
Chapter 150 Implicated

Chapter 150 Implicated
Outside the blessed land of Medicine Valley, there are streaks of cooking smoke everywhere, which were formed by the outer disciples of the Qihuangmen who were burning alchemy.After following Zhu Chen into the Medicine Valley Paradise, this situation changed completely. It was basically the same as the Chiyang Sect's Inner Paradise Paradise, full of singing birds and fragrant flowers.But Yitian is not in the mood to appreciate these beautiful scenery now, and the purpose of following Zhu Chen into the inner gate is to meet his master Cheng Xiangxu.

Last time in the second alchemy competition in Fanxing City, the combination of Yi Tian and Liu Piaopiao made Cheng Xiangxu unable to get off the stage. With Liu Yue's insistence, Liu Piaopiao got the alchemy room of the Breaking Barrier Pill as he wished.

But the good times don't last long, there is a channel of the main medicine Ziyou Xianglan in this barrier-breaking pill, which is controlled by Yaogu, and it is very rare outside, it is said that only some dragon caves will have this kind of accompanying spirit grass.Therefore, even if Liu Piaopiao got the pill formula, it is impossible to refine a large amount of pills.

The Ziyou Fragrant Orchid that accidentally appeared in Fenghua City last time was also photographed by Yi Tian by chance, and was later given to Nangong Qianyun.Now there is a third-level elixir in Yitian's storage bag, as long as he finds a way to cultivate it, he will have the main medicine of the Breaking Barrier Pill.

This time, I wanted to use Zhu Chen's channel to exchange for the 'Elixir Wanpian', but I didn't expect that things didn't go as smoothly as expected.This time, after Zhu Chen submitted the refining method of Qiankun Pill that Yi Tian took out to his master Cheng Xiangxu, he made a request that he need to meet Yi Tian.

In desperation, Zhu Chen had no choice but to go back to 'Vippinzhai' and inform Yi Tian again. After some consideration, Yi Tian decided to contact Cheng Xiangxu to see what he wanted.

Almost all outsiders are not allowed to enter the important inner gate of Medicine Valley, even if Zhu Chen brought Yi Tian in with his master's token, he was checked by the guards at the gate for a long time before he was allowed to go.For this, Zhu Chen could only smile awkwardly at Yi Tian with an apologetic expression, and the latter just nodded to express his understanding.

Under the leadership of Zhu Chen, the two of them slowly flew to a towering mountain peak in the valley. Jindan monks usually monopolize the entire mountain alone, unlike those monks in the foundation building period who usually have three or four people. The caves are all crowded together.

This Golden Core cultivator is like a noble family in the mortal world, a detached house, and will not live in a townhouse like a foundation cultivator, let alone a flat-to-poor one.

With the imperial weapon in mid-air, Zhu Chen punched a sound-transmitting tactic into the restraint, and after three breaths, a ten-foot-sized hole was opened in the restraint, and the two of them quickly got in.

Half a moment later, Yi Tian followed Zhu Chen and sat in the golden core monk's cave. Yi Tian looked around. The aura concentration of Cheng Xiangxu's blessed land was not much worse than his own cave, and the whole cave was not big. In the living room, I saw that there were two small rooms inside.

I heard Zhu Chen explain: "A cave is a elixir garden, which specializes in planting special medicines, and the main room is the alchemy room. Generally, alchemists spend most of their time next to the alchemy furnace, even for cultivation. "

The two sat in front of the stone platform in the main hall and waited for an hour before they saw the door of the main room was opened, and Cheng Xiangxu walked out from inside with a expressionless face.Yi Tian didn't dare to lose in front of Jindan monks, let alone begged from others, so he hurriedly stood up and saluted Cheng Xiangxu.Zhu Chen, who was beside him, saluted and said: "Master, the apprentice you want to see has already been brought."

After hearing this, Cheng Xiangxu just nodded, then strode to the opposite side of the two and sat down, then waved his hand to signal to sit down and talk.Yi Tian saw that the other party looked him up and down, so he had to wait for the next article.

