
Chapter 1509 Meeting

Chapter 1509 Meeting
Before Hongshang mentioned the source of the colorful sky crystal, Yi Tian had an idea in his mind, and now there are not many people in Diluo City who can be related to Asura Imperial City.

Outside of the three city lords, there are only the son of Prince Xun and the general of the imperial army, and among them, Yi Tian asked himself that the son of Prince Xun was the one he didn't want to meet the most.The reason is also very simple. Since he bears the name of a prince, he must have a deep understanding of the Asura royal family.He might not be able to sense this little secret about himself, even when he met Mi Baiji, the censor of the imperial court in the historical archives, he was questioned by others.

It can be seen that there are many capable people in the Asura Dynasty, but the more this is the case, the more cautious and cautious he must act.

Under the leadership of the waiter at the door, Yi Tian and Fei Hongshang shuttled through the pavilions, and soon came to the unique courtyard.Immediately, I heard a voice from the inside saying: "The Master Fei has arrived, please come in quickly."

Hearing these words was the son of King Xun, Yi Tian didn't change his face but felt helpless in his heart.But when everyone comes here, they can't turn around and weaken their own prestige, Shen Sense stretched in to investigate, and found that there seemed to be more than one person in the courtyard asking through sound transmission: "Master Fei, it seems that we came at the wrong time, right? "

"It's okay, you don't have to worry too much, Daoist Yi. That's Prince Xun's son's companion who often attends to your side," said Fei Hongshang, and walked in directly.

Yi Tian also felt bored and asked a superfluous question, and then followed her into the inner court.

This is a yard with a radius of twenty feet, and in the middle there is a stone pavilion for receiving guests, in which Prince Xun's son is sitting.The waiter behind him took a few steps and then turned around to leave. Before leaving, he opened the soundproof barrier in the yard.

After they walked outside the stone pavilion with Fei Hongshang, they glanced over and saw Prince Xun's son sitting inside. There was a jug of wine and a jade slip on the table, as if they were discussing something with someone.

On the contrary, the companion who read hurriedly got up and bowed to the two visiting people, saying: "The junior censor Mi Baiji has seen the two seniors."

After speaking, he went straight to the side behind Prince Xun's son and stood aside. He was very savvy seeing the person's cultivation base and knew that his identity was different, so he dared not make a mistake.

It's just that Yi Tian found that the difference in his eyes flickered after his gaze passed over him, and then he pretended to be nonchalant and served by the side.

With a faint smile on his face, he didn't talk too much, anyway, since he just came to see Duan Xiaolou to discuss business today, he had to put on a show.

After the two sat down, Prince Xun's son cut to the chase and said, "If you don't know, what should you call it?"

"Asura Cult worships Elder Yi Tian, ​​I am here," knowing that there is no need to hide anything at this time, so he directly reported his name.

After hearing this, Duan Xiaolou's hand holding the wine glass obviously paused, and then slowly put down the wine glass and cupped his hands: "It turned out that it was a pleasure to meet you Daoist Yi in person."

Seeing his sudden change in attitude, Hongshang yelled coquettishly, "Your Majesty's consignment this time was taken by fellow Daoist Yi, so he took the liberty to bother you and wanted to make a private transaction."

"Fei Dao's hard work and hard work are of great merit, so please Daoist Yi take out the exchanged items and let me check it out so that it can be priced," Duan Xiaolou said without changing his expression.

It's just that Yi Tian found that there seemed to be some flickering in his eyes and he didn't dare to deal with him, so he guessed something when he changed his mind.Presumably, Prince Xun's son is not a fool, he should have recognized himself after he reported his name just now.

The last time the imperial dynasty sent an envoy to the Asura Sect, the battle between him and Luo Yao had naturally been leaked long ago.Although Yun Lin and Luo Yao would not disclose too much information about this, but there were still many people present at that time, it is hard to guarantee that no one will spread the process of that fight with embellishment.

In this way, it would be easy for the other party to recognize him, at least he would not dare to overwhelm others in the exchange process.But what Yi Tian was quite afraid of was Yushi Mi Boji who was standing aside. He didn't expect that this guy, like himself, likes to pretend to be a pig and eat a tiger.

When I met him in the historical archives, I didn't see his real cultivation when I was cold, but I can be sure of one thing. This person has a way to find out the mark on his body.If he whispered in Duan Xiaolou's ear afterwards, I'm afraid that the troubles he will face in the future will be extremely difficult.

After thinking about it, he couldn't help turning his eyes to the other party for a few glances, only to see that Mi Baiji was standing aside respectfully serving him, he clearly recognized him but still pretended to be an old monk in meditation.

Guessing that he was only talking behind his back at most, Yi Tian was determined in his heart, then reached out and took out the jade bottle, put it on the table gently and said: "A drop of Xuanyin real water, if you want to exchange for the seven-color magic crystal in the hand of the prince, it should be It is enough."

After speaking, he gently lifted the bottle cap, and the surrounding temperature instantly dropped a lot.The frost on the stone platform instantly formed, and that layer of white frost spread along the platform.Originally, it was the season of warm spring and flowers blooming in the courtyard, but now under the influence of Xuanyin True Water, it seemed to return to winter.

Duan Xiaolou stretched out his divine sense and swept over the jade bottle, then twitched his face slightly and said, "Please put it away, fellow daoist Yi, I am very satisfied with this item, so I can exchange it with fellow daoist."

Hearing that the crimson dress was overjoyed, she flipped her hands and took out a jade brocade box, put it on the table, and gently pushed it over.

Yi Tian put the cap on the bottle smoothly, and the cold air emitted was completely withdrawn, and the surrounding temperature slowly rose.Reaching out and opening the brocade box, I saw a colorful spar the size of a baby's head, needless to say, it should be the magic spar.

After scanning it with divine thoughts, I calculated in my mind that the value of Xuanyin Zhenshui in my hand was about the same in exchange for the seven-color magic crystal, but I don't know how to solve the [-]% consignment fee mentioned by Fei Hongshang.

Seeing his thoughtful face, Duan Xiaolou asked, "Since you and I agree, do you have any concerns?"

Yi Tian laughed dumbly and said: "Exchanging is no problem, it's just that Master Fei mentioned before coming here that there is still a [-]% commission, and now I'm considering it."

Hearing this, Hongshang chuckled and said: "You Daoyou is indeed a trustworthy person, so this time my Hongyan Association will not accept this commission for the beauty of adults, I hope that the two Taoists will take care of the chamber of commerce if possible in the future." I am so grateful.”

Duan Xiaolou nodded in satisfaction seeing that she was so knowledgeable, and put away the jade bottle casually.Without hesitation, Yi Tian put the lid on the brocade box and put it in the storage ring.

In this way, everyone got what they deserved and everyone was happy. In fact, the most profitable thing was that the two of them owed each other a favor for no reason. From now on, whether she went to the imperial city or the magic domain, she could find someone to maintain it.

Immediately, his eyes swept over Mi Baiji who was on the side, and Yi Tianji thought to himself, "I still need to call you out and talk about it."

 Thanks for the support of Daoist qp6973

(End of this chapter)

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