
Chapter 1506 Review

Chapter 1506 Review
The historical database in Diluo City can be regarded as a public place, and there are not a few monks who receive it every day. As long as you can afford Lingshi, you can look up the corresponding information.If you want to engrave a copy, the price is about three times that of the search, but even this is just a drop in the bucket for Yi Tian.

It's just that most of the monks who searched for information in the historical database are below the stage of transformation, and the monks who are generally incarnations rarely come here, let alone the monks of the distraction stage.

This time, Yi Tian followed Qu Fa's suggestion and came to look up information in the disguise of a mid-Yuanying monk.This kind of cultivation base can be regarded as normal in the historical database. It will not arouse suspicion and can obtain the highest authority. The only thing left is the problem of Lingshi.

After entering the hall of the historical database, Yi Tian first obtained a pass token with the highest authority at the Hua Lingshi at the inquiry office.Then he took the access token and went straight to the deepest part of the historical database and began to browse through the documents here on the bookshelf.

What I need to know most at the moment is the changes of the Asura clan over the past ten thousand years. Although I can't find any secrets about the royal family, I can roughly describe the information about Luo Ziyan and her previous empress.

After walking past those bookshelves, his spiritual thoughts quickly glanced over the list of jade slips, and Yi Tian found that most of the documents left here were travel notes.Among them, there are the most within a radius of [-] li near Diluo City, and there are even many caves left by the monks of the past who were excavated around Diluo City.

What surprised Yi Tian was that there were actually monks in the fusion period in this land city, but they fell during the civil strife of Emperor Asura 9000 years ago.

Calculating the time seems to coincide with the time when the demons invaded the spirit world catastrophe. I didn't expect such a coincidence that the upper three worlds, the Asura world and the spirit world, among the nine worlds of the upper spirit, would suffer at the same time.

But after thinking about it, there seems to be some subtle connection, Yi Tian thought about it, and brought up the biography about the monks in the integration period of Diluo City for future use.

As for looking further down, I found that there are very few jade slips recorded about the Asura royal family here. In addition to the records of the two queens, there are also some chronicles of the royal family.It also mentioned that after the civil strife broke out in the Asura royal family, three monks in the integration period fell, and after that, the modern empress suppressed the civil strife and stabilized the situation.

It's just that since then, there has been a fault in the Asura royal family, and the two princes today were just monks in the distraction period during the civil strife.Because of the meritorious service in the judgment, he was exceptionally promoted. After his cultivation level broke through to the integration stage, he was awarded the title of prince, and he jointly took charge of the power of the Asura Dynasty.

The matter of this jade slip is briefly summarized. If you want to refer to it for details, you will need to spend at least [-] high-grade spirit stones as the engraving fee.

Yi Tian glanced at the price and twitched the corner of his mouth slightly. Although these spirit stones are not worth much to him, they can be regarded as a considerable expense for ordinary Nascent Soul stage monks.What's more, it seems a bit too much to spend this price just to understand the mystery of the Asura royal family. If it weren't for those people with ulterior motives, they would be fools.

After thinking about it, Yi Tian decided to record it. After scanning these bookshelves with his spiritual sense, he found that there was no other information that could arouse his interest.

After returning to the inquiry office with the list of jade slips, hand them all over to the person in charge of the historical database and pay enough spirit stones to ask for a copy.

After careful comparison, the waiters in the historical database not only showed suspicious expressions on their faces, but most of these people were Jindan cultivators and they didn't dare to ask any more questions. They quickly started to engrave according to the rules here.

It didn't take half a day to finish sorting out the dozen or so pieces of jade slips he wanted, and putting them away, Yi Tian showed a slight smile on his face after meeting them, and then he was about to turn around and leave.

Suddenly, someone behind him said: "This fellow Taoist, please stop, can you take a step to speak?"

Yi Tian turned around and glanced over, and found that there was a late Yuanying cultivator wearing brocade robes and jade clothes standing three feet away from him.

In normal times, he would definitely not have the same knowledge as these Nascent Soul monks, but now he is pretending to be a Nascent Soul mid-stage monk in the historical database of Diluo City. If he does too much, it will naturally arouse suspicion from others.

At the same time, the imprint in the belt on the forehead jumped slightly and then returned to normal. Needless to say, the other party probably sensed something.The imprint on his forehead is the mark of Emperor Asura, and it is not easy to be able to sense the identity of the other party.

After thinking about it, Yi Tian smiled lightly and replied via voice transmission: "Did Yi Tian ask your Excellency Gao's name?"

"Mi Boji, the censor of the Asura Dynasty, has met fellow Taoists," the man said afterwards.

It turned out to be the royal doctor of the Asura Dynasty, but I don't know why he came to find me.After Yi Tian looked at it for a while, he pretended to be stunned and said, "It turns out that he is the imperial censor. I don't know what's important for Mr. Mi?"

Mi Baiji stepped forward and said, "The jade slips in the hands of Fellow Daoists contain a document I was looking for, so I made an inquiry."

Seeing his unharmed appearance, Yi Tian just sneered in his heart and said to himself: "I believe you have a ghost, probably because the imprint has a sense that makes him suspicious. And promise him to see what kind of medicine is sold in the gourd .”

After thinking about it, he replied lightly: "That's okay, I don't know where Mi Daoyou wants to go to have a chat, I will listen to you."

"Please come with me," Mi Boji said, then turned and walked towards the main entrance of the Historical Archives Museum.A faint smile appeared on Yi Tian's face, and then he couldn't buy it, and the two walked out of the historical materials museum and walked across a few streets to the talisman store.After entering the store, the guests and hosts were divided into the backyard wing room. After sitting down, Mi Baiji stretched out his hand to sacrifice the soundproof barrier, and then said: "My family is a censor passed down from generation to generation in the dynasty. Weak royal aura, I don't know if you can tell me your true identity."

Sure enough, he was sensed by the imprint, and Yi Tian looked sideways at him, but he didn't expect that there were many secrets in the Asura clan that he didn't know.It's just that it's not easy to disclose my identity, and then a trace of murderous intent flashed in my heart.

With the opponent's cultivation base, he can be suppressed by lightly lifting his finger, but obviously this is not the best way.After thinking about it, Yi Tian smiled and said: "In Xia Yi Tian, ​​the ancestors may have some connection with the royal family. Such a feeling in the blood can't be said to be true or false. I'm afraid Mr. Yu Shi misjudged it."

There was some suspicion on Mi Boji's face, hesitant to speak, and after thinking for a while, he sighed and said: "Forget it, since Fellow Daoist Yi said so, then so be it. It's been a long time since the turmoil of the royal family was approaching." We don’t need to pursue any more responsibilities for this.”

(End of this chapter)

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