It took a long time before Cheng Xiangxu said: "This is not your true face, kid from the Chiyang faction."

Turning his head to look at Zhu Chen, Yi Tian wondered if he had leaked his old background, and the latter looked aggrieved, and just said: "I didn't say anything."

"Don't get me wrong, I've seen it from your alchemy techniques and the strength of the pill fire. If I'm not wrong, you should be a craftsman, right?" Cheng Xiangxu said with a smile.

In fact, Yi Tian did not rely on Zhu Chen to reveal the news. The other party can determine his identity, and the lunar calendar is the same. There must be something exposed back then, but he didn't notice it.Then Yi Tian also replied respectfully: "The junior dare not show his true face to others because he is afraid of causing misunderstanding. I don't know what the senior asked me for. If I can solve it, it must be unavoidable."

After sitting down, Cheng Xiangxu went on to say: "I don't care what your identity is, I'm looking for you this time mainly about the double fire alchemy technique you brought over."

Yi Tian asked puzzledly: "Does the senior think there is something wrong with this method? I just summed it up after more than a dozen experiments with Liu Piaopiao. Although it can't be said to be perfect, there is also a certain basis for it."

Cheng Xiangxu waved his hand and said: "I have read your alchemy formula, and it is indeed good. What I want to know is if it is possible for three people to concoct alchemy at the same time?"

Looking at the other party's attitude, it doesn't look like a fake, and just mentioned that the three of them practice alchemy at the same time, Yi Tian couldn't help thinking for a while before replying: "I don't know how the alchemist's cultivation is, and what is the attribute of the alchemy fire?" ?”

Seeing that Yi Tian asked about the idea, Cheng Xiangxu also took a serious look, and then said: "If I, you and Zhu Xin try to make alchemy at the same time, is it okay?"

This is really difficult for Yi Tian, ​​if three people are required to take action at the same time, then the refined medicine must be extraordinary, it must be above level five.Even Zhu Chen next to him looked at Yi Tian nervously, wondering if this was feasible.

"I don't know if senior can tell the truth about the matter, then I can give an answer after careful consideration." When encountering this matter, Yi Tian didn't dare to guarantee it. It's a great opportunity, if it fails, then you can figure it out yourself.

Now it was Cheng Xiangxu's turn to be silent, and it took him a while to tell the truth. It turned out that Ke Manzi from the Yin Corpse Sect came to Medicine Valley to ask for a golden pill for his descendants, but I heard that his grandson When Ke Zhihao practiced kung fu in his early years, something went wrong, which caused a serious imbalance between the cathode and the yang.If he took Qiankun Pill to reconcile it, it would only treat the symptoms but not the root cause. Ke Manzi found a solution after searching through many pill books. Although it was a narrow escape, it was better than waiting to die there.

Yi Tian and Zhu Chen, who were sitting next to each other, looked fearful. This job is not easy to take over. They also looked bitter when they saw Cheng Xiangxu. The two knew that he must have been annoyed by Ke Manzi for a long time, so they found two After discussing with others, there is absolutely no way out.

Feeling that the cold sweat on his head has been lying down, this matter is now stuck, Yi Tian doesn't think that if he says 'powerless', he will let him go.If he really dared to say that, he probably wouldn't be able to get out of this cave today. Yi Tian turned his head to look at Zhu Chen with an angry expression on his face. Is this guy just a scammer?Zhu Chen, who was beside him, also had a sad face. The master had already called the roll at this point, and he had to do it if he didn't do it. I was really worried about my sister.

After thinking about it for a while, Yi Tian also felt that there was no way out and asked directly: "Senior, just tell me the main points of refining the elixir, how about the three of us together?"

Seeing Yi Tian being so forthright, Cheng Xiangxu loosened his frown a little, and then explained what Ke Manzi gave this time.After listening for a quarter of an hour, the two of them suddenly realized that Yi Tian also sincerely admired this Ke Manzi, and actually thought of a method of "embedding a pill in a pill" to directly solve this problem.

