
Chapter 1499

Chapter 1499 Questioning
After coming out of Linglong blessed land, Yaojing had been waiting by the side, Yi Tian just nodded to him symbolically.Then he accepted two palm-sized seven-aperture glazed cores from his hand.

According to Yaojing's words, the two treasures are one big and one small, and the big ones are for her own use. As for the small one is for Luo Ziyan, it can be regarded as dealing with Luo Yilan.

When he got out of the cave, Yi Tian took Luo Xiao out along the way. Although he was still in a coma, his life was safe. Besides, he still had some situations to ask him to understand.

He explained to Yaojing a good life and at the same time told him to keep a close eye on the Liuli Cave, in the future only those who hold their own seal can come here to get the precious materials.After listening to the latter, he repeatedly said that he did not dare to go against his will.

After getting out of Liulifeng's range, Yi Tian took out the assault boat and entered the main cabin with the unconscious Luo Xiao.Later, with a trace of divine thoughts, he controlled the assault boat and galloped towards the position where the Asura Cult was located. At the same time, he sat cross-legged in the cabin and began to think.

This trip to the Liuli Cave really yielded a lot, in addition to knowing the secrets of the Asura tribe, he also learned a trick.But even with his current strength, it is impossible to restrain Luo Yilan in the Mahayana period even if he uses it.

Furthermore, if the news that he had been to the Liuli Cave leaked out, the two princes in the imperial city would be the first to let him go.

But fortunately, the gate of Linglong Paradise can only be entered by himself and the ancestor Asura Emperor Luo Qin.Thinking about coming to Luo Yilan, she had been there but failed to enter it, probably because the form of the dharma body was not correct.

Judging from the clues left by Luo Qin, the exercises of the Asura clan have been circulated in this world for tens of thousands of years.But since this period of time, only he and him have cultivated the Dharma Body of Kindness and entered the Linglong Paradise.

Others, even the prince who is strong enough to fit the stage or Luo Yilan who is in the Mahayana stage, cannot enter.It shows that that place should really be a small fragmented space scattered from the fairy world.

What I lack now is time, and it is less than 250 years before I promise Yunlin to help me.If I want to raise my cultivation level to the peak of the late stage of distraction within this period of time, it is best to touch the threshold of the fusion period before entering the secret realm of the fire domain.

In addition, there is Luo Yilan hiding somewhere in this world. If my cultivation base does not reach the fusion period, I will not even be qualified to bargain with her. After all, the information left by Luo Qin is also very interesting. People took advantage of it.

Turning around to look at Luo Xiao who was sleeping on the side, Yi Tian stretched out his hands and made a few prints, and flicked it lightly.The aura from the fingertips flew out and sank directly into his forehead. Luo Xiao must have noticed the difference the first time he saw his dharma body appearing in his hand.

In addition, Yaojing once mentioned her real identity, and I am afraid that he will remember it in his mind. If this information is leaked out, he may be in danger of being destroyed. Taking this opportunity, he will act first to force this part of memory in his mind. Erase it so that you don't have to worry about it.

After three breaths, he saw his face move slightly, and the restraint on his body faded, which means he was free again.

After he woke up, he unfolded his divine sense, looked around and saw that there were only two people staying in the cabin, so he knew that the matter of the Liuli Cave was over.It's just that it seems that the purpose of this trip has not been achieved. His face is also extremely embarrassing.After looking at Yi Tian in a blink of an eye, Luo Xiao hurriedly said: "Thank you for your help, senior, otherwise this junior will definitely die at the hands of the four-legged gold-devouring beast. It's just that the empress has entrusted Wuyan to face the saint during this trip."

"I can't blame you at this time, but since you are Luo Ziyan's confidant, I naturally won't stand idly by," Yi Tian replied in a flat tone after sizing him up.

"I don't know that senior is the one who sat down with Lord Yun, but this junior seems to have never seen him before," Luo Xiao asked tentatively.

Yi Tian sneered in his heart, but he didn't expect that before he asked a question, he would inquire about his own details first.Fortunately, the Venerable Master Yun he mentioned should be Yun Lin, and he nodded without hesitation when he thought that what he had promised Yun Lin would definitely be recognized as her side in the Ashura Dynasty.

Luo Xiao looked overjoyed when he saw this, and said, "The junior commander of the Imperial Forest Army, Luo Xiao, sees the senior."

"I promise that Yunlin will help her disciples enter the Asura Secret Territory to deal with the other two princes," Yi Tian thought, simply revealing some news to him, to test the other party's reaction.

Unexpectedly, the smile on Luo Xiao's face faded after hearing this, and he stood up and bowed to himself, saying: "It turns out that you are the assistant envoy, the younger generation has eyes that don't recognize Mount Tai, and neglected."

"Auxiliary envoy" Yi Tian muttered in his heart, but there was no reaction on his face. The topic changed immediately: "I am currently stationed in the Ashura Sect to escort the leaders of the Asura Sect to the imperial city."

"It turns out that the assistant envoy you were ordered by Master Yun, so why did you come to Liuli Peak?" Luo Xiao asked.

"Didn't Luo Ziyan want the Blue Star Diamond?" After saying that, Yi Tian reached out and took out a piece of clear blue ore the size of a baby's head, and handed it over: "You can take this back and make a deal."

Seeing this, Luo Xiao showed ecstasy on his face, stretched out his hand to find the treasure, and then used his spiritual sense to probe for a while before replying: "Thank you for your generosity, I can go back and return to my life after this matter is over."

"Wait, you can send a message to Luo Ziyan first about this matter, and later follow me back to Ashura to help me escort the candidates back to the court together," Yi Tian interjected.

In fact, I don't know much about Asura Imperial City. It's fine if I go alone, but it's a burden to bring a group of people by my side. It would be great if I have someone who is familiar with the road as a guide.

I also thought about asking Luo Jinzhong for help before, but he escaped from the imperial city with Si Lin in the early years and now ask him to go back.

When I was at my wit's end, I met Luo Xiao, who was also the commander of the Imperial Forest Army, and also Luo Ziyan's confidant, that would be great.

It's really not my style to leave such free labor without using it.

Unexpectedly, Luo Xiao's face changed slightly after hearing this, and he hastily cupped his hands and said, "Your Excellency, I don't know that the empress sent a lowly official out of the city for an important matter. If you stay outside for decades, even if you go back, you will blame me."

"It's okay, just bring the Jade Talisman of Communication, I'll take you to write a reply, Luo Ziyan will definitely not blame you when she sees it, and maybe there will be an extra reward," Yi Tian said indifferently.

So Luo Xiao also found that he couldn't resist, so he had no choice but to take out the communication jade slip and hand it over.After Yi Tian took it over, he sacrificed his spiritual power and quickly wrote a few messages on it. After stamping his own seal at the end, he activated it and sent it out without giving Luo Xiao a chance to peek at it.

(End of this chapter)

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