
Chapter 1502 Participation 1

Chapter 1502 Participation One
The auction in Diluo City was held as scheduled, but most of the monks who can participate in this auction are above the distraction stage. As for the monks who want to participate in the transformation stage, they can only participate in Tuomen Road. Please come and meet with the seniors of the distraction stage. world.

This time, Yi Tian felt that it was not appropriate to reveal his identity, so he entered the arena as an ordinary spiritual distraction monk.

In this way, he didn't even need to reveal his own name, so he just took a fake name and used his advanced cultivation to sneak into the auction house like this.

After coming to the main venue of this auction, I realized that many monks of the same level had already arrived. In the entire venue, only the monks of the distraction period could sit.

After entering, a waiter led them to the side of the main venue to settle down, and Yi Tian roughly observed the surrounding environment.The venue is not very big, only [-] feet in radius, and a large group of people gathered near the auction table, which is [-] feet in size, doesn't seem too crowded.

As for the behind-the-scenes sponsor of this main auction, it is not the guard of the city lord of Diluo City. I learned from the waiter that the backstage boss of this auction is a top business alliance that has gained fame in the Asura world for nearly a hundred years. Hongyanhui'.

Yi Tian is not interested in the background of this business alliance. Anyway, there are no monks in the integration period in this kind of business association. Naturally, there is nothing wrong with it in the Asura world.

This time, my main opponent is probably the son of King Xun. Looking around, I really didn't see any suspicious figures, so I sat down and waited with the curiosity in my heart.

In less than half an hour, the monks who came to participate in the auction arrived one after another, and roughly counted that there were more than 20 distracted monks gathered here.Everyone's cultivation is generally in the early and middle stages of distraction, and few late stage monks appear.

Just as he was thinking about it, he suddenly heard a waiter shout loudly: "Welcome to Diluo City Lord Wei Qinya and Prince Xun's son Duan Xiaolou."

The many monks who had just finished speaking stopped the wine glasses they held in their hands or talked on the terminal, and everyone raised their heads and looked towards the entrance.

Yi Tian also turned his head and became very interested. He saw a white-haired old man in his late teens walking along with a young man in his 20s who was in the early stage of distraction.From the spiritual pressure fluctuations on his body, it is not difficult to see that Wei Qinya personally escorted him here this time for the sake of King Xun's son.

But judging from Wei Qinya's appearance, I'm afraid that this person has been trying for many years in the late stage of distraction, but he still can't take the step of entering the fusion stage, and it's afraid that he will stop here for the rest of his life.Moreover, the vitality of this person is not as strong as that of ordinary monks in the distraction period, and it is estimated that the remaining lifespan is less than 500 years.

As for Duan Xiaolou, although his cultivation base is not strong, he is full of vitality. It should be that he has been smooth sailing since his cultivation. Such a person has more potential than the city lord, and is also more difficult to deal with.

It's just that these have nothing to do with me anymore, as long as it doesn't block my way, it's easy to say.

After the two came in, many familiar monks came forward to greet them, and they were led by the waiters to sit directly in the reserved seats in front of the auction table.

Just when the owner's eyes were attracted, suddenly the voice of the announcer at the door sounded again: "Congratulations to the special envoy of Prince Wei, Mr. Ke Zhennan, the general of Xiaoqi camp."

Now the monks around began to whisper, it seems that Ke Zhennan's background is no less than that of Prince Xun's son.

On the other hand, Wei Qinya's face was calm and did not show the slightest difference, while Duan Xiaolou on the side frowned slightly and turned around to stare at the person coming from the door, looking rather surprised.

Taking a panoramic view of these people's performance, Yi Tian sat there without moving a bit. Ever since the city lord Wei Qinya came in, he didn't show any flattery. .

These people are pampered and in high positions all day long, so I really don't know how much they can do with their hands.It can be seen that Ke Zhennan's cultivation base is also like that of the later stage of distraction, but the degree of spiritual power in his body is still a little worse than that of the city lord Wei Qinya.

I saw him striding towards the reserved seat in the middle, then bowed his hands and greeted Wei Qinya and others next to him, and then went straight to do it.

A little later, after the sound of a gong, two teams of nuns walked out from the backstage of the auction house.These women were all at the Nascent Soul stage, and there were as many as 14 of them, divided into teams of seven, each holding a tray in their hands.The item on the tray must be today's auction item, covered with a red silk cloth to isolate everyone's spiritual thoughts.

In this way, many monks present could no longer rely on divine sense to find out where their favorite things were, but there were still quite a few people with surprised expressions on their faces.Compared with these people who should have known the list of this auction for a long time, it is quite impressive that there are four more items for no reason.

As for Yi Tian, ​​he sat on the side and looked at the fourteen trays in front of him without changing his expression, but he was secretly thinking about where the two heaven-level spiritual weapons he took out would be placed.

Originally, through Qu Fa's doorway, he had already taken out a bloodthirsty demon knife to disrupt the situation, but after thinking about it afterwards, he also took out a talisman pen and a spirit animal skin from the storage ring to make a temporary animal skin talisman.It's just that the animal skin talisman was blessed with the Buddha's Vajra Talisman, so that the offensive magic weapon and the defensive Buddha's talisman could appear at the same time in this auction.

In this way, a demon and a Buddha can indirectly introduce the forces of the demons and the Buddhist sect to confuse the public.

After the middle-aged people sat down again, a female monk who was distracted in the middle of the stage walked from behind the stage. There was a faint air of dignity between this person's brows, and he was supposed to be the host of the auction.

After a light cough, the female cultivator said: "I am the deacon of the Hongyan Society, Hongshang, and I am also the host of today's auction. I have met all the city lords, the sons of King Xun, the generals of Xiaoqiying, and all of you. .”

Following her words, Yi Tian glanced at the three people sitting in front of him and noticed that Wei Qinya and Duan Xiaolou had normal expressions.

It's just that Ke Zhennan's face seemed to move slightly, as if he couldn't get used to such limited politeness. It is expected that this person should be the leader of the army, so he behaved like this.

The crimson dress is also a long-sleeved good song, and then changed the topic to the main topic. After all, the monks present this time are all here for the treasures of the auction.She has long been immune to the way she scratches her head and poses.

Just listen to the crimson dress and vermilion lips lightly said: "The auction starts like this. Bidders can exchange things for things first. The free treasure appraiser of this business alliance is present and waiting for orders. If anyone is unclear about the price of their treasures, they can ask on the spot. Then The first auction item is a whole branch of emerald coral in the Asura Sea."

(End of this chapter)

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