
Chapter 1505

Chapter 1505 Return Visit
Unexpectedly, in front of the Lord of Diluo, there would still be people who would dare to behave wildly at the auction, and it seemed that the strength of the Wu Yao was not inferior to that of Wei Qinya, so he grabbed the Vajra Talisman in front of everyone.

It's just that Yi Tian is more interested in the Tongtian Road they mentioned, and it is estimated that many of the people present know the details.

Given that I don't know much about Asura's royal court now, it is necessary to understand the situation.

It's a good thing for me that the auction ended unhappy. The person in charge has left and now it's very easy to deal with leaving a few people who are secretly watching.

After leaving the auction venue, Yi Tian found that at least three distracted monks' spiritual thoughts were passing by his body, but fortunately, the breath-suppressing cloak on him isolated these spiritual thoughts.

After reaching the main street, Yi Tian quickened his pace, crossed several streets one after another, and rushed into the small alley next to him.Then he quickly took off the breath-holding cloak on his body and at the same time cast a thousand faces to change his face.The spiritual pressure fluctuations on his body were suppressed in the Nascent Soul Stage and returned to the street again.

After ten breaths, I felt three strands of divine thoughts swept across the area like a carpet, and the three distracted monks lost their target, and then the three of them searched around in three directions.

In this way, Yi Tian must know in his heart that this is to get rid of the other party's search, but he has the identity jade card left by Qu Fa on his body, which can be fooled and flow out of Diluo City.

It's just that I still want to stay here for a while to investigate the situation of the Tongtian Road. It may be a great opportunity for me.

Walking and walking, I came to the restaurant where I met before again, and this time Yi Tian went upstairs directly.Because I can't reveal my cultivation for the time being, I only asked for a remote guest room on the second floor of the restaurant and settled down first.

Immediately, he notified the shopkeeper directly through the spiritual message, and within half a moment there was a knock on the door.After opening the door, the shopkeeper Qu Fa hurriedly closed the door, erected a sound-proof barrier, walked forward and saluted, and said, "Your Excellency, you didn't go out of the city in a hurry."

After hearing this, Yi Tian was stunned, then realized the meaning of his words, and replied with a faint smile: "No hurry, as long as I want to leave Wei Qinya, I can't stop it."

"I wonder what your lord's business is here this time?" Qu Fa twitched his face slightly and then asked respectfully.

"Don't worry, they won't be able to detect my whereabouts," Yi Tian comforted him knowing what he was worried about, and then straightened his expression and said: "How much do you know about Tongtian Road?"

"This matter is an open challenge in the Asura Imperial City. It is located in the Asura Pagoda in the Mausoleum Emperor's Courtyard. It is divided into ten levels." Qu Fa replied with a relaxed expression: "Anyone who can break through the sky Lu’s cultivator’s future is boundless, and there are many rewards in it.”

"Oh, what reward?" Yi Tian asked with interest when he heard the words.

"Usually, it's pills or supernatural powers, or spiritual weapons. Every time you pass a level, there is a corresponding reward. It's the limit for a villain to pass four levels at most," Qu Fa explained.

"Is there still a limit to cultivation?" Yi Tian asked again.

"That's right, there are so many monks in the Nascent Soul Stage that they can go up to the third floor, but I heard that Her Majesty the Empress entered the fourth floor in the middle of the Nascent Soul Stage, but it's a pity that they didn't pass the level," Qu Fa said.

She was startled, Luo Ziyan's strength is really extraordinary, even Qu Fa in front of her can only break through four levels, it seems that there are some skills in this road to heaven.

Qu Fa went on to explain: "Cultivators in the transformation stage can break through to the sixth floor, and monks in the distraction stage can enter the next four floors. Among them, monks from foreign races can only break into the eighth floor and will be forcibly broken." Sending out the road to the sky, only monks who have cast the Asura dharma body can continue to enter the ninth floor."

"Doesn't that mean that there is a tenth floor? Could it be that Queen Asura has not been able to break through?" Yi Tian laughed.

"The villain dare not speak nonsense, but it is said that this road to heaven is a relic left by the monks of the Mahayana period in the Middle Ages. The monks of the integration period cannot enter, and the monks of the Asura tribe who can go up to the ninth floor, as long as they do not perish. It's not a monk who has entered the fusion stage," Qu Fa said respectfully: "It's just that Her Majesty the Empress has broken through to the ninth floor, and like other lords, she has not broken through to the tenth floor."

"It seems that this place is a bit interesting. If you go to the imperial city, you have to take time to see it. There must be a lot of people who want to go there," Yi Tian asked.

But Qu Fa shook his head and replied: "My lord is wrong. Everyone has only three chances to enter Tongtian Road in their lifetime. The same is true for Her Majesty the Empress of this dynasty, so she never went through the gate after entering the ninth level." willing."

"Three times, it's enough," Yi Tian muttered, secretly thinking in his heart that it seemed that Luo Ziyan also had a target.There is a reason not to break through. With her current Dao Xin, if she is frustrated again, it will definitely have a negative impact on the advanced fusion period.

But I don't know if the two princes and Yunlin have broken into the tenth level.It seems that this Shura tower should be left by Luo Qin to test the cultivation of future generations, but I don't know if he has any clues in it.

After thinking about it, he changed the subject: "This time, my blood demon sword was exchanged by the general of the Imperial Forest Army. You should also pass this matter on to Shangfeng. Maybe it will hinder Lord Yun's plan in the future."

Qu Fa was startled when he heard the words and hurriedly replied: "Your Majesty's words are true, I will report this matter as soon as possible. I don't know how long Your Majesty will stay in Diluo City, do you need me to report back to Shangfeng secretly for help? ?”

After thinking about it for a while, Yi Tian shook his head and replied: "Forget it, it's an eventful time at this time. It is expected that the defense of the city will be stricter after the Wu Yao's disturbance in Diluo City. One more thing is worse than one less thing. I I have to go to Diluo City to check the information, and then I will set off and return."

"Everything is going well for my humble lord," Qu Fa had a little joy on his face when he heard the words, and when he heard that there was no need to bother him anymore, he was naturally determined.

Yi Tian sighed secretly when he saw it. As he said, Luocheng had gone through such a turmoil and attracted a lot of attention. He should get out of the matter as soon as possible so as not to be trapped and difficult to get out.

It's just that it's not a big deal if I lose the spirit weapon and talisman for no reason this time. I still have to get the money back before leaving the city, otherwise it will be a big loss.

After leaving the restaurant, Yi Tian changed his face and identity again. After changing his clothes, he turned into a yellow-faced man and walked towards the historical database of Diluo City.

From Qu Fa's mouth, I learned that in the historical database in Diluo City, you can check the historical records of the Asura Realm in the past year. If you need more ancient materials, you can go to the Royal Academy in the Imperial City.It's just that that kind of place is not open to everyone, only the royal family has the highest authority.

(End of this chapter)

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