
Chapter 1496 Shocking News

Chapter 1496 Shocking News
Although the four-legged gold-devouring beast turned into a human form and saw the Asura Dharma Body and the mark on his forehead respectful, Yi Tian didn't dare to make mistakes. The strength suppressed the cultivation base.

Besides, I don't know him very well, and his tone seems to be not very respectful to the former Asura Queen Luo Yilan.After thinking about it in my heart, I decided to try to use clichés to find out the other party's old background before I have the confidence to continue talking.

After thinking about it, he sighed softly and said: "I once saw the clues left by seven Mahayana monks in the depths of the Daxue Mountain in the Buddha Spirit World. , I don’t know how much you know about him.”

Hearing Luo Qin's name, Gold Devouring Beast showed a smile of admiration and replied: "Your Excellency does not know, my emperor Luo Qin can be said to be No. 1 in the Nine Realms of the Spirit. The cultivation base reaches the middle stage of Mahayana."

"Oh, you remember things from such a long time ago, but it seems that you were not even born at that time. I don't know where you heard this news?" Yi Tian asked pretending not to believe it.

"Your Excellency, I don't know that our gold-eating beast can live for ten thousand years. As for this matter, I heard it from Jia Yan, and Jia Yan is my emperor's contracted spirit beast," said the gold-eating beast with a serious face. .

It turns out that there are spirit beasts left by Luo Qin in charge here, so it is impossible for ordinary people to take advantage of it.No wonder he would call Luo Yilan's name directly, I'm afraid the backstage is not so tough.

After thinking about it, Yi Tian calmed down and said, "I haven't asked the name of the senior after chatting for a long time?"

"No, sir, you can just call me Yaojing," the four-legged spirit devouring beast replied.

"Senior Yaojing can also call me by my real name, Yi Tian, ​​so it's not unreasonable," Yi Tian said with a smile.

"No," Yaojing said in a hurry, "my lord is the heir of my emperor, so I don't dare to be called an equal. Please take care of me after I break through and become a Mahayana monk in time."

Unexpectedly, the other party thought of him so highly, Yitian also said in his heart, "Why did you confirm my identity?"

"It's not that I'm sure, but when the first emperor left, he left a divination jade book, and his successor described in it is the one-of-a-kind Asura Dharma body form with good thoughts, and the sun crown and your appearance It's exactly the same," Yaojing explained.

Now Yi Tian felt uneasy, and to be honest, he looked like he was going to give it a go today.In order to delay the time before showing Asura's dharma body, and the corona behind his back has used all his long-term spiritual power savings to use one of the opponent's violent attacks, he is afraid that he will not be able to stand up.

Unexpectedly, this appearance made Yaojing misunderstand her own identity. Speaking of which, she never wanted to have anything to do with the Asura royal family.

It seems that she still has doubts about eating less frying, but Yaojing suggested: "Your Excellency may be puzzled, why not go deep into the bottom of the Liuli Cave with me for a while, and I will explain this matter slowly on the way."

This is not a solution, Yi Tian thought that he would go to get a Qiqiao glass core for Luo Ziyan.It was unavoidable to go deep into the bottom of the cave, turned his head to look at Luo Xiao who was sleeping on the side, stretched out his hand and pinched a magic formula to cover him directly.

Then he took off the breath-suppressing cloak on his body and covered him completely to hide his figure.This person is Luo Ziyan's confidant, and I may still have a lot of things that I need to entrust him to handle on my behalf in the future, so I should arrange him first before taking action.

A moment later, under the leadership of Yaojing, Yi Tian followed closely behind and shuttled quickly within the cave at a distance of three feet.The cobweb passage below is much more complicated than I expected. If there is no guide, I am afraid that I will easily get lost in it, let alone find the seven-hole glazed core.

After walking through the underground passage for an unknown amount of time, the two finally came to a stone room at the end.The spiritual mind swept across the place about a hundred feet wide, and in front of it was a pool with a radius of seventy or eighty feet. In the middle of the pool was a solitary rocky island with a void gap above it.

Yaojing stretched out his hand and pointed: "My lord, we have arrived at the Liuli Pond. In the middle is the gate leading to the Linglong Paradise. Only descendants of the former emperor can pass through."

Yi Tian turned around and looked at the void gap in front of him, and then asked: "Is the Qiqiao glass core in it?"

Yaojing shook his head when he heard the words, "No, the seven-aperture glazed core is at the bottom of the lake, as long as you dive in, you can find it."

"Where is that Linglong blessed land? Why do you insist on asking me to go in?" Yi Tian asked in confusion.

"It seems to me that although your lord is cultivating the image of the Asura Dharma body with good thoughts, it seems that there is no matching supernatural power, and the former emperor Luo Qin once asked his family to strictly order us to point out the way for his successor," Yaojing said in this way.

It turned out to be the case, but Yi Tian thought for a while before replying: "I have already cultivated the Asura dharma body and the sun-covering and moon-closing poses. Isn't this considered a supporting technique and supernatural power?"

"Covering the sun and closing the moon, this exercise is indeed a technique passed down from generation to generation by the Asura clan, and it is infinitely powerful when combined with the sun and moon." Yaojing said that there was no awe in the face of these two exercises. .

I just heard him continue: "It's just that adults don't know that the Asura clan's exercises are also divided into men and women. Although the two styles of covering the sun and closing the moon are powerful, only female Asuras can display [-]% of their power. As for men, they can only reach [-]% at most. That's all."

As soon as this remark came out, Yi Tian's face changed drastically, Yao Jing's remark really hit the point.I remember meeting Luo Ziyan when I was in Qingfeng Old City in the spirit world, and saw that the moves she performed with the sun and moon brilliance wheel were more than twice as powerful as my own.

At the beginning, I only thought it was the difference in skill and cultivation that caused such a phenomenon, but now after listening to Yaojing's explanation, it suddenly dawned on me.Emotion himself also practiced the wrong skills, so the supernatural powers of this half-baked man can't be compared with Luo Ziyan's.

Turning around and laughing: "In this case, I really should go to Linglong Paradise to check and see what senior Luo Qin left behind. It's just that I still need a seven-aperture glazed core for this trip, and this matter needs to be resolved first Down."

"My lord, you don't need to worry, I will do it for you, but you still need to keep a copy for yourself in the secret realm of Asura's fire domain," Yaojing replied.

"Why?" Yi Tian was puzzled.

"That's a necessary auxiliary material for Asura monks to break into the fusion stage," Yaojing said.

"There is such a thing?" Yi Tian screamed, suddenly realized that he had lost his composure, lowered his voice and calmed down, and said, "I don't know if there is a limit to the advanced place, you have to go to the fire field deep in the Asura Palace Underground?"

"That's not necessarily the case, it's just that male and female Asuras need to find places of extreme anode and yin respectively. As for the land of fire, it can be regarded as an excellent place to advance," Yaojing said.

(End of this chapter)

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