
Chapter 1518 Ancient Tree 1

Chapter 1518 Ancient Tree One
The sudden voice made the three of them startled, but after sweeping over with their divine sense, they didn't find any breath of living people.

Yi Tian's eyes flashed a strange purple light, and he glanced at the ancient tree in front of him, and found that there was still a strong breath of life on the trunk, needless to say, it should be a spirit tree that has become a spirit.

Surprised on his face, he blurted out: "This ancient tree is alive, everyone be careful."

Zhou Xiang and Duan Xiaolou are also human beings who have lived for thousands of years. After hearing the voice, they drew back and quickly retreated, and then swept the body of the ancient tree in front of them with their spiritual thoughts.After three breaths, Duan Xiaolou's face turned bitter. He just shot and injured the wood spirit, and then he called out: "Where are you monster, do you dare to show your real body?"

The deep voice came again: "It was you three intruders who trespassed on the cemetery. As the guard here, I haven't been held accountable, but I have preempted you first. If it weren't for the fact that you are a descendant of my lord's clan, you will be killed on the spot." I'm going to kill you."

As soon as the words came out, there were rustling sounds in the surrounding jungle, and many faint blue spots of light suddenly lit up in the bushes under the dark curtain.And the number is increasing and the three of them are surrounded in an instant.

"Friend Day Daoist, do you know what kind of spirit monster this is?" Yi Tian asked coldly.

Zhou Xiang's face was ashen, and after scanning his mind, he said as if he was facing a formidable enemy: "It should be the ten thousand-year tree spirit guards left in the Baicao corridor here, and the surrounding ones should be the accompanying vegetation spirits."

"I wonder how strong they are?" Duan Xiaolou hurriedly asked.

"It's hard to say, those companion plant spirits almost have the Nascent Soul cultivation level, but the ancient tree in front of us should be higher than the three of us," Zhou Xiang said with embarrassment.

"That's for sure," Yi Tian said with distress on his face: "This ancient tree has a lifespan of at least 3 to [-] years, and it has lived here for a long time to absorb the essence of heaven and earth. We'd better try to retreat first."

The other two also nodded slightly after hearing this, but before the three of them could take any action, they heard the sound of '噗噗噗' from the ground hundreds of feet away behind them.

After Yi Tian's divine sense swept over, his face was shocked, and he saw hundreds of small holes of three inches in size on the ground.Emerald green branches protruded from those holes and intertwined to form a green vine net.

Seeing that the back road was blocked, Duan Xiaolou showed some anxiety on his face, he stretched out his hand and took out the spirit sword, manipulated it in his hand, it turned into a golden light and slashed fiercely towards the top of the rattan net.

The sound of "click, click" was endless, and those newly grown branches were not as hard as the old tree's body.Under the attack of the sword light, it was directly twisted into pieces to reveal gaps, but the branches on the ground emerged one after another and blocked the gaps again.

Seeing this situation, Yi Tian hastily sacrificed the Taiyuan Sword to help, but at this moment, the surrounding environment suddenly changed, and after a scream came, the surrounding blue light suddenly became active, and they rushed towards the location of the three of them. rushed to the position.

"Be careful of those grass spirits, their attacks are probably very poisonous," Zhou Xiang shouted, and after speaking, he took out a large amount of anti-drug pills and stuffed them into his mouth, and began to chew.At the same time, he sent out the spirit cauldron without stopping to protect himself.

King Xun's son didn't know that the three of them had stabbed the hornet's nest, stretched out their hands to recall the spirit sword, and built a network of swords around themselves for defense.Then he took out a jade ring spirit weapon and sacrificed it, and added a protective film around his body.

As for the golden light on Yi Tian's body, after a flash of golden light, a slight light golden luster appeared on his skin, and he also saw the Taiyuan Sword Sacrifice turn into thousands of filaments and wrap around his body.

As soon as those vegetation spirits surged up, they poked their heads out from the bushes, and they turned out to be little monsters of vegetation spirits.I saw them opening their mouths and spitting out dark green juice, attacking the three of them overwhelmingly.

Those green juices invaded the defensive spirit weapon and made a 'sizzling' sound, constantly starting to consume the spiritual power on the protective cover.

Faced with such tricks, Yi Tian felt that he could not shake himself at all, but what he was most worried about was that the ancient tree not far in front of him made another move. After looking at it, his face showed a puzzled look.

But before I had time to think about it, I just felt some vibrations under my feet.He shouted in a deep voice: "Not good, there is an ambush in the ground." Before he finished speaking, his figure rose into the air, and at the same time, two large holes appeared under the original standing position.From it, two arms-thick roots sprang out and rolled towards his waist.

Yi Tian adjusted his lower body in the air, and with a sudden force, he escaped from the entanglement of the branch, and looked back to see how lucky the other two were in Emei.Zhouxiang's feet were already wrapped in branches, but fortunately, he had a spiritual energy defense and did not hurt his body.

As for Duan Xiaolou getting out in time, but not fast enough, he got entangled with one left foot.Controlling the Taiyuan sword, Yi Tian stretched out his hand and pointed, and the sword body dispersed into thousands of filaments, avoiding the bodies of the two people, and stabbing at the roots and branches below.

The sound of "ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping-pong" was heard endlessly, and Yi Tian found that those roots and branches were indeed extremely hard, and his sword wire often had to be drawn dozens of times in succession to cut off one of them.Fortunately, Lingyao Huaqian used a many-to-many attack method, and it took a little time to get the two out of trouble.

Flying in the air, Zhou Xiang frowned unhappily and said, "This time, I really can't steal the chicken. I didn't expect to be in such a predicament. It's good that I have Daoist Yi to help."

Duan Xiaolou is no longer as arrogant as before. Facts speak louder than words and his strength may not be able to retreat in front of this ancient tree.

After thinking for a while, he asked: "Friend Yi Daoist, what do you think is the best now? Should we join hands to deal with him or turn back immediately?" As the backbone.

"First try to find out if there is any other way out, if there is no other way, then we have to retreat," Yi Tian pouted, but his eyes were staring at the body of the ancient tree in front of him.

After three breaths, Zhou Xiang asked, "Is there really no other way?"

"I don't think so. After the fight just now, I estimated that the position of the vine net behind me should be the limit distance that the ancient tree can attack," Yi Tian explained: "And now it seems that the opponent can't move his body, so the only effective attack is Within a hundred feet around its torso."

After such an explanation, the two looked squarely at the ancient tree in front of them again and found that there was no sign of moving as Yi Tian said.

"Fellow Daoist Yi, is there a way to cross the ancient tree?" Duan Xiaolou asked.

"I can only give it a try. I will create opportunities for you. Whether it will succeed or not depends on God's will. After passing, you move forward quickly and I have a way to escape," Yi Tian replied.

(End of this chapter)

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