
Chapter 1508 Proposals

Chapter 1508 Proposals
Although Yi Tian didn't open his mouth because of the loss of the Buddha Sect Vajra Talisman this time, Fei Hongshang is also a sensible person, knowing that he doesn't want to intensify the conflict like this.

After all, everyone has time to ask for help, so we can meet each other in the future.So after checking the details on the compensation jade slip, I found it very reasonable, and naturally I didn't hesitate to give the full amount afterwards.

As a result, Yi Tian stretched his divine sense into the storage bag to check, and found that there were a lot of earth-level treasures in it, [-]% more than what he asked for.In this way, he could no longer wait for the opportunity to make excuses, and after putting away the storage bag, Yi Tian asked with a smile: "I saw one in the list called Colorful Magic Crystal, what are the characteristics of this object?"

"It turns out that Taoist friends like the seven-color magic crystal." After hearing this, Hongshang seemed relieved, and then explained: "Speaking of this seven-color magic crystal, it was originally a treasure that was circulated among the Asura royal family. After refining the spirit weapon, its power is multiplied, and it will be more effective if it can be used in conjunction with the Asura's dharma body."

"Oh, there is such a thing, I don't know if monks from other clans can use it?" Yi Tian said with a calm face, his heart warmed.

"Of course it can be used, but the effect is a little bit worse. It's just that this thing is just a rough embryo material, and it can only be used to the fullest in the hands of a heaven-level craftsman. It can be regarded as the top item in this auction. It's a precious material," after saying that, Hongshang stared at it with a smile on her face.

Seeing that Yi Tian was unmoved after speaking, he said again: "This item was left by someone else for consignment. If you want to exchange it, you will naturally have to add [-]% of the fee."

After hearing this, Yi Tian felt a little annoyed, but he didn't expect that Crimson Chang would sit on the ground and raise the price.If I want to order this colorful magic crystal, I'm afraid I'll have to bleed heavily.

"This is the description of the characteristics of this kind of precious material. Daoist friends can take a look at it first." Hongshang didn't rush to urge, but just handed over a jade slip and said: "The person who consigned asked to exchange it for a sky-level middle-level jade slip." One piece of spirit weapon, plus [-]% of the handling fee from me, fellow daoists must at least attach the corresponding spirit stone credit."

Hearing the words of the crimson dress, Yi Tian also secretly complained. He didn't have a few mid-level heavenly artifacts in his hands, and even the Taiyuan Sword and the Ziyan Wind and Thunder Fan he used had just broken through to the beginning after so many years of nurturing. class category.

Now the only spirit weapon in my hand that can be regarded as a middle-level heaven-level weapon is the Xuanyin True Water, the secret treasure of the Ice Demon Clan that I killed the Ice Demon Clan monk in the abyss of the Demon Realm and took it from her sadly.This thing has an extremely cold temperament and is a rare cold-attribute treasure, and it is the best natural weapon when it is used for direct sacrifice, easy to shape, and does not need to be refined to make a weapon.

It's just that this thing has restrictions on the people who perform the exercises. Only monks with cold attribute exercises can use it.For myself, it is entirely because the exercises repel each other, even if it is held in the hand, it cannot be activated.

After making a plan in his mind, Yi Tian turned around and said seriously: "I have something in my hand that is a mid-level heavenly artifact, but it has many restrictions on skills, and non-attribute matching cannot be used. If Master Fei thinks it is feasible, then How about discussing with the consignor?"

"What attribute?"

"The cold attribute, and it's definitely not something that can be manipulated by ordinary skills," Yi Tian replied, and then gently took out a white jade bottle and put it on the table.

After three breaths, water droplets began to precipitate from the air around the jade bottle and fell on the table, and within ten breaths, it condensed into a thin layer of ice.Immediately, the scope of the ice layer expanded rapidly, and the crimson dress sitting on the side could also feel the slightest chill coming out of it.

She herself had to set up a protective shield to help herself shield the cold from the outside.After a gleam of light flashed in his eyes, Hongshang nodded and replied: "It really is a good thing, I wonder what is in this jade bottle?"

"A drop of Xuanyin True Water is the property of the Ice Demon Clan in the Demon Realm, so in the Asura Realm, there is only this drop, and its value should be higher than that of the colorful phantom crystal," Yi Tian explained.

When Fei Hongshang heard the words, there were mixed expressions of worry and joy on her face. The things were good, but when she said this, everyone felt caressing.For monks with ice-cold attributes, this drop of Xuanyin True Water is naturally a treasure that can't be found, but she doesn't know whether the seller will like it.

If you don’t like it, then no matter how good it is, it’s useless. After thinking about it, he replied in a deep voice: “Yi Daoyou, wait for me to contact the seller to hear what he thinks. "

"That's great, then I'll just wait," Yi Tian said with a smile and was not in a hurry. This matter obviously didn't happen overnight, and he was still very confident in this drop of Xuanyin True Water.

Crimson Chang reached out to the Communication Jade Talisman, wrote a few words of information on it, activated it and sent it out.In less than a moment, Yi Tian noticed that the Youdao Communication Jade Talisman broke through the restriction of the outside world and flew towards here rapidly.

Not long after, there was a five-inch gap in the soundproof barrier, and a white light flew from it and landed on the jade hand of the crimson dress.Divine thoughts invaded the jade talisman and scanned it, only to hear her call softly: "It's done, the other party intends to check the Xuanyin real water in your hand, please come with me, fellow Taoist."

Yi Tian was taken aback when he heard this, and said in his heart: "This seller is so arrogant, he actually sits still and wants to visit in person."

With a displeasure on his face like this, he said: "Fei Da's opponent seems to be a little bit airy, maybe he wants someone to wait, and he is afraid that he is not sincere in doing such a thing."

Hongshang hastily defended and said: "You Daoist Yi is too worried. This person has a different identity. I believe you have met him before. Fortunately, he has a good relationship with me, Hongyanhui. This time, please take care of my concubine's thin face." Going to his mansion to talk about it, I believe it will be of great help to Yi Daoyou in managing the Asura Sect in the future."

Although he knew that his identity must be concealed, he did not expect that Hongshang would directly reveal it.But since the topic was changed, the other party must also be someone he had met.From her words, it can't be heard that the seller should not have a bad impression of Asura Cult, so he just took this opportunity to make friends and pave the way to the imperial city in the future.

Shaoqing and the two of them used the escape technique to escape from the back door of the Hongyanhui, and then turned into two escape lights and flew directly to the north of Diluo City.

Yi Tian remembered that the northern area was a restricted area divided by the City Lord's Mansion of Diluo City, but all the people who lived here were related to the three City Lords.

After flying to a unique courtyard, I saw two cultivators at the transformation stage waiting outside.Crimson Chang didn't dare to break in directly with her own cultivation, but first handed over the greeting card she had prepared in her hand.

After the guard received the greeting card neither humble nor overbearing, he hurried into the courtyard to inquire.

(End of this chapter)

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