According to Cheng Xiangxu's original words, Ke Manzi asked him to refine a special golden knot pill, which contained a normal golden knot pill, but was wrapped with Qiankun pill on the outside, so that there was a pill in the pill.In this way, his grandson Ke Zhihao could directly take this Qiankunjie Golden Elixir after he had practiced the Foundation Establishment Dzogchen, first to reconcile Yin and Yang, and then directly hit the Golden Elixir stage.

After Cheng Xiangxu explained, he said to Yi Tian and Zhu Chen earnestly: "This golden knot pill needs to be formed once, that is to say, while I am refining the golden knot pill, you two will cooperate to refine the Qiankun pill in the pill furnace." , while forming the golden elixir and congealing the elixir, you have to wrap it in the elixir of the Qiankun elixir, and then form it in one go."

This kind of Yi Tian who was sitting on the seat hadn't made a sound yet, but Zhu Chen next to him spoke first: "Master, isn't it that the three of you are required to cooperate seamlessly? Once the Qiankun Pill is out of balance, it will definitely affect the knot in it." Jin Dan."

Cheng Xiangxu also said with a helpless face: "There is no way to do this, there is no such precedent in the Qihuangmen for hundreds of years, and I only made this decision based on the records of the pills brought by Ke Manzi hundreds of years ago. Moreover, the Qihuangmen can't offend Ke Manzi. Regardless of his lack of reputation, he can't help but be the current head of the Yin Corpse Sect. Even the Yin Corpse Old Ghost Yin Li Xing is his younger brother. It is impossible to dismantle the bones and train them into a silver-armored corpse."

Seeing that even the master was so afraid of Ke Manzi, Zhu Chen felt a little heartbroken, so he had to turn around to look at Yi Tian with a guilty look.

Unexpectedly, Yi Tian wiped the sweat from his forehead and said: "Senior, what are we waiting for, we can act immediately." Seeing that Yi Tian agreed, Cheng Xiangxu was also relieved, and he could only rely on this kid in front of him. He tried his best to help, and before he could say a word, he heard Yi Tian continue: "I also have a few conditions, as long as the senior agrees."

Now even Zhu Chen couldn't see it, and hurriedly pulled Yi Tian's sleeve and said, "Brother Yang, you dare to ask for conditions at this time."

On the contrary, Cheng Xiangxu looked at it with a smile on his face and replied: "You say, as long as it is a reasonable request."

Seeing such a situation, Yi Tian also directly opened his mouth and opened up the conditions.

Firstly, this special and ordinary pill furnace will definitely not work, so Yi Tian asked to re-refine a three tripod furnace, so that when the three people agree to make pills at the same time, their respective flames will not interfere with each other. The cauldron belongs to him.

Second, Qihuangmen's "Elixir Wanpian" must be handed over first.

Third, I have to practice refining Qiankun Dan with Zhu Xin for a period of time, and all materials must be provided in unlimited quantities.

Fourth, the formula for forming the golden pill should also be engraved.

Fifth, you must not reveal your identity after the matter is completed, and the Qihuangmen will not be able to pursue the matter of intervening in the alchemy of Fanxing City, and there will be a labor fee of [-] spirit stones. Leaving Qihuangmen, you can ignore the matter of Dan Jie.

After hearing these conditions, Zhu Chen was also dumbfounded. The conditions were too outrageous, and Yi Tian took all the benefits.But Cheng Xiangxu replied after listening: "You can't take the alchemy furnace away, and you can agree to other things, on the condition that you must cooperate with Zhu Xin to help me refine the golden elixir of heaven and earth, and also use the heart demon to rob it, You can’t leave until the alchemy is completed. As for the later alchemy, I’m still very sure about the Qihuangmen, so you don’t need to worry about it.”

Seeing that Yi Tian nodded, the three of them decided on the process of refining the elixir and started to prepare.

(End of this chapter)

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