
Chapter 1501 Connectors

Chapter 1501 Connectors
Since entering the Asura Realm, Yi Tian has been adhering to the principle of living in seclusion and being a human being, trying not to go out and have more contact with monks of the same level, the reason is nothing more than not wanting to attract the attention of others in the Asura Realm.

As for the reception of Yunlin and his party in the Asura Church last time, it was really helpless. Luo Yao probably won't speak up for him after that time, but his subordinates might reveal that fight to the public. .

Originally, the number of high-level monks was not many, so it is bound to happen that some people will come to visit them for no reason, but they are actually here to provoke themselves or find opportunities to compete.These are all troublesome things that I don't want to deal with, so afterward, I still agree with Mu Lang in the third chapter of the law, except for the things promised to him, I will not participate in other things taught by Asura.

The Diluo City that we are going to this time is no longer above the boundary of the Magic Domain. This comprehension city is an important fortress located on the border of the Asura Dynasty.

Although there are no monks at the integration stage in the town, there are at least three monks at the late stage of distraction guarding it. Compared with other small towns, it can be regarded as relatively large.

This time, if it wasn't for Yunlin's repeated entrustment, Yi Tian really didn't want to go into this muddy water, but luckily one of the three guarding monks was Yunlin's disciple.As for the news of the Jasper Blood Scorpion also came from elsewhere, but taking into account the face of the other two guarding monks, they forcibly took down the spirit worm.After thinking about it, the next best thing is to follow the established route and buy it directly at the auction.

So this trip to Diluo City is still considered to be supported by someone, and Yi Tian thinks that he can save some trouble, at most, he will spend more on Lingshi treasures.

After arriving outside the Diluo City, he restrained his breath and entered the city with his breath suppressed in the late stage of transformation, so as not to arouse others' suspicion.

After arriving in the inner city, follow the reminder from the jade slip given by Mu Lang to avoid the patrol team of the City Lord's Mansion, and then make a detour to the side of Xicheng Street to find the meeting place mentioned in the jade slip.

When I came here, I looked up and saw that it was a restaurant, and it was also a restaurant opened by a monk of a foreign race.After entering, there was an attendant in the store to receive him. Yi Tian immediately asked for a private room in the upper room, and then ordered the shopkeeper to have an interview.

After sitting in the room and waiting for half a moment, the door opened with a sound of 'acridine', and a monk from the spiritual world walked in from the outside.After casually opening the sound-proof barrier, he cupped his hands and said, "My lord, Qu Fa is very polite. I don't know where you came from?"

Yi Tian looked at Qu Fa in front of him. He was dressed in a brocade robe and his body was bloated. He looked like a rich man in the world and no one who practiced Taoism.With a soft smile on his face, he reached out and took out a jade slip and handed it over, "My intentions for coming are all written on the jade slip, please read it first."

After meeting Qu Fa, he put it on his forehead and quickly scanned it with his divine sense. After a while, his face changed greatly and he hurriedly replied respectfully: "I don't know that it is the senior of Asura Sect. I am sorry."

"You know the purpose of my trip, right? When will this auction start?" Yi Tian said straight to the point.

"Xiaozhi is clear, it's just that the things that the adults want to bid for this time are a bit difficult to handle," Qu Fa replied in a deep voice.

"Why is it difficult? Is there a competitor or the bidder is unwilling to sell," Yi Tian asked.

"There is an extra variable this time. The son of King Xun has arrived in Diluo City at this moment. If there is no accident, he will definitely participate in this auction. I am afraid that it will be a hindrance at that time. After all, what the senior wants, he will also use it." Qu Fa replied.

"Son of Prince Xun," Yi Tian's face changed slightly after hearing this, he had already learned that Prince Wei and Prince Xun were the only ones who were on par with Yunlin in Asura Imperial City.It is a coincidence that the son of Prince Xun came here. It seems that this auction will definitely not be so easy to succeed.

Prince Yixun's vision must be to know what the true blood of the Jasper Blood Scorpion can be used for. It is estimated that he wants to make a mess and mess up this auction.

Yi Tian suddenly felt that his head was as big as a bucket, and such a moth would appear for no reason.At the same time, he also greeted the old guy Mu Lang in his heart, but he sat in the teaching room and pushed all the troubles to himself.

After thinking about it, he sighed and said, "I don't know what is the master plan to deal with it?"

Qu Fa also replied with a weeping face: "My Lord Guardian is the third in command here, so naturally he can't influence the progress of the auction, and the son of Prince Xun came here under the banner, and he can't really confront him. "

"Then can your adults make an appointment to see each other," Yi Tian asked.

"It's not the right time yet," Qu Fa handed over the jade slips and then took out a copy of the jade slips from the storage ring and handed them over respectfully: "Here is the letter of Lord Guardian, please refer to it seniors. In addition, in the auction If you have any requirements during the period, please ask the little one to do it."

After receiving the two jade slips, Yi Tian put away his own, and then spread the other one in his hand to quickly read it.But after three breaths, there was a deep wrinkle on his forehead. This jade slip stated that Du Shiheng, the son of King Xun, came suddenly this time.Guessing that the news of the Jasper Blood Scorpion's appearance might have leaked out, they turned into a door-to-door auction in a serious manner.

Seeing here, Yi Tian has a vague premonition in his heart, and I am afraid that this auction will not be as simple as imagined.Since there are three guards here, there must not be many people from Prince Wei.

This turned into a melee between the three parties, but it is slightly beneficial for me to be in the dark now, but in the auction that day, I still need to compete with the two parties for the auction.

After thinking about it, he asked again: "I wonder if you have a list of items for this auction?"

"There's a basic checklist here, senior, please have a look at it," Qu Fa reached out and took out a jade slip that had been prepared a long time ago and handed it over.

After taking over, Yi Tian looked at it quickly, and then his face changed slightly: "This is the basic list, can the auction items above be revised?"

"In principle, you can only get in and out. Cheering seniors can add items they want to participate in the auction at any time, but the original items are generally not torn off," Qu Fa replied.

Since it was so, Yi Tian's eyes shone brightly, Jasper Blood Scorpion only took the sixth position in this list.It can only be regarded as a medium-grade treasure out of a total of ten Tianji auction items, but because of its particularity of alchemy and medicine, it is a must-have item for many Asura monks.

But if I add a little more to these things and take the opportunity to muddy the water, maybe there will be additional effects. After thinking about it, I took out a blood-red bloodthirsty knife and put it on the table, but said in my mouth: "Can you use this thing?" Add it in?"

(End of this chapter)

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