
Chapter 1497 Delicate

Chapter 1497 Delicate
Unexpectedly, there are so many conditions and restrictions for the Asura monks to advance to the body, such as the seven-hole glass core under the water pool is an indispensable auxiliary thing, and the male and female Asuras still need to advance in different environments.

From this point of view, it can be seen that monks who can buy the fusion stage after meeting such harsh conditions are really rare, but from another point of view, their strength must be far superior to other monks of the same level.

If you go down to practice and go to the advanced Mahayana, you will definitely be able to disdain the Nine Realms of the Spirit.No wonder it is not unreasonable that the Asura tribe can occupy the largest blessed land in the Nine Realms of the Upper Spirit with such a small population.

It's just that my natal exercise is still Lihuo Nine Changes, and of course I never thought about changing to other exercises.In this way, I don't know if it will affect my cultivation and breaking into the integration stage.

After thinking about it, Yi Tian still felt that he had to ask this matter clearly before he could make a decision. With a light cough, he retracted his thoughts and then turned around and asked, "I am now a member of both the Ashura clan and the Buddhist sect. Does crossing the catastrophe at the stage of integration have any impact on the Asura Clan's skills?"

"This matter is more troublesome. The best way is to break through based on the skills of the Asura clan. There is nothing wrong with it." Yaojing thought for a while and replied: "If you forcefully use the skills of the Buddha sect to break through the bottleneck of the fusion period, what will happen afterwards? When the Asura Dharma Body is cast, the cultivation base will drop to the strength of the peak of distraction."

"Why?" Yi Tian asked puzzled.

"I can't tell you the specific situation, but Jia Yan mentioned that my emperor Luo Qin used to be like this. In the end, when he broke through the integration period, he encountered two catastrophes because of the mixed mode of the two exercises. " Yaojing said.

So that's the case, I didn't expect there to be such a troublesome thing. I have never experienced such a situation when I advanced many times before. It seems that this advanced integration period is worthy of being one of the three most critical hurdles in the practice.I have learned before that the most difficult and dangerous first hurdle for a cultivator is to break the pill and become a baby.

Once you become a Taoist Nascent Soul, you have made a leap on the road, and it is possible to kill the early stage of Jindan by leaping over the steps like the foundation building peak.But under normal circumstances, it is completely impossible for Jindan late stage to kill Yuanying early stage. This is not because the watershed between the two levels is like a natural moat, crossing this gap is another world.

As for the second hurdle, breaking through from the distraction stage to the integration stage, I have been practicing smoothly before.Even a little trouble was innocuous, but now it was different.

The Taoist Nascent Soul that has been cultivated since the Nascent Soul stage has been transformed into a god, and the two distractions have been condensed to the extreme.As for the fusion period, the Nascent Soul body can fly out of the body to manipulate and display supernatural powers in person.

This is like the process of an immature baby growing into a child to a teenager and finally to a crown. It is not a matter of quantity at all.

What I am about to face now is the second hurdle on the road. I have never considered this before because the integration period is an unattainable state for ordinary monks, and there is no need to think about it at all.

But now Yi Tian has to take it seriously, because for so many years in the demon world, he has cultivated the same body of gods and demons to a certain degree, and his cultivation base has skyrocketed to the middle stage of distraction.

If it weren't for the fact that Lihuo Nine Changes Kung Fu requires specific circumstances to advance, he and Beng wouldn't need to suppress the progress of his cultivation.Relying on one's own experience, one can cultivate to the late stage of distraction and even the state of Dzogchen.

After much deliberation now, we still have to treat this matter with caution. After all, the advanced fusion period is definitely not a trivial matter. Besides, in the Nine Realms of the Upper Spirit, except for a little more monks in the fusion period of the Buddha and Spirit Realm, the rest of the circles are also rare. Like a slap.So it is definitely not that simple to advance, unless you are more than [-]% sure, you can take the risk.

Seeing that he seemed to be lost in thought, the goblin didn't rush to urge him to wait quietly.Later, Yi Tian sighed and said: "Okay, I will enter Linglong blessed land to explore first, and you can guard it for me outside. And the seven-aperture glazed core, please."

"Your Excellency, feel free to go, I will take care of this place," Yaojing said with a serious face.

After explaining, Yi Tian's figure flashed and flew directly to the small island in the middle of the pool.Facing the gap, he sized it up, and then glanced at a three-foot-high stone tablet not far in front of him, on which was written the four characters Linglong Fudi in golden seal characters.

Yi Tian was taken aback since he entered the spirit world, and only in the Sumi interface of those fairy world fragments would he see You Jin's writing.I didn't expect to see this kind of text here. Needless to say, there may be information left over from the fairy world.

Then stretched out six hands to make seals one after another, aimed lightly at the seal on the gap, and the spiritual power of the six hands was divided into six points and penetrated into the barrier to open a three-foot-sized opening.Seeing this, Yi Tian smiled at the corner of his mouth and drew away, leaving an afterimage on the spot, and the main body did indeed rush in from the cracked place in an instant.

After coming to Neizhong, Yi Tian found that his body lost weight suddenly and sank down.After a while, I felt my feet touching the ground. After standing still, I came back to my senses and looked around for the next time, and found that I was standing in the center of a temple.

Looking up, I saw that the passage I came from was about ten feet above the ground.There are some huge broken stone statues all around. It is obvious that a fierce battle broke out here and destroyed these statues.

Could it be that Luo Qin did it, this thought flashed through Yi Tian's mind, and he quickly denied it.Reaching out his hand to take out the Taiyuan Sword, he raised Dao Jian Guangchao across the wreckage of the stone statue, but what surprised him was that the all-conquering Lingyaohua Qianshu could only leave a thin trace on these wreckage.

The power of this move is very clear in my heart, not to mention the stone statue, even the heavenly defensive spirit weapon is very difficult to hold myself under the control of someone.

But the situation in front of him forced him to be cautious, put away the Taiyuan sword and continued to walk forward, and counted in his mind that there are five stone statues here, the one in the middle is sitting cross-legged on the ground, and the other four are in twos and twos. Relatively arranged left and right.

Going forward, I saw that most of the stone statue in the middle was also destroyed, and it was almost impossible to distinguish its real appearance.But one thing can be seen that the head of the stone statue fell to the ground intact, and after looking over it, it turned out that there were three heads of Asura Dharma Body.

Yi Tian's eyelids trembled slightly, thinking, could it be that the person enshrined here is the ancestor of the Asura clan.After scanning with his divine sense, he found that there was a stone table three feet long and one foot wide in front of the sitting stone statue, and there seemed to be writing on the table.

Zimang flashed in his eyes and used the magic pupil to take a panoramic view of the writing on the stone table, but he said: "It's written in golden seal script again."

 Thanks for the support of Taoist 161225205412163

(End of this chapter)

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