
Chapter 1517 Open

Chapter 1517 Open
After arriving at the entrance of the 'Baicao Gallery', Yi Tian glanced at the restriction in front of the door and guessed it in his heart.The barrier barrier here was obviously set up by monks of the Asura clan. There are only two ways to break the barrier.

However, this kind of operation is time-consuming and labor-intensive, and it may not be possible to touch the mechanism involved in the prohibition, and if it is not done, it will activate the guard inside.

As far as I am concerned, forcible intrusion is a way out of nothing, so try not to use it if you can.Since Zhouxiang has invited the son of Prince Xun this time, he naturally has his plans.

Presumably, it is nothing more than the standard way for the experimenter to open the enchantment here when he casts the Asura Dharma Body.

Shaoqing only listened to Zhou Xiang and said: "This is the secret realm of Lingzhi Garden that I mentioned to His Royal Highness. The ban on the main gate should be familiar to the Royal Family as a member of the royal family. If this is the case, please act first and wait for it to be broken." After the ban, we can go in and investigate."

Duan Xiaolou nodded slightly and replied: "Master Zhou, don't worry, I checked the ban here, it should be the usual ban method of my Asura clan thousands of years ago. After I check the ban clearly, I can try to break the ban." .”

After speaking, Duan Xiaolou slowly walked forward, stretched out his hands and quickly knotted his hair in front of his chest, the surrounding spiritual power was mobilized and gathered around his body to form a strong wind.Immediately, he said: "Now", and only heard the sound of 'swish', four arms stretched out from under his ribs, and two heads protruded from the back of the head and neck.

Yi Tian, ​​who was standing not far behind, scanned with his divine sense and found that Duan Xiaolou's dharma body statue has opened six eyes, which is also the stage of mastery of agility cultivation.

The six arms ending on his body slowly unfolded in accordance with the appearance of the Asura statue on the stone gate, and the three heads opened their mouths at the same time to recite different incantations.Shaoqing's six hands gathered spiritual light respectively and aimed at the forbidden node on the door where the six arms were located.

After the six auras concentrated on the six nodes, they slowly spread out along the lines of the stone carving portraits, and after a while, the portraits on the entire door were activated.

After three breaths, I saw that the portrait started to turn, and the eyes of the three above also opened.

Yi Tian only felt the ground under his feet vibrate continuously, and after the restriction in front of him slowly faded, the stone door made a 'click' sound in the middle, as if it was opening.

But this scene lasted for not more than three breaths before it stopped abruptly, and that was when the aura above the door began to vibrate violently.In a blink of an eye, Yi Tian saw that Duan Xiaolou was casting a spell to open the door. At this time, dense sweat was faintly oozing from his forehead, and the spiritual power of the statue seemed to be consumed too quickly, showing a look of powerlessness.

Seeing you, Zhouxiang said with a big face on his face, "What should I do?"

"It's because I underestimated the barrier here. I didn't expect that the access control of the monk's cave at the fusion stage would be so powerful. It seems that I can't open it with my spiritual power alone," Duan Xiaolou said with a slumped face.

"The victory is not decided, how can you give up so lightly, stay calm and maintain the output of spiritual power products, and wait for me to wish you a helping hand," Yi Tian shouted in a deep voice, and the same figure flashed past and stretched out his fingers to raise a piece of spiritual power Gently tap on Duan Xiaolou's back.

In an instant, Prince Xun's son felt a majestic spiritual power rushing from behind. After the meridian circulated, it was divided into six strands and then divided into six hands, which stabilized the intermittent spiritual power.

When Zhou Xiang saw it, he was overjoyed and said: "Your Majesty, please don't worry, it's almost time to open all the restrictions."

Just after I finished speaking, I only heard the sound of "Boom" and there was a gap of about two feet in the middle of the gate on the stone wall in front of me, which was just enough for one person to enter and exit.

"You go ahead, I'll finish," Duan Xiaolou said.

Yi Tian didn't hesitate when he heard the words, he rushed in first after the figure flashed, and Zhou Xiang followed closely behind.After ten breaths, Duan Xiaolou entered together, and the gate lost its spiritual power and was slowly closed under the influence of the restraint.

When he came to Neizhong, Yi Tian found that there was a stone path leading to the distance in front of him, but there were crimson vine roots growing all around.Scanning with his spiritual sense, he realized that the environment here is like a huge garden in a mountain, and the three of them seem to be standing at the entrance of the garden now.

The green mist in the air was thicker than the outside world, but the croaking fairy on his shoulders grew up and exhaled fiercely, showing an intoxicated look on his face.

After seeing it, Yi Tian knew that there was a problem here and hurriedly said: "There is a strong poisonous fog in the air around here, everyone be careful."

After hearing this, Zhou Xiang and Duan Xiaolou also showed understanding expressions on their faces, each took out the antidote elixir and swallowed it, then raised the protective shields on their bodies to force the poisonous fog around them to a distance of one foot.

They rested near the door for a while, and after Duan Xiaolou took the elixir to replenish the consumed spiritual power, the three continued to walk along the stone path to the depths of the garden.

As an alchemist, Zhouxiang was familiar with Lingzhi flowers and plants, so he took the lead in the front to explore the way. Prince Xun's son had consumed a lot of spiritual power after opening the restriction just now, so he was arranged in the middle, and Yi Tian walked behind the end.

The three of them walked forward for two or three miles and suddenly saw a three-foot-tall old tree lying on the ground in the middle of the road.In this way, the road in front of him was cut off, so he could only cross the old tree or make a detour.

Zhouxiang frowned slightly when he saw it, and said, "For safety's sake, let's go along the main road and pass the old trees."

"What Master Zhou said is true, I have no problem," Duan Xiaolou replied intermittently.

But Yi Tian turned around with a serious face, looked around and said, "Did you two notice anything wrong?"

As soon as this remark came out, the expressions of the two of them tightened and they cast doubtful eyes.

Yi Tian said solemnly: "Since we entered the cave here, I found that there are many people peeping at us in the dark."

"That's right, but I didn't find anything unusual, is it because you are too sensitive, Daoist Yi?" Duan Xiaolou didn't believe it.

"Yi Daoyou's words are reasonable, my son, don't be careless. I also think there is something wrong with Jing Yi Daoyou's words. Even the ancient tree in front of him is full of vitality, logically speaking Trees like this shouldn't be there either," Zhou Xiang stretched out his hand and pointed.

"If there is any problem, just try it and you will know," Duan Xiaolou, the son of King Xun said, took out the spirit sword and sacrificed it in his hand, and then slashed down on the ancient tree.

With a crisp sound of 'click', the sword light only left a three-inch deep mark on the surface after the sword light passed over the tree trunk, but the red-green juice slowly flowed out from the inside.

Before the three of them could react, the ground around them began to shake slightly.The amplitude of the vibration became stronger and stronger, and at the same time, an ancient and vigorous voice sounded out of thin air: "Who dares to trespass on the important place of the medicine garden?"

(End of this chapter)

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