
Chapter 1512

Chapter 1512
Yi Tian finally felt relieved after leaving the mansion of Prince Xun's son, and Mi Baiji also revealed on the spot that he was only loyal to Her Majesty the Queen, and would not help anyone in the matter of the two kings' struggle for power.

In the future, when Her Majesty the Queen regains control of the government, she will naturally come out to say something fair.And from his mouth, I learned that there are still quite a few monks like this in the Asura Dynasty. Although they are showing impartiality on the surface, they are actually silently waiting for the time to come.

Moreover, a considerable part of the Asura dynasty is hereditary, which will greatly limit the development of the dynasty, but at this stage, the royalists are still very powerful.It's just that there is no leading figure to take the lead, so the major families have chosen to be silent very tacitly. Once there is any disturbance in the overweight, this force will definitely be activated.

Although Yi Tian is still skeptical about Mi Baiji's words, at least he has a bottom line in his heart.At present, it seems that my situation is not as bad as I imagined. Everything will be discussed after seeing the Asura Imperial City and entering the Fire Source Secret Realm.

Now that I think about it, I can collect the materials for refining Lingbao first. In addition to the seven-color magic crystal on hand as the main ingredient, there is still a lack of Tianwai Iron Essence and Xuantian Wood Core.

The former can be adjusted by Crimson Chang, but the Xuantian wood core is a heaven-level treasure, and it was only seen in the jade slips of travel notes in the spirit world.

If there is no Xuantian wooden core, I am afraid that the spirit treasure will be difficult to sacrifice. At this time, Yi Tian also feels that he is a bit full of words.But that's the case, let's explore the situation first.

After wandering around the street, Yi Tian came to Hongyan Club's residence again. This time, the familiar waiters naturally knew how to greet him when they saw him face to face. After arranging the reception room, he rushed to find the person in charge.

Half a day later, Yi Tian came out of the Hongyan Club with a mixed look of worry and joy on his face, and the crimson dress was generous enough to help him solve the problem of the meteorite spirit from outside the sky.Although she asked for a high price, she finally got the treasures she needed.

It's just that the Xuantian wooden core still couldn't be found, and even Fei Hongshang said that she had only seen this kind of spiritual plant treasure on some ancient jade slips, but she had never seen the real thing.

Just when Yi Tian felt at a loss what to do, Crimson Chang gave a clue. The only high-ranking alchemist in Diluo City, Zhou Xiang, was well-informed, and he also had a lot of rare spiritual plant treasures on hand.If you can't find any clues from other sources, then this matter can only be done.

With the feeling of a blind cat bumping into a dead mouse, Yi Tian could only bite the bullet and go to the residence of the high-level alchemist Zhouxiang, hoping to gain something.

Most of the alchemists in Diluo City gather near Qiyu Mountain in the south of the city. There are also elixir shops at the foot of the mountain. In addition to buying and selling elixir, there are also many medicinal material dealers gathered here.

Yi Tian restrained his cultivation and walked all the way. After passing through the main market in the south of the city, he also found out the exact location of the cave of the high-ranking alchemist Zhou Xiang.

At the same time, I also learned that this person has a bit of a weird temper. If you see the right eye, you will have an old-fashioned heart.

Fortunately, this person was distracted in the early stages of cultivation, but Yi Tian didn't want to use power to overwhelm others, so he just used the simplest method to come to ask for pills.

Walking all the way up from the foot of Qiyu Mountain and walking through the path on the mountainside, I found that there are not a few people who come here to seek alchemy.However, there is not only one high-ranking alchemist here, but several disciples of Day Xiang have also opened caves on Qiyu Mountain.

Many people went for his disciples, after all, the difference in cultivation was too great to speak of.Yi Tian walked all the way up and found that after halfway up the mountain, he saw fewer and fewer people. When he walked up the mountain, he realized that there was a cave at the end of the mountain road. Judging from the strength of the forbidden barrier outside It should be undoubtedly arranged by Zhou Xiang.

Unable to walk forward, Yi Tian stretched out his hand to seal his figure and gradually became hazy, and after ten breaths, he appeared from the mountain road.At the same time, there seemed to be a ray of light flying towards Qiyu Mountain from the sky, and the ray of light was mixed with traces of black evil spirit. Judging from the strength of the spiritual power, it was at least that of a monk in the middle stage of distraction.

Yi Tian frowned slightly, took back his divine sense, and then quickened his pace and walked towards Zhouxiang's cave.It's just that in less than half a moment, the ray of light from the sky rushed down in front of him and dropped the cloud head directly to the outside of the cave at the end of the mountain road.

When the black light receded, the figure inside was none other than Ke Zhennan, General of the Imperial Forest Army, but Yi Tian noticed that the man's face seemed to be a little stagnant.It is expected that most of them suffered some dark losses on the way of chasing Wu Yao, but what he is holding in his hand is the bloodthirsty magic knife that he consigned.

I saw that the Asura dharma body on Ke Zhennan's body was not put away, and his three-headed and six-armed appearance was at least a little weaker than that of Luo Yao who had taught him before.

Before he arrived, he knocked on the door and worshiped the mountain.Shaoqing's cave door opened slightly, revealing a three-foot-sized opening, and a Nascent Soul Stage monk dressed as a Taoist boy walked out of it.Taking out the restraint token in his hand, he opened the restraint outside the cave and shouted respectfully: "My master is at a critical moment in alchemy, and I was specially ordered to welcome the two distinguished guests to the living room of the cave for a while, and he will come out to greet him in person after receiving the alchemy."

Ke Zhennan frowned, then turned around and looked towards the mountain road behind him.After three breaths, a shadow slowly appeared on the mountain road, and it was Yi Tian who walked over quickly.

Ke Zhennan snorted coldly and said, "Hiding your head and showing your tail is definitely not what a gentleman does."

Yi Tian was stunned for a moment, but he didn't get angry. He didn't want to have an affair with Ke Zhennan directly.Resisting his temper, he walked forward and said softly to the Taoist boy, "It's a crime for casual cultivator Yitian to come here and disturb Master Zhouxiang's Qingxiu."

"My master said that the senior followed the correct steps of seeking alchemy to go up the mountain. Naturally, you can't neglect it. Let's take a rest in the advanced cave."

Yi Tian smiled faintly when he heard the words, then glanced at Ke Zhennan who was on the side, and walked in.

That Daotong obviously didn't dare to offend Ke Zhennan, and then he said a few polite words to lead him into the cave.

After turning a few turns in the passage of the cave, we came to a spacious stone room, where there was already a teapot on the table.At this time, the water under the ground was boiling, and the boy first invited the two to sit down, poured a cup of tea for each of them, and then obediently stood aside and waited.

After Yi Tian saw it, he gently took the teacup and drank it. Ke Zhennan, who was sitting on the sidelines, seemed to be not good at it and just sat there quietly, but the expression on his face gradually sank, as if he was dissatisfied with Zhou Xiang way of hospitality.

(End of this chapter)

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