
Chapter 1511

Chapter 1511 Talk
Listening to Mi Boji's words, Yi Tian didn't correct the title, on the contrary, he seemed to acquiesce, which made the other party feel confident.Then he tried to ask: "Luo Ziyan gave me this mark, why do you think that I can become the new Asura Emperor?"

Mi Boji smiled and said: "Actually, the Asura royal family is not based on blood lineage, but who among the Asura clan can refine the exercises to the extreme state and become a different dharma body. Then there is the original It was made by the empress bestowing the seal, I guess your dharma body must be unique, that's why Her Majesty the empress gave the seal."

Unexpectedly, what he expected was exactly the same, Yi Tian concealed an awkward smile on his face and asked again: "Even so, aren't you curious about what my avatar looks like, at least you have an idea to ask?" Take a look."

"That's true. To be honest, the subject is very curious about why Her Majesty gave the mark, but this is not a good time. And since I can see the mark of my emperor, I know in my heart that there is no need to confirm it again. " Mi Boji replied respectfully.

"Okay, if this is the case, I will definitely contact you again after I go to the imperial city. It's just that your status as the companion of King Xun is a little sensitive. I don't know how much you know about the current situation of the Asura Dynasty, and whether you are also deeply involved in the current situation. What about the vortex of the power struggle?" Yi Tian locked the other party with a flash of purple light in his eyes.

"My emperor, although I have been with Prince Xun's son for a long time, I will never forget the teachings and last orders of my ancestors. Everything should be based on the government and follow the Queen's order," Mi Baiji explained.

"Then how did I hear that the two princes in the current dynasty are all officials who exercise power wisely and protect themselves, and many people have come to worship under them as minions," Yi Tian said.

With a soft sigh, Mi Baiji shook his head helplessly and said: "Actually, it is not true. The court is currently divided into three factions. Prince Wei and Prince Xun each form a faction, especially Prince Wei is the regent appointed by the former queen, so he is here There’s a lot of righteousness in that.”

"Then when can the regent step down?" Yi Tian asked after thinking about it.

"When Her Majesty enters the integration period, Prince Wei must return to the court, but with his current status and identity, I'm afraid this matter will not go smoothly," Mi Baiji analyzed.

"Hmph, his idea can be delayed for a while, otherwise it would be impossible to send someone to intercept Luo Ziyan's special envoy," Yi Tian said disdainfully.

"Does my emperor know about the suspicion?" Mi Baiji asked.

Immediately, Yi Tian slowly told the story of his encounter with Luo Xiao in the depths of the magic domain, and Mi Baiji listened to his face with no expression of resentment, it seemed that he disdained Prince Wei's actions.

Shaoqing waited for Yi Tian to finish his speech, and he said again: "Now Lord Yun gathers virtuous ministers in the court and is able to overwhelm Prince Wei's power. It's just that His Royal Highness King Xun is guarding the boundary gate, so the strength in his hands is naturally two There is a row of fragrant buns that are vying to win over."

"I guess that King Xun should be on the side of Prince Wei, so that he can maintain a certain degree of stability in the Asura Dynasty. Everything depends on Luo Ziyan's own good luck to determine the direction of the dynasty," Yi Tian sighed. .

"That's true," Mi Boji said bluntly: "Actually, I also agree with King Xun's strategy, and I will do the same to maintain a balanced situation."

"Why is that? Isn't it a good thing not to let Luo Ziyan be in power?" Yi Tian asked back. In his own opinion, this matter is a bit strange. If Luo Ziyan can be allowed to participate in politics as soon as possible, it will definitely have a great impact on the ownership of future rights. the benefits of.

However, Mi Baiji waved his hand lightly and replied: "No, no, the current Asura dynasty has internal and external troubles, and it really can't stand too much change. What's more, the former empress entrusted the government to Prince Wei after retreating, and ordered King Xun Guarding the boundary gate, Master Yun is taking on the burden of training the current empress. These three are indispensable in the court, and it is with King Xun's restraint that the dynasty can be stable for thousands of years."

"However, such a triangular relationship will be broken sooner or later. In the future, Luo Ziyan will be able to regain her authority when she becomes a god of transformation," Yi Tian said.

"Actually, it is not necessary to have the Empress come down to break such an iron triangle situation," Mi Baiji said with a smile: "As long as my emperor can step into the integration stage first, he can naturally beat Prince Wei and at the same time convince King Xun to be sincere. Lord Yun will be your greatest help."

"Having said that, I'm just a passer-by. My true identity is a spiritual cultivator, and I still have the mission of the sect on my body, so it's impossible to take care of both," Yi Tian evaded.

"Your Majesty, don't underestimate yourself. As far as I know, many great lords in the Nine Realms of the Upper Spirit have dual identities like you," Mi Baiji said with a knowing smile, "Actually, such dual identities also have great benefits. You can borrow soldiers from across borders to deal with some difficult problems. If my emperor enters the integration period, he must be a leader in the three schools of the spirit world. With the support of the Asura royal family, he must be a monk in the Mahayana period in the sect. Impressed by you."

Unexpectedly, Mi Boji, who is only a cultivator at the stage of transformation, can say such a truth. It seems that his vision is indeed far beyond that of ordinary people.

Now there are some things to deal with at hand, so after thinking about it, he asked: "I have something I want to give to Luo Ziyan."

"My emperor can order some small things, and the humble minister will definitely die," Mi Baiji replied with a happy face.

"I want to refine a heaven-ranked spirit treasure, and you will send it to Luo Ziyan for me when I succeed," Yi Tian explained. In fact, after getting the seven-color magic crystal from the son of Prince Xun this time, he I have already thought about it in my heart.

From past experience, the spirit weapon map in my hand is the most suitable for Luo Ziyan is the Haotian Mirror from the lower realm.It's just that this is a unique spiritual weapon in Lihuo Palace, and I can't make it out of it even if I have a map.Once in this world, it will naturally attract the attention of the spirit world, which is not beautiful.

After much deliberation, it is only necessary to slightly modify the pattern of the utensils in the atlas to be suitable for the use of Asura monks.In this way, it is not very difficult to refine it into a spirit treasure similar to the Haotian Mirror.

After explaining to Mi Baiji, he learned that he would stay in Diluo City with Prince Xun's son for another 20 years.This is already the limit, if I can finish the work during this period, I can still make it in time, otherwise I have to send it to the imperial city in person.

This is the most troublesome thing for Yi Tian, ​​once he goes to the imperial city as a special envoy of Asura Cult, there will be many troubles, and it is absolutely impossible to face Luo Ziyan alone by then.

 Thank you fellow Taoists for your persistent and strong support.The name is a bit of a mouthful, and I wrote it three times for fear of making a typo.

(End of this chapter)

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