
Chapter 1515 Avoidance

Chapter 1515 Avoidance
Unexpectedly, there would be such a scene at the auction, and Yi Tian got the "Tiangong Directory" he wanted without any trouble.Speaking of this time, there is a lot of luck at work, but looking back, Ke Zhennan's eagerness to collect magic weapons must have its inevitability.

I have to guard against this, because before I came to the Asura Realm, there were no more than one slap in the face of magic weapons.

It is said that the gates in the Asura Realm have already closed the passage to the Demon Realm. In this way, the sudden appearance of two magic weapons after many years of lack of communication between the two realms is bound to be missed by those who are interested.

Immediately, the pupils in Yi Tian's eyes froze, and he secretly thought that it was not good, he might have been targeted by Ke Zhennan.When he came to participate in the auction today, he also used the Thousand Faces Technique to change his appearance. It seems that he has not yet confirmed his identity, but it is guaranteed that he will not find out in the future.

Moreover, I have met him in Zhouxiang's cave before, so I have already met him in this matter.At that time, although they were just nodding acquaintances, the frequency of the spiritual pressure fluctuations on their bodies could not be faked. Sooner or later, Ke Zhennan would find out who made the two magic weapons.

Thinking of this, Yi Tian put away the glazed jade box in front of him, then took out the formation breaking awl and held it in his hand to sacrifice.After three breaths, the whole figure should become lighter and lighter until it became nothingness. After the same blue light flashed, the restraint in the whole box trembled slightly and then returned to normal.

Yi Tian's real body jumped out of it while breaking the barrier, and came to the corridor outside.

Looking around, I found that the female editor who came to trade with me just now was standing at the end of the corridor, looking like she was watching her.

Seeing this, Yi Tian showed disdain on his face, relying on his own cultivation, he used a concealed body technique to walk past her directly.Even when he missed her, he didn't arouse any doubts in the other party.

After getting out of the Hongyan Club's auction site, Yi Tian felt that he needed to avoid it, so he restrained his breath directly and disguised himself as a Nascent Soul monk, and then restored his true face and directly disappeared into the flow of people shuttling outside.

Now I still have to wait for Zhouxiang's summons, so I can't leave Diluo City for a while.But if you find a zero-time cave here, you must report your information, which is very likely to reveal your whereabouts.

After thinking about it for a while, Yi Tian decided to hide in the training room in the Historical Museum during this period of time.That place only needs to pay ten high-grade spirit stones and you can rent it for about ten days, and the high flow of people will not let people see the flaws.

Half a day later, Yi Tian got his wish and rented a remote study room in the Historical Archives Museum, and took a lot of travel notes near Diluo City and began to study behind closed doors.

The engraved jade slips in his hand describe the situation near Diluo City in great detail.This place originally belonged to the frontier fortress, and it was the place where the Asura tribe resisted the alien race tens of thousands of years ago.

In the Middle Ages, this world was not dominated by the Asura family, but was jointly controlled by other monks of other races.

These alien races were driven out of the Asura world after the unremitting struggle of the previous Asura queens.After reading this, Yi Tian's expression froze, but he disagreed with these documents from the bottom of his heart.

According to the calculation of time, the Middle Ages should be ruled by the ancestor Asura Emperor Luo Qin, when did Luo Yilan take charge of the overall situation.

After thinking about it, I changed a few volumes of other documents related to the history of the Asura tribe in the middle ages. After searching in the depths, they all gave the same description, and the words Asura Emperor Luoqin did not appear in any of them.

Seeing this, Yi Tiancai understood that Luo Yilan seemed to have erased all the clues about her husband.Needless to say, these things in front of me can be processed to bluff people. I am afraid that if I want to find out the truth of the matter, I can only find information about Emperor Asura in the royal library in the imperial city.

At the same time, the figure of Mi Baiji slowly emerged in his mind. As a imperial censor, this person naturally has his family's information channel.According to this, there are quite a few ten thousand-year-old families in the entire Asura Dynasty. If I have the opportunity to go to the imperial city, maybe I can really try to follow the footsteps of these people.

Since Mi Boji can draw the imprint of the Asura royal family with his own hands, then other aristocratic families must also have a copy of the imprint map.

Just as I was thinking about it, I suddenly heard a voice transmission from outside the restriction: "Fellow Taoists inside, please come out for a while. There are distinguished guests from the City Lord's Mansion who need to requisition all the study rooms of the Historical Archives at zero hour."

Yi Tian frowned slightly, his heart was not good, why he always felt a little uncomfortable recently.But recalling that the person he is now pretending to be is a Nascent Soul monk, so he has no choice but to hold back.

Reluctantly, he replied: "Here we come," Yi Tian walked out slowly after reaching out his hand to open the restriction barrier.When he came to the outside world, he found that there was indeed a large group of city guards not far in front of him, and the two leading monks did indeed recognize each other.

Among them, the one wearing civil official clothes was the censor Mi Boji whom he had seen before, and the general standing next to him was the nun who had come to exchange magic weapons with him at the auction.Fortunately, I didn't show my true face at that time and completely concealed the spiritual pressure fluctuations on my body, so it was unlikely to be recognized by her.

As for Mi Boji, he is also a mature person, and he noticed it immediately after he appeared.After sweeping his eyes, he turned around and looked to the other side without stopping at all.

Yi Tian was secretly amused, probably he didn't expect to meet him here again now.

Shaoqing only heard Mi Boji say in a deep voice: "I will leave as soon as possible, I now need to requisition this place as a zero-hour office.

Many people were taken aback when they heard this, but no one dared to disobey the order when they saw the team of city guards in front of them.

Immediately, the bustling group of people faded away in an orderly manner towards the direction of the exit.

Yi Tian also mixed in the crowd and slowly walked towards the gate. When he reached the distance of about ten feet away from Mi Baiji, he suddenly heard a voice transmission in his ear: "My emperor leaves quickly, Diluo City The frequent appearance of many monks from the Monster Race nearby has aroused Shangfeng's suspicion, and a large group of people will come to investigate this matter in the near future."

"Then why did you come to the Historical Archives?" Yi Tian asked puzzled.

"There are some records in the travel documents near Diluo City. I brought people here to search the materials to find the records of the past and the way to deal with it," Mi Baiji replied again through voice transmission.

After Yi Tian heard this, he shook his head and followed a lot of fans out, so the historical records museum couldn't stay any longer, so he had to wait near Qiyu Mountain, hoping that old man Zhouxiang wouldn't make himself wait too long.

(End of this chapter)

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