
Chapter 1516 Convergence

Chapter 1516 Convergence
Flying together with Zhou Xiang in the air and leaving Diluo City, the two continued to fly for about half a day before slowly landing on the top of a barren mountain and began to wait.

Yi Tian waited less than seven days at the foot of Qiyu Mountain before receiving a message from Zhouxiang's jade talisman, and then the two agreed to meet outside the east gate and leave together.

What puzzled Yi Tian was that Zhou Xiang didn't bring another person along with him.It wasn't until after flying here that Yuntou fell and waited here.

Seeing Zhouxiang's calm expression, Yi Tian asked, "When will the helper you mentioned, fellow Daoist Zhou, arrive?"

Zhouxiang replied with a smile: "This person has a special status, so he can't go out of the city with us ostentatiously. Fellow Daoist Yi, don't be impatient. I guess he will be on the way by now."

After finishing speaking, Zhouxiang sat cross-legged on the side of the mountain and waited patiently.Seeing that Yi Tian couldn't urge him anymore, he found an open space to rest first, and at the same time extended his divine sense to spread it out to the maximum range.

It didn't take a while for him to realize in his divine sense that a powerful and not weak aura was rushing towards him. Judging from the fluctuation of spiritual pressure from that person, it was almost like the early stage of distraction.It's just that this person is also disguised, and his true identity will not be found out for a while.

A distance of several thousand miles is just a moment for a monk in the distraction period. After meeting at a distance of about three thousand miles, Zhou Xiang opened his eyes and said: "When people come, they will arrive as soon as possible."

Yi Tian then stood up and then used the escape technique together with Zhouxiang to fly high above the sky, turned around and looked into the distance, only to see a golden light galloping towards his direction from the edge of the sky.

Half a moment later, the ray of light stopped ten feet away in front of him, and after the golden light dissipated, he revealed his figure, stared at Yi Tian, ​​looked at him, and said, "Why are you here, fellow Daoist Yi, isn't it Master Zhou? Are you the helper you're talking about?"

The speaker turned out to be Prince Xun's son, but his current appearance was disguised, if he hadn't spoken first, I really wouldn't have recognized him.

Later, Yi Tian raised his hands and said, "What a coincidence, I didn't expect His Royal Highness to like to play private visits on micro-services."

Seeing that the two of them actually knew each other, Zhou Xiang relaxed and said, "Since the two of you are familiar with each other, there is no need for me to introduce you. Our destination this time is left over from the previous generation of Asura monks in the fusion stage." The medicine garden is called 'Baicao Gallery'."

"I don't know if there are leftovers to restrain or guard spirit beasts?" Yi Tian asked straight to the point after hearing this.

"There are restrictions, but it is not difficult to break through the three of us after years of wasting time," Zhou Xiang replied with a smile.

"My Asura seniors will have their own unique defense system. Even if they break through the restriction, do they still have to deal with the guards inside?" Duan Xiaolou added on the side.

"What the prince said is true, there probably won't be any living beast spirit guards in this Baicao corridor," Zhou Xiang explained: "But as far as I know, most of the Asura monks ten thousand years ago would plant demon flower seeds to protect the spirits. If there are no monks from the same Asura clan to open the way, I am afraid that it will be easily regarded as a foreign enemy invasion."

When Zhouxiang said this, Yi Tiancai understood why he asked the son of King Xun to make up the numbers. After the feelings entered, he had to rely on him to make a move, otherwise it would be very troublesome for everyone to break in and face a large number of demon flower guards.

After the explanation, the team continued to fly towards the depths of the Ashura Realm under the leadership of Zhouxiang.This time, under the leadership of Zhouxiang, the horsepower will start flying at full speed above the high altitude, and Duan Xiaolou will follow closely behind without saying a word.

My own cultivation base is higher than the two, and I am good at flying escape, but this time I only follow the main, so I just maintain the escape speed and follow at the end.

After flying continuously for two days, Yi Tian realized in his mind that there was a land with extremely chaotic spiritual power eight thousand miles away, and it might be the destination here.

As Zhouxiang continued to lower the flying altitude, his guess was confirmed.At a distance of about a thousand miles, Yi Tian discovered that the chaotic place of spiritual power was coming from the valley in front of him.

After flying over the valley, the divine sense scanned and found that it was impossible to check the situation below.At this time, Zhou Xiang, who was leading the way, said, "Here we are, the Baicaolang ruins are in the valley below. We need to carefully find the location of the entrance so as not to touch the inner restriction."

Duan Xiaolou turned his head and winked at himself before heading down into the valley below.

After the sound of 'puff puff', the three of them fell to the ground, and then raised their protective shields to push away the surrounding fog and slowly explored into the depths of the valley.

Yi Tian found that there was a faint green mist in the valley which seemed to be close to the height of three feet above the ground, and this layer of mist could continuously erode the spiritual power on his protective cover.

After a careful look, he could find that the green mist should contain highly poisonous ingredients, so he sent a voice transmission to the two people in front of him to inform him.Then Zhouxiang took out a square tripod-shaped spiritual weapon to protect himself, and Duan Xiaolou took out a ring-shaped spiritual weapon and then built a thin transparent mask around himself.

Yi Tian reached out and summoned the Great Immortal Guagua from the storage bag, and placed it on his right shoulder.Immediately, a green halo emerged from the body of the Great Immortal Guagua, covering his body and pushing away the poisonous mist around him.

The three of them continued to walk forward, and suddenly the Great Immortal Quack opened his mouth and said, "You have finally let me out to breathe, why is there one of your companions whose luck is very low this time, if he doesn't have the air of an emperor If you maintain it, you may be overwhelmed by the rest of the decay."

Yi Tian thought about it, didn't he just talk about the son of King Xun, he didn't expect his luck to be so bad.Immediately, a look of helplessness appeared on his face, since the Great Immortal Guagua said so, it cannot be wrong.

Now, most of myself and Duan Xiaolou Tongxing will be affected by his luck, this is really a disaster.

Just as he was thinking about it, Zhou Xiang, who suddenly walked in the first place, shouted: "We have arrived at the entrance, everyone, don't act rashly, check carefully before making any plans." After speaking, he stretched out his hand and pointed to the cliff thirty feet away in front of him. On the side, there are two large and small stone gates standing there.

After Duan Xiaolou saw it, he walked up quickly, then looked up at the stone gate in front of him and blurted out: "It really is the cave of my ancestor monks of the Asura tribe. It can only be opened by a monk who has become an Asura dharma body."

Yi Tian looked up and saw that the stone gate was indeed engraved with the portrait of Asura Dharma Body, and there were signs of forbidden nodes at the positions of the six palms.

(End of this chapter)

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