
Chapter 1498 Magical Powers

Chapter 1498 Magical Powers

Looking at the golden seal script engraved on the stone platform in front of him, Yi Tian frowned slightly, thinking in his heart that this thing might not be simple.The surrounding stone statues have been destroyed, but this table shows no signs of damage.

After thinking about these stone statues before, I found that they were extremely hard and could not be destroyed by my own ability.

After carefully looking at it, he realized that the golden seal script in front of him was completely engraved on it. How strong should the person who made the shot be.Presumably, at least a Mahayana monk can do it.

Immediately, with a move of his mind, he first skimmed the coefficients of the entire golden seal script and memorized it in his heart, and then took out a copy of the jade slips and talisman pens to copy them all down.

But after writing the first three sentences, the whole jade slip immediately shattered, and Yi Tian was taken aback when he saw this.This kind of situation is not surprising to me, it is probably because the content of this golden seal glyph is too against the sky, so ordinary encounters cannot bear the stress.

Seeing Yi Tian like this, he also felt that he was making fun of himself, and after putting away the talisman pen, he extended his divine sense to invade the Fangtai plan again.Suddenly, the divine sense seemed to be drawn by a spiritual force, and the whole person was directly absorbed in it.

It turned out that the gold seal script engraved on this table should still hide the unknown Xumi space.When Yi Tian came to Neizhong, he found that in front of him was a statue of an Asura tribe, whose head looked exactly like the three heads he saw in Linglong Paradise.

When he just moved away and walked forward, he found a gap on the stone statue, and then there was a "click" sound, and the gap expanded rapidly and spread all over the body of the statue.

As the surface of the stone statue fell off one after another, the real body inside appeared like a partner.He only opened his eyes and looked at himself before he said: "I am Asura, the protector of the Eight Dragons, today you are destined to be able to enter, and I will be able to teach Dafa in my dream. As for how much you can learn, it all depends on your chance." gone."

Yi Tian was shocked when he heard the words. He had read it in the Sutra Pavilion of Daleiguang Zen Temple. The Buddhist sect has eight heavenly dragon guardians in the fairy world. It is impossible to meet them again.But what are the incomplete stone statues in this exquisite blessed land?

Just as I was about to ask a question, I suddenly saw the eight-part Heavenly Dragon Guardian Asura Venerable start to move, and each of the six hands formed a seal and cast it.Seeing the situation, Yi Tian knew that it was not the time to interrupt and ask more questions, and hurriedly began to observe calmly.

At the same time, the Asura dharma body that he showed also began to imitate the movements unknowingly.But Yi Tian was very surprised in his heart. He had experienced this way of making seals before, and it was exactly the starting gesture of the three Asura hands.

Immediately afterwards, I saw that the eight dragon protectors, Asura Venerable, combined the three styles into one and then performed a combined attack gesture.It's just that it has rarely been revealed in front of outsiders in recent years, but at this time, there is no grievance in casting it, and the spiritual power on the body is slowly driven to form a raging wind around him.

After the three-style Asura hand was performed, the venerable in front of him made another seal on this basis, and the halos of one blue and one red appeared on the left and right main hands respectively, which was the move of the sun and the moon. The sun-shading and moon-closing powers were used to extract all the spiritual power in the Sumeru space, showing two extremely different scenes of half cold and half hot.

Yi Tian also spread out the coefficients of the exercises he had practiced, and after covering the sun and closing the moon in his hands, a similar field was formed in the space.It's just that compared with the Venerable in front of him, it is far inferior in terms of scale and power.

Shaoqing only heard the other party speak again: "It's good that you have evolved and proficient in the basic skills, and the next step is the advanced method and look forward to it."

After finishing speaking, I saw the eight-part Heavenly Dragon Guardian Asura Venerable in front of me once again put his hands together to combine the skills and supernatural powers of covering the sun and closing the moon into one into a white chaotic ball of light.

Yi Tian looked at the power in the ball of light at this time. Although this move is not as strong as before, and the surrounding enchantment field has also shrunk to a space of about ten feet around the body, the degree of solidification of the spiritual power inside is relatively small. It was more than three times stronger than before.

In addition, Yi Tian also found that the most powerful part of this trick is to gather all the originally divergent powers together, but he doesn't know how to use it next.

With a glance, he found that the chaotic light clusters on the Venerable's two main hands were divided into three parts, and then into six parts.After each of the six hands held a copy, one of the three poems was read at the same time, and the incantations were uttered at the same time, and then the six hands were spread out and posed in different poses around the deity, and the halos in the hands turned into six paths. The appearance of the boundary wheel.

After Yi Tian took a closer look and distinguished it carefully, he realized that this was also different from the Six Realm Wheel he had cultivated.What he can control is the boundary wheel that directly leads to the nine realms of the upper spirit, but the spell in front of him only shows the appearance of the six realms.In addition, there is a chaotic circular hole in the center, and the golden thunder shot out from it directly splits the void into two incompatible halves.

With a startled look, this power is already much stronger than ordinary robbery thunder, and there is a faint force of vastness in it, which should be the orthodox method of Taoism.

Immediately, Yi Tian drew the gourd and unfolded it directly, imitating the Venerable's supernatural powers and spells, and slowly offering sacrifices. After reading the same mantra in the three poems, he opened the six realms wheel.

It's just that after scanning my divine sense, I realized that the center of the sacrificed body is not a chaotic color, but a black and white color.Later, the black and white color changed again, and after moving slowly, it became the Tai Chi pattern of yin and yang fish.

Afterwards, the two points of Shaoyin and Shaoyang were opened respectively, and the black and white thunder light came out from the inside at the same time.

After the thunder light dissipated, Asura, the guardian of the eight dragons, smiled and said: "It seems that you have practiced the unity of gods and demons to have such a change. Anyway, this is also your good fortune, remember to use this technique well. In the heart is."

"Thank you for your guidance, senior, thank you Wansheng," Yi Tian hurriedly replied.

When he was about to thank him, he suddenly felt a shock all over his body and realized that the surrounding scene had changed suddenly. After recovering, he realized that he was still standing in front of Tai An without moving a bit.

Just looking up for a while, I found that the golden seal script on the table in front of me slowly disappeared.In the end, only the four characters "God's Punishment Tribulation Thunder" were left, and this was the full name of the move just now without much thought.

Secretly marveling in his heart, it seems that what Yaojing said before is true, and there is indeed a follow-up to the Asura Clan's exercises.Just as Luo Ziyan practiced the moves of Covering the Sun, Closing the Moon and Sun and Moon Brilliance, it was nothing more than God's Punishment Tribulation and Thunder.

If I let her know that there are backhands in this, I'm afraid she will look at me differently.Turning around, I found some characters engraved on the back of the statue on one side of the inconspicuous border, but these characters are all Asura characters, and the signer is Luo Qin.

(End of this chapter)

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