if he didn't fight at this time.After stretching out his hands to seal the mudra, the image of Asura's dharma body appeared, but his dharma body only had two eyes open, but his six arms could seal the seal and cast spells at the same time, but the magical power of the magic power was much weaker than that of Pang Xian.

But when he was about to make a move, a voice came from his ear: "Quickly stop, if you want to die, you can follow those two people, but don't get me involved."

The person who spoke was Yi Tian, ​​who was watching the battle from the sidelines. After Pang Xian and others disturbed the situation just now, he recalled that this four-legged gold-eating beast is not unreasonable. It should be guarded again by Luo Yilan's order. nothing.

If you act recklessly, you will inevitably be regarded as an uninvited guest. As for Luo Xiao in front of you, he should be Luo Ziyan's confidant.In times of crisis, it is still easy to talk to Luo Ziyan after helping her.

Luo Xiao realized that the situation had changed with a slight shake of his figure. When he thought of the four-legged gold-eating beast mentioned earlier, cold sweat was dripping on his forehead. He didn't expect that there was a fourth person lurking beside him, and none of the three of them Discover.

Immediately, he hurriedly searched in that direction with his divine sense, and found a vague black figure standing behind him, slowly appearing.Those with such a cultivation level must be cultivators at the distraction stage. After calming down, Luo Xiao boldly replied via voice transmission: "I don't know which senior, please help me out of trouble. I will thank you very much afterwards."

"Luo Ziyan would send a monk like you to fetch treasures. I think she has been blinded by power and lost her mind after sitting on the empress seat for so many years," Yi Tian said coldly.

Unexpectedly, Luo Xiao's face changed slightly after hearing this, and a little blood appeared on his originally pale face.Those who can directly call the Queen's name must be trusted forces, and those who are not weak are probably hidden masters in the court.

Later, Luo Xiao still took out the defensive spirit weapon and put it in front of him before replying via voice transmission: "I don't know how to call the senior? The junior Forbidden Palace Commander and Deacon Luo Xiao is polite."

"Calm down and don't make a move. Let's sit on the mountain and watch the tigers fight, and then we can talk about those two people after they are dealt with," Yi Tian replied.

"Senior, why don't we take the opportunity to slip away? If we wait for the four-legged gold-devouring beast to recover, it will be too late for us to leave," Luo Xiao said helplessly.

"Didn't Luo Ziyan tell you to come and get the Blue Star Diamond, so you just go back and explain to her," Yi Tian said disdainfully: "Don't worry, those two won't last long."

Just as the situation on the scene changed again, the four-legged gold-eating beast showed its might just as Yi Tian said. It easily broke through the defenses of Pang Xian and Pang Li with just two grasps on its hands, and then it was on the two of them. It snapped.

Immediately, the two of them were photographed several feet away like a kite with a broken string, and their bodies were deeply embedded in the passageway.At this time, the two of them were covered in blood red from top to bottom, and there were two depressions the size of half a foot on their chests.

It's no wonder that the four-legged gold-devouring beast has extraordinary strength, and just a simple move will kill two people and a half.

At this time, Yi Tian was also in a good heart to insure that he didn't make a rash move, otherwise even if he retreated, he would have to pay a lot of money.

In a blink of an eye, the figure of the four-legged gold-devouring beast flashed again, then pounced on the two of them, bit off their heads, chewed them, and swallowed them.

This kind of behavior really made Luo Xiaokan's feet tremble, and it took a long time to see the four-legged gold-devouring beast before turning his head to stare at the two of them and said: "Now it's your turn."

(End of this chapter)

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