
Chapter 149 Visit

Chapter 149 Visit
A month later, Yi Tian, ​​who was flying in mid-air, looked at the map in his hand, and found that he was still hundreds of miles away from Medicine Valley.Ever since the Dongjiang state affairs were over, Qu Yifeng and the Discipline Hall who had come over to support him escorted the two captives back to the Zongmen.

In the previous conversation with Huashicheng, Yi Tian learned that because of the forced foundation building, Huashicheng had exhausted all his heritage, and the hidden diseases left over from the past years had not been well removed. It is a blessing to be able to practice to the middle stage of foundation establishment in one's life.If you want to cultivate to the late stage of foundation establishment, you have to find some natural treasures or go to the Medicine Valley to obtain the 'Spiritual Replenishment Pill'.

After counting the time, there are still nearly two and a half years before the Xuanling Sect's Xuanling reward, and Yi Tian's cultivation base in the middle stage of foundation establishment is temporarily unable to improve. Why don't you visit Zhu Chen at the Qihuangmen and his party, by the way The matter of 'Ling Yun Bu Shen Pill'.This guy blackmailed himself once in Jiuxiaolou. Although it was said to be a real money transaction, Yi Tian always felt that it was not a big deal. Going to meet him this time is also considered to have agreed to his invitation back then.

The straight-line distance from Dongjiang Country to Medicine Valley is not far, about two thousand miles away, but Yi Tian dare not go there as a disciple of the Chiyang Sect. The three northern sects are clearly independent, but Qi Huang The door still has a relatively close relationship with those two families in private.

Medicine Valley is located in the northeast of Dongao Continent, just like the Chiyang Sect, the sea is to the east, so Yi Tian flew along the coastline all the way to the north, and if there are monks passing by on the way, most of them keep more than ten The safe distance in the distance does not interfere with each other.

Along the winding coastline, Yi Tian also flies and stops, and takes out a map to mark every place he goes. The map taken from Huashi City is still very detailed in the south, but the further you go north, you will find The problem came out, many places were not clearly marked, so Yi Tian didn't dare to venture in, so as not to accidentally break into some cultivation families or places like the elixir valley marked by the Qihuang Gate.

The entire Medicine Valley is a blessed place for the inner disciples of the Qihuang Sect. Whether it is foreign visits, seeking pills, detoxification, etc., they are all carried out in the outer gate thirty miles away from the Medicine Valley.All visiting monks need to ask for pills or alchemists they want to see in the request hall of the outer door, unless the monks at the Jindan stage can directly enter the important area of ​​the inner door.

When Yi Tian arrived here, he found that the entire outer gate was like a huge market. There were many monks who came to ask for elixirs, and more monks came to sell medicinal materials.According to the news from the street market, the medicinal materials consumed by the entire Qihuangmen are calculated at the rate of [-] catties a year, most of which are reserved for alchemists in the Qi refining period.Most of the medicinal materials used by high-level alchemists are cultivated in the sect themselves or found in those secret realms.

After walking a few streets, Yi Tian found a Lingzhi store, and looked at the signboard saying 'Vippinzhai', and there were also some signs on the wall asking for missions or asking for elixir.Yi Tian just suppressed his cultivation in the early stage of foundation establishment, and then entered Qihuangmen after putting on a human skin mask.Seeing that it was written on the wall of this shop that there is the most complete spiritual plant spectrum in Dongao area for sale, Yi Tian also had a sudden idea. The two seeds he got from Xie Chuanjie at that time used one with a different quality, and another One is left in the storage ring, and this time I took the opportunity to come to Medicine Valley to be able to identify it.

After entering the door, a waiter came up to receive him. Seeing that Yi Tian was a monk in the Foundation Establishment Stage, he invited him directly to the second floor. After the servant served the tea, he said "Honorable guest, wait a minute, and then closed the door of the room. Yi Tian After Tian waited in the room for less than half an hour, the Lingzhi master from the store opened the door and came in.

When Yi Tian looked up, the same words suddenly came out of the two people in the room: "Why is it you?" It was Zhu Xin who came in. This is the second time Yi Tian met her, once on the Jiuxiao Tower, once It is the second round of discussions on medicinal pills in the City Lord's Mansion of Fanxing City.

The mask that Yi Tian is wearing now is the one used in the second round of elixirs, so Zhu Xin recognized it as soon as he entered the door.The two looked at each other and Zhu Xin was not weak. He lost last time, but the loss was due to alchemy techniques.

In fact, Zhu Xin also admired Liu Piaopiao and Yang Liuqing very much. They were able to refine the Qiankun Pill by breaking the rules on a sudden whim. Even Zhu Chen said afterwards: "This time the defeat is not unjust, and the same supplementary material was added once. Qi Huang Lingyan milk only facilitated the fusion of yin and yang medicinal materials, which the other party actually passed through directly, and Xuanling Qingye can indeed improve the rank of the elixir, generally speaking, Liu Piaopiao's skill is superior One chip."

It was a coincidence that they met again this time, and Zhu Xin was determined not to let the person in front of him go, so he had to ask about the refining method.

Seeing Zhu Xin's menacing look, Yi Tian also had lingering fears. The strong dragon does not overwhelm the snake, and he dared not make a mistake on the territory of Qihuangmen. , if people knew that he came to Qihuangmen ostentatiously, he would have to be chopped up and fed to the dogs.

I heard Yi Tian ask: "The main purpose of my visit this time is to buy this book of spiritual planting. I wonder if there are detailed scrolls for sale in Guibaozhai?"

That Zhu Xin is also unabated, he walked up to sit down and talked eloquently: "I don't think you look like an alchemist, the way of sorting medicine is so rough, I really don't know how Liu Piaopiao found you , but to be honest, your methods of alchemy are good, so you don't mind sharing it."

In fact, Zhu Xin also tried it on purpose. This method of alchemy is a secret that is not passed on. Generally speaking, it is passed down from master to apprentice. If the person in front of him is an alchemist, he will never agree.

But Yitian is just an alchemist for a few months, how could he know the Taoism in it, he took out a jade slip and engraved the double fire spinning technique created by Liu Piaopiao and Liu Piaopiao when refining Qiankun Dan, and then said : "How about this, I'll exchange your alchemy technique for your spirit planting tree, do you think it's okay, if there are still shortcomings in spirit stones, I can refund more and make up less, anyway, it won't make you suffer."

Before Yi Tian finished speaking, he saw Zhu Xin directly say "Deal," and then quickly took out a copy of the Lingzhi spectrum from his storage bracelet, re-engraved it on a blank jade slip, and confronted Yi Tian. changed.

Seeing that the transaction went so smoothly, Yi Tian was also full of joy, and the next step was to visit Zhu Chen. With Zhu Xin here, he only needed to send a message to save himself from going to visit again.

So Yi Tian went on to say: "Can I ask Miss Zhu Xin to pass on Brother Ling on your behalf, saying that it is an old friend from the six sects' trial secret realm who came to talk about it."

And Zhu Xin just looked at Yi Tian in surprise, thinking that this person is actually an old acquaintance of his brother, so he should not be neglected, so he took out the Zongmen jade card to send a message to Zhu Chen, and then got up to leave. After taking the jade slip, he quickly left.

Yi Tian was the only one left in the room again. Taking this opportunity, Yi Tian directly used his spiritual sense to reach into the Lingzhi spectrum, and looked up the spectrum of that seed, but after looking through it, there was only one kind of seed called Jade Gourd with seven or eight seeds. It is similar in appearance, but under the map of Jade Jade Gourd, it is clearly recorded that it can be used to store spiritual liquids such as 'Tianyi Shenshui', 'Qihuang Lingyan Milk' or 'Xuanling Qingye' to ensure that its spiritual energy will not be lost within a hundred years.

After thinking for a while, Yi Tian ordered the boy to take a green jade gourd and some gourd seeds to have a look, but when he got it, he found that the aura contained in such a green jade gourd was not as high as imagined, and the gourd seeds were indeed as The description in the Lingzhi spectrum is far from my own, and even the aura contained in it is too different.

While wondering, the door opened, and this time it was Zhu Chen who came in with Zhu Xin.Yi Tian immediately got up and cupped his hands and said, "Brother Zhu Chen, we meet again after a long absence."

Zhu Chen also laughed jokingly and said, "Should I call you Yang Liuqing, or that masked craftsman, or Brother Tiger Head, or?"

Seeing this, Yi Tian didn't dare to let him go on, he hurriedly smiled and said, "I'm now Yang Liuqing, an alchemist hired by Xinglin Hall, you and I can be called brothers." In fact, Yi Tian under the mask began to act Khan, just because he passed the Chiyang faction camp after the trial, he knew that he would not be able to hide it from him, but if he really wanted to reveal his true identity, Yi Tian had to leave immediately.

Zhu Chen also went to the end, and then asked the two to sit down and talk. After the two sat down, Zhu Chen directly asked Yi Tian why he came, and when he heard that he asked for a "Ling Yun Bu Shen Pill", his facial muscles twitched for a moment.Looking at Yi Tian's expectant eyes, Zhu Chen just opened a sound-proof barrier and said: "This 'Ling Yun Bu Shen Pill' is a fifth-level elixir that can only be refined by Jindan monks, and it is specially used to supplement foundation building. A monk whose foundation is damaged can be regarded as a high-level elixir, and I don’t think you look like the one whose foundation was damaged during foundation establishment, or you wouldn’t be able to practice to the middle stage of foundation establishment.”

Hearing such a result, Yi Tian also feels sorry for Huashi City, it's not that he didn't try his best, if he wants to find an alchemist to refine the fifth-level elixir, it has to be exchanged with a corresponding price.Then Yi Tian asked Xia Zhu Chen if he had any alternative pills or elixir, and the answer he got was that he could find some supplementary pills refined with Xiantian Lingbao, which would also have three or four points of effect.

Yitian can only help here with the affairs of the Huashi City, and he will probably go to buy some pills later.Then Yi Tian took out the spirit planting technique and asked directly: "Brother Zhu Chen, do you know that your school has other more advanced spiritual planting maps?"

Zhu Chen also had doubts on his face. My sister just explained that Yi Tian came to buy the spirit planting technique, and has already engraved the most complete spirit planting technique in the store for him. Now that Yi Tian has this doubt, there must be some I asked for it.

Seeing Zhu Xin shaking his head, Yi Tian also felt that there was nothing to be done, but Zhu Chen smiled and said: "The most complete spiritual planting technique of the despicable school is the 'Ten Thousand Chapters of Spiritual Medicine' placed in the Zongmen scripture building, but even if it is the book Sect disciples must have great sect contribution points to exchange for it, if you have your method of refining Qiankun Pill, then I may have the opportunity to exchange it for you."

After listening, Yi Tian looked suspiciously at the two brothers and sisters in front of him and said, "Didn't I just give the alchemy formula to Lingmei? How about I make another copy for you, can you exchange it for me?" ?" After speaking, he glanced at Zhu Xin, who was pretending to be ignorant, and Zhu Chen, whose face was about to go berserk.

(End of this chapter)

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