
Chapter 152 Fusion 2

Chapter 152

It has been an hour since Cheng Xiangxu, a Jindan cultivator, began to make alchemy in his cave. The red, white and yellow colors in the whole alchemy furnace are distinct. I am just constantly maintaining the rotation and mixing of the pill.

At this time, it was Cheng Xiangxu who consumed the most. Not only did he have to refine the golden elixir, but he also had to maintain the balance of the flames, so his consumption was double that of the two of them.Fortunately, the Jindan cultivator has a solid background, and he drank three drops of the middle-grade continuation spirit liquid fifteen minutes ago to replenish his spiritual power.Yi Tian and Zhu Xin also took out their spirit stones and put them in their hands to quickly absorb the spirit energy.

Everyone knows that the last step of the "pill embedded in the pill" is the most critical. At that time, it will be quite difficult to condense the three kinds of flames to collect the pill at the same time.

Seeing the three people's refining in full swing, Zhu Chen also felt envious in his eyes, and originally suggested that he and his sister should jointly refine it.Unexpectedly, the master Cheng Xiangxu said that this method was proposed by 'Yang Liuqing', and it is more secure under his guidance. It is not something to be arrogant about it. Zhu Chen is also a person who knows the importance and reason, and it is related to the rise and fall of the sect. He can't do anything wrong.

Half an hour later, Cheng Xiangxu repeatedly clicked the Danhuo Jue in his hand, and the Jiejindan Dan liquid in the middle of the Dan Road began to solidify. As the yellow flame intensified again, the Dan furnace began to shake a little.

I only heard one sentence: "Both of you increase the flame output." Zhu Xin changed the formula in his hand, and three white sparks shot in from the dragon's mouth again, and Yi Tian followed closely behind, shooting his own The enhanced flexibility and strength once again maintain the flame in the pill furnace to a balanced state.As Dan Lu gradually calmed down, the expression of Ke Zhihao who was sitting next to him changed a few times, and Zhu Chen also wiped off his sweat and cast a gratified look at Yi Tian.

After maintaining for a quarter of an hour, the alchemy furnace started to shake again, but this time it was more violent than last time. Even Ke Manzi, who was resting with his eyes closed, opened his eyes and stared at the alchemy furnace on the stone platform. stand up.

At this time, Cheng Xiangxu said again: "Prepare to condense the fire to collect the pills, follow the established order." As he spoke, he punched the pill collection formula in his hand into the pill furnace, and saw the pill furnace rise out of thin air and stop in mid-air It kept shaking violently.

The expressions on the faces of the three people were different, except for Yi Tian, ​​they all looked worried, only to hear Yi Tian suddenly called out: "Ten drops of Qihuang Lingyan milk, hurry up."

Zhu Chen was still hesitating, when he heard Cheng Xiangxu's angry curse: "What are you doing in a daze, give it to him!"

Ten drops of 'Qihuang Lingyan milk' dripped out of the jade bottle in Zhu Chen's hand in an instant, and Yi Tian used his divine sense to control all of them into his own dragon's mouth, and the violently shaking pill furnace slowly stabilized down.

Standing aside, Zhu Chen called out "Okay", and the joy on Ke Zhihao's face became even stronger. Ke Manzi just took a look at Yi Tian, ​​and then fell into meditation again and entered the state of closing his eyes and resting his mind.

Next, Yi Tian and Zhu Xin followed Cheng Xiangxu's request, and the three of them carried out the process of combining pills.When the jiejindan was condensed, a scent of pills wafted out, Cheng Xiangxu asked, and his brows were filled with joy, and Zhu Xin even called out: "The top-grade danxiang of jiejindan," Cheng Xiangxu sternly said before he finished speaking. His eyes stopped.

Yi Tian, ​​who was on the opposite side, smiled and said: "Junior Sister Zhu Xin, let's start." Then he prepared the condensed alchemy hand formula in his hand, and Zhu Xin also concentrated his hands to form the seal, and the two formulas entered the alchemy at the same time After entering the furnace, the pill furnace began to spin rapidly in the air, and the pill fire in the furnace also floated everywhere in the cave.

Until a scent of pills wafted out, Yi Tian yelled: "If you don't open it now, when will it be?" With a 'bang', the lid of the pill stove flew out and was grabbed by Zhu Chen.The body of the furnace sank down, and sat firmly in the middle of the stone platform. A two-inch-diameter Qiankunjie Jindan appeared in front of everyone, with a thin layer of Danyun and a Dan pattern on it.

Zhu Xin called out: "This is a top-ranked pill of the fifth level." Cheng Xiangxu who was beside him also breathed a sigh of relief, and the boss was relieved to see the results in the pill furnace.

Ke Zhihao was the one who couldn't hold back the most. With the top-grade Qiankun Dan and the top-grade Knotting Golden Pill, his probability of success has greatly increased, and he was incoherent with joy.On the contrary, Ke Manzi opened his eyes, took out two bone-like signs, waved his hands and floated in front of Cheng Xiangxu and Yi Tian respectively, and then said: "I owe you a favor. The bones come to me."

Before he finished speaking, he heard thunder outside the cave, and Cheng Xiangxu handed the alchemy furnace to Ke Manzi and said: "I have done what I promised you, and the next alchemy is up to you."

The latter didn't talk much, he lifted the pill in the furnace with his spiritual sense, then turned his head and said to Ke Zhihao: "Let's go, the next step is to see your own fortune," and then strode towards the cave Go outside.Ke Zhihao also bowed his hands to thank him, and then followed him out.

Yi Tian didn't know much about Dan Jie, so he had to follow Zhu Chen and his sister out of the cave to see what was going on with the fifth-level high-ranking Dan Jie.

A group of Jindan monks outside the cave had already made their preparations. When they saw the robbery cloud gathering, they knew it must be done inside. The headman immediately ordered the evacuation of the disciples. They were not allowed to stay within ten miles of the Fudi mountain peak, and they retreated to the range of the robbery cloud. outside.

That Ke Manzi is really a master of the Yin corpse sect. After leaving the cave with the 'Qian Kun Jie Jin Dan' in his hand, he flew directly over the mountain peak, calling out a golden armored corpse in the air and putting it on his head.Yi Tian and the others saw from below that the golden-armored corpse's back was hit by the thunderbolt that was as thick as the mouth of a bowl, and the whole body was full of lightning. After shaking for ten breaths, it stopped. The excess lightning hit the pill and was produced by the pill pattern. The light film blocked it.

Gradually, the clouds of calamity in the sky dispersed, and Ke Manzi fell dizzy and turned to Ke Zhihao: "Go, go to the cave in Neigu, and prepare to form alchemy." After speaking, both grandparents and grandchildren flew up into the air and flew towards the predetermined cave in Yaogu.

At this time, Cheng Xiangxu's voice also came from the cave: "You three go too, I want to retreat for a while to recuperate."

After the three people's imperial weapons were lifted into the air, the entire mountain was immediately covered by a ban.They brought tea to see off the guests, and Yi Tian couldn't hold on any longer, and the three of them also quickly flew away from the valley and returned to the market outside the valley.After this cooperation in alchemy, Zhu Chen and Zhu Xin, brother and sister, also looked at Yi Tian with admiration, especially Zhu Chen was also full of admiration for Yi Tian's insight into the opportunities in alchemy, and then decisively took contingency measures.

Zhu Xin also just said in his mouth: "You are just lucky. If it weren't for my brother's ten drops of Qi Huang Lingyan milk, this would have been really difficult. I have put in a lot of effort in alchemy this time. Why do you Take that Yin Corpse Order."

The angry Yi Tian had nothing to say, and he only tried to persuade him with kind words: "This time, I also dragged the wealth of Junior Sister Zhu Xin, so I have the opportunity to get this opportunity. I am going to refine a fourth-level high-level pill to express my gratitude." How about the furnace delivery and my junior sister?"

Hearing that Yi Tian was so sensible, Zhu Xin stopped talking.Zhu Chen, who was on the side, understood in his heart, "Ke Manzi's eyes are vicious. Don't look at the look of closing his eyes and resting his mind. During the refining process, his personal movements and ecology have not escaped his divine sense. It is also a wish to give this benefit." Forge a good relationship with Yi Tian, ​​and it will be easy to talk if he asks for Dan again in the future. '

Turning around, he smiled at Yi Tian: "This time it cost you again, but please help me with the matter of sister sister Dan furnace, since the last incident in Jiuxiaolou, she has been arguing for a higher one." The alchemy furnace of the highest level, anyway, it doesn’t bother the two masters, and you don’t need to worry about the cost.” He handed Yi Tian a storage bag.Yi Tian took it and clicked it. There are about 8000 yuan of spirit stones, so it’s not good to be depressed. He directly agreed to purchase raw materials in Fangshi, and rent the alchemy room of "Vipinzhai" .

There are all kinds of vendors in the surrounding Fang City of Medicine Valley. Under the leadership of Zhu Chen, Yi Tian quickly found a suitable raw ore. In addition, Zhu Xin, a master negotiator, came forward to bargain. The disciples also released the water a little bit. More than 8000 Lingshi bought about [-] materials in the city. Yi Tian also really admires the abilities of the two brothers and sisters. It is really a shame to open a "Vipinzhai" in Fangshi. It should be placed in a big place like Fanxing City. It is more suitable to be a shopkeeper.

A month later, Yi Tian drove the flywheel back to the territory of Chiyang faction in Chiyan Hills.After concocting the alchemy this time, Yi Tian didn't dare to stay any longer, and he didn't leave any of the things he should take. He even took two top-grade Qiankun pills as Zhu Chenkeng's own reward. I bought a bottle of Bujidan in the city.After leaving Medicine Valley, Yi Tian still rushed back according to the route. Although it took a lot of time, the safety factor was high.

After returning to the territory of Chiyang Sect, Yi Tian also made a special trip to Dongjiang Country to visit Huashi City, and handed over the 'Buji Pill' to him, and told him to practice with peace of mind after getting this elixir, at least in the middle stage of foundation establishment. No problem, as for the later stage, there is [-]% hope.Huashicheng also burst into tears, patted Yi Tian on the shoulder and said that he had never made friends in this life.

After bidding farewell to Huashi City, Yi Tian flew for a long time before arriving at the Zongmen.As soon as he came back, he went directly to the discipline hall to find Ye Qingchen, the leader. Although Qu Yifeng would definitely report the situation of the Dongjiang country operation before, Yi Tian, ​​as the person in charge of that operation, had to explain to his immediate superior no matter what he said.

Before coming back this time, Yi Tian and Zhu Chen also exchanged their experience on spiritual plant cultivation. Zhu Chen's suggestion was that Yi Tian needs to find some high-quality spiritual plant cultivation soil and fertilizer for cultivation, and take care of the spiritual plant. It's not something that happens overnight, these are best taken care of by dedicated servants or those spiritual animals.

But good spiritual planting soils are controlled by Qihuangmen or Xuanling faction, and those circulating in the market are only low-level ones. It is rare to have medium-level spiritual planting soils, and they will be bought by the sect soon.Yi Tian thought for a while that there is a kind of 'pearl white corn' in the Chiyang Sect. He didn't know if the soil there was suitable, so he had to spend a lot of money to ask Zhu Chen's relationship to find some in the Lingzhi Hall of Medicine Valley.

(End of this chapter)

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