
Chapter 153 Trading

Chapter 153 Trading
Among the inner disciples of the Chiyang Sect, there are several private exchanges and auctions every year. These occasions are usually carried out in the form of barter. If there is really no favorite item, the inner disciples can choose to trade spirit stones or There is no trading, and the items traded on the spot are mainly pills or spiritual weapons.

The disciples of Dantang and Qidian are generally the organizers of the trade fair, because they will bring some finale items to participate in the trade every time, and the purpose is to find some special raw materials or elixir.

These private exchange meetings are generally held regularly within some fixed circles, unless the organizers are going to retreat or have a mission to go out before suspending.

Today, there happened to be a ceremony held in the cave of Wu Xing, a true disciple of Dantang, and the people who came were all new foundation-building monks, most of whom lacked medicine or had hidden injuries that needed medicine to recuperate.There were also a few monks in the middle stage of foundation establishment who came here admiringly, and these people also came here for Wu Xing's name.After all, he won the highest ranking of the Chiyang Sect in the Starry City's competition, and he is the most promising newcomer in the Dantang right now, and everyone will not suffer a loss if he comes early to get acquainted.

Wu Xing's cave was originally not very big, the main hall was about four feet in radius, and now that nearly eight fellow disciples were invited, it was just enough to accommodate it.When the meeting was halfway through, a message suddenly came from Wu Xing's Zongmen jade card, the content was very simple: "I'm back, I'm coming to your place." The signature is Yi Tian.

Immediately Wu Xing stood up and asked everyone in the same family to be safe and calm, saying that he was going to pick up a guest.It was also the first time for people who didn't know the situation to see Wu Xing interrupt the transaction to greet the visitor. It seems that this visitor is also a powerful person. Only Ning Ning, who was sitting on the side, said disdainfully: "Isn't it that the villain is back? Is it worth it?"

The eyes of the people next to him from the same family all lit up. Since Miss Ning Ning also knew her, she simply went up to her and asked about it. Maybe she would return the condom later.

Annoyed by everyone's questions, Ning Ning just said: "Don't hide something good, just don't miss the opportunity when that person comes later." After finishing speaking, she sat down angrily. There.

There was a burst of laughter at the door, and Yi Tian walked in slowly following Wu Xing. This was Yi Tian's first visit to Wu Xing's cave.The original intention was to ask Wu Xing how to find high-level cultivation soil for spiritual plants. Yi Tian himself urgently needs these things to transplant the Lion Heart Grass and Ziyou Pandan in the cave.The seeds of the Xuantian Zijin Gourd in hand also need to be cultivated as soon as possible. After 200 years, the Zijin Gourd can be used by oneself.

Unexpectedly, after coming back, Wu Xing was directly summoned, and he was invited to the cave for a talk. After coming in, he found out that he happened to join in the middle of the private fair.

As soon as he entered the cave, he saw Ning Ning sitting there, and several inner disciples beside him got up and saluted, even those cultivators in the middle stage of foundation establishment also saluted Yi Tian as juniors.Just because they saw that Yi Tian's clothes were exactly the same as Wu Xing's and he was also a true disciple.

After returning the gifts with everyone one by one, Yi Tian directly took out a fourth-level high-level alchemy furnace from the storage bracelet and handed it to Ning Ning. This was originally planned.I heard Shen Peiqi mentioned before that Ning Ning was unwilling, so Yi Tian was already prepared, but he never encountered a suitable opportunity.

Ning Ning, who was originally unhappy, changed her expression slightly when she saw the pill furnace handed over.After taking over the alchemy stove, I took a closer look. The whole bottle of alchemy stove was purple-red, and there was a phoenix picking on the lid. Excellent workmanship is definitely not a perfunctory job.After reading it, Ning Ning showed joy and said, "Forget your knowledge, you can barely enter the vision of this bottle of alchemy furnace, and I won't settle accounts with you about being in Jiuxiaolou."

Yi Tian who was on the side smiled wryly and said, "As long as you don't sue me with the master."

Wu Xing first arranged for Yi Tian to sit on the table, then came up and teased Ning Ning: "If junior sister thinks this bottle of alchemy furnace is not satisfactory, senior brother is willing to exchange it with you for Qinglong furnace, so that you will not suffer."

"Brother, save yourself, I don't know what's on your mind. Let's compete again at the end of the year when we compete in alchemy skills. This time your advantage in the alchemy furnace will become a disadvantage," Ning Ning said. He picked up the Phoenix Stove and proudly showed off.

Now the disciples around understood that the person in front of him should be the true disciple Yi Tian who was rumored in the Artifact Hall at the beginning of the year. In addition to the first Ning Qingyuan in the Artifact Hall of the Chiyang School, the second person who can refine five-level spiritual weapons Instrument division.

Now the inner disciples next to them became more active. This one in front of him is the gold master, and he must have a lot of good things on him. No wonder Ning Ning said not to hide them, and just exchange them for good things.

Seeing that the scene was a bit cold, Yi Tian said directly to Wu Xing: "Go ahead, just take out any good things."

Although at the door, Yi Tian had already said through voice transmission that he had a medium-grade Qiankun Pill in his hand and asked Wu Xing to trade it on his behalf.But after Wu Xing got it, he really wanted to take it for himself. This thing can't be bought for less than [-] spirit stones, and it has a price but no market. This is the first time it has appeared in the Chiyang faction.

Seeing Wu Xing's virtue, Yi Tian gave him another one, as a way of taking care of his old brother.Wu Xing was also a veteran of the Jianghu for many years, and turned to invite Yi Tian with a smile on his face, while he himself sat in the lower seat, and this person finally understood.

After three breaths, Wu Xing was also interested, and smiled directly: "You should start first, to liven up the atmosphere." After speaking, he kept encouraging Yi Tian to bring out some good things.

In the expectant eyes of everyone, Yi Tian stretched out his hand and after a flash of light, everyone only saw a pair of silver-white body armor placed on the stone platform in the middle.The scales on that pair of leather armors had electric arcs flashing from time to time, and I only heard Yi Tian say something: "A pair of top-level electric dragon leather armor of the fourth level made from the skin of the fifth-level monster electric dragon has extremely strong defense power. It has the effect of thunder and lightning counterattack, and its characteristic is to resist lightning, and if you wear Dujie, you can reduce the damage by [-]%."

As soon as the words fell, the exchange meeting would be blown up immediately. For the foundation-building cultivators, this thing is simply a heaven-defying existence, and it can directly pass through to the golden core stage.If it was brought to the auction, the asking price would be at least [-], and every time the price was increased by [-], it would be robbed. Everyone never thought that such a good thing would happen today.

Seeing everyone eagerly looking forward to it, Yi Tian directly stated his request briefly: "The Dianjiao leather armor is replaced with high-grade spiritual plant cultivation soil. If it is medium, the amount must be enough."

Everyone whispered for a while, asking each other if their friends had high-quality cultivation soil for spiritual plants. No one cared what Yi Tian wanted this thing for. They only had the leather armor in their eyes, and there was no such shop after this village.

Wu Xing also looked at Yi Tian strangely for a while, and said via voice transmission: "When did you start planting elixir? There is nothing like this that won't show results for decades."

Yi Tian just replied through sound transmission: "I have my own use, please help me and ask if there is any other way to get some spiritual plant cultivation soil, not for low-level ones, but at least medium-level ones for no high-level ones That's right, a little more."

Ning Ning also rolled her eyes for a while, how did she find that Yi Tian seemed to have changed her gender and changed her career to become a spiritual planter.

After a while, no one could come up with the top-quality spiritual plant cultivation soil. Yi Tian was just disappointed. He didn't expect that this thing was really in short supply. Could it be possible for him to go to a large auction or go to the Qihuangmen?

Seeing this, Ning Ning picked up the jade card and sent a message, and told Yi Tian to be calm and wait.

A quarter of an hour later, a monk came and knocked on the door of Wu Xingdong's mansion. After Wu Xing took him in, everyone saw that it was Huo Jiawei who rushed over.He also held a storage bag in his hand, and when he entered the door, he asked, "Where are the things, don't lie, I know the goods."

At this time, everyone realized that this Lord should have spiritual cultivation soil in his hands, otherwise he would not have rushed here in such a hurry.I heard Ning Ning say: "On the table, inspect the goods by yourself."

After Huo Jiawei turned his eyes to the electric dragon leather armor on the table, he couldn't let go of his eyes. As long as he scanned it with his spiritual sense, he would know that it was definitely a good product.Glancing at Yi Tian who was sitting on the main seat, Huo Jiawei glanced at everyone present and knew that he must have brought it out.Last year, I heard that Yi Tian had refined two fifth-level spiritual weapons in a row in the Artifact Hall, and now the disciples of the Chiyang Sect's Foundation Establishment Stage are not jealous.

This time Ning Ning also helped out, knowing that most people could not have what Yi Tian was looking for, so she directly contacted Huo Jiawei.The latter is also a stunned young man, who actually dug up almost one square meter of medium-grade spiritual plant cultivation soil in the Lingzhi Garden, packed it in a storage bag, and came to trade directly.In the end, even if there is still a volume of his 'Spiritual Planting Essentials' posted, he must exchange that leather armor.

Seeing that the game was a bit too much, Yi Tian had no choice but to take out a fourth-level top-level "Storm Demon Wolf Sword" as an addition to the trade fair, and emphasized that a piece of wind with three purgatory dogs at level five and three heads was integrated into it. Department of spirit crystal.This time only Lingshi was auctioned, which can be regarded as giving Wu Xing face and helping him survive the scene.

After explaining, Yi Tian hastily told Wu Xing to check it out, but he himself just excused himself and took the cultivation soil and ran away.Before Yi Tian walked out of the entrance of the cave, he heard the people behind arguing, especially that bastard Huo Jiawei who was the loudest, and everyone agreed that he had already taken advantage of it, and the auction of the spirit sword should make him Excluded.

This is no longer something Yi Tian needs to pursue. After bidