
Chapter 1514 Reopening

Chapter 1514 Reopening
After leaving Qiyu Mountain, Yi Tian returned to Diluo City. Originally, he wanted to find a temporary cave to rest and wait for Zhouxiang's reply.

Fortunately, this period of time happened to be the second half of the auction held by the Hongyan Club. Three days ago, after being quarreled with by someone, the Lord of the Landlord directly snatched the treasure in front of the Lord of the Landlord and left.

Therefore, in the second half of the auction, various protective measures were prepared more fully. For this reason, the City Lord's Mansion specially dispatched a team of monks in the transformation stage as guards. In addition, all monks in the distraction stage who entered the auction had to report their real names.

Seeing that it was nothing important for him to come in, Yi Tian simply decided to participate again.Although he has fully understood the remaining auction items, it is not guaranteed that other casual cultivators will come up with new consignment items in the past three days.

What I lack the most after coming to the Asura Realm is vision. The treasures produced here are quite different from those in other realms.Take advantage of this opportunity to make more friends with the distracted monks of various races, maybe there will be unexpected discoveries.

When I came to the meeting place of the Hongyan Club again, I handed in the greeting card, and soon someone came out and led me to the meeting place.Having learned the lesson of being robbed last time, Crimson Dress rearranged the venue and separated the original open auction seats.It was divided into small boxes, and a formation barrier was placed outside to seal the boxes so that the people inside could not forcefully break through.

In addition, those barriers that do not fall below have the effect of isolating other people's spiritual thoughts, making it impossible for each other to spy on each other's reality.

Yi Tian admired that Hongshang was able to come up with such a method in just three days, so that everyone could not see each other and bid without worrying about the other party's identity and strength, and all spoke based on their own background.

Now that I have found what I like, there is no need to forcefully bid with others, and Yi Tian sits cross-legged in the private room with his eyes closed and waits for the result in the mood of watching the excitement.

Half an hour later, when the crimson dress reappeared on the auction round platform in the middle, it indicated that the second half of the auction had officially begun.

When the first auction item was brought up, Yi Tianshennian moved his mouth slightly but said: "It's really interesting."

I saw that the auction item was placed in a glazed square box, with talisman restrictions affixed around it.If there is no special way to lift the restriction, I am afraid that the person who makes the shot will be attacked by the talisman immediately.And besides the crimson clothes, there was a distracted mid-stage cultivator sitting cross-legged to protect him.

Unexpectedly, Hongshang would think of such a clever method, and now it is impossible to grab it.

The second half of the auction officially kicked off after Shaoqing waited for Hongshang to speak.

Yi Tian took the list on one side and held it in his hand. After scanning quickly with his spiritual sense, he found that it was slightly different from what he knew before.There is an extra 'Catalogue of Heavenly Works' in it, which was probably added at midnight recently.

Looking at the description below, it is said that this 'Tiangong Directory' is left over from an ancient sect in the spiritual world, the Tiangong Mansion.I quickly recalled in my mind that when I was in Tianlan Continent, I had accidentally learned about the relics of the next sect of Tiangong Mansion.

Since ascending to the spirit world, he has also tried to find news about his sect, but after hundreds of years, he has not found any useful clues.

Now, I happened to see news of him in the world of Asura, so naturally I shouldn't let it go easily.

After thinking about it, he went deep into the storage ring with his spiritual thoughts to check what he could take out for bidding. It is estimated that he will inevitably have to bargain with others.

After waiting for a short while, the celebrity in crimson clothes took out a glazed jade box, and then said: "A copy of the Tiangong list, there is no copy. The consignor wants to exchange it for a heaven-level low-level attack spirit weapon or other similar items. There are two copies of high-grade precious materials, please bid if you are interested."

As soon as the words were finished, there was a voice of bidding from the wing room marked No. [-]: "A set of heaven-level elementary spirit weapon son-mother flying sword."

With a flick of his eyelids, Yi Tian secretly thought that this person would really bid, and a complete set of attacking spirit weapons would definitely be much stronger than a single one.Moreover, its attributes meet the requirements. If there is no major accident, it is difficult to exceed his bid.

Sure enough, although some people in the other boxes expressed their willingness to bid, all the items that were brought out were rejected by Hongshang on the spot, and there was still a far difference in terms of efficacy without him.

Yi Tian thought about it and didn't want to wait any longer, so he just quoted a price to see the effect.Then he muttered: "A low-level offensive magic weapon of the heavenly level, a blood-refined Wu hook, Master Fei, let's estimate the price."

As soon as this remark came out, the crimson dress standing in the middle showed a little smile on her face.She naturally recognized the voice of the speaker, and a second magic weapon unexpectedly appeared at her auction.Recently, she has also done a detailed investigation of the people who came here, so she must be able to easily find out who owns the blood demon sword that was consigned before.

It just seemed that the people in the No. [-] box didn't want to give up and added more on the spot: "This seat will add a million spirit stones to the mother-child flying sword."

It was obvious that he was going to carry it to the end, Yi Tian's face was slightly moved after he heard this, and after thinking about it, he didn't make any more bids.After all, the person who can occupy the No. [-] box is naturally not a casual cultivator. Although I don't know if the three city lords of Diluo City have come secretly, I don't want to cause trouble for my upper body.

Just as he was thinking about it, a voice suddenly came from the No. [-] box on one side, saying, "A jasper hairpin, a first-level heavenly artifact, plus a million spiritual stones."

Such an interruption seems to be a confrontation with the person in the No. [-] box, so it is even more inconvenient for Yi Tian to make a sound, but just smiles lightly and waits for the result.

It seemed that there were well-known people in the two boxes, and for a while the problem was directly brought back to Hongshang.Half a moment later, she only heard that she had received a summons before explaining: "Because the consignor took a fancy to the Jade Hairpin, it was the VIP from the second box who bid for it."

It was so easy for Yi Tian to understand that the seller still has a lot of decision-making power in such a consignment occasion.Although the son-mother flying sword is good, it still ignores the seller's intentions. I'm afraid that the people in the No. [-] box will be blocked for no reason this time.

Just as he was thinking about it, suddenly there was a knock on the door of his box, and after he answered softly, he saw a mid-stage female cultivator in armor walking in with a glazed jade box in both hands.Later, she put the jade box on the table and said: "My lord has said that he wants to exchange this item for the magic weapon Wu Hook in Senior's hand."

It was Ke Zhennan, the general of the Imperial Forest Army. This was the first reaction that flashed in Yi Tian's mind.What he is doing is that he cares so much about magic weapons.Putting this thing in other places may not be able to get what it deserves, but he has absolute confidence in his own strength and is not afraid that he will not accept it if he sends someone to send it over like this.

After thinking about it, a sentence popped out of his mouth: "If this is the case, then I can't wish for it."

 Thanks to fellow daoist lmxy and fellow daoist Han Linchun for their great support.

(End of this chapter)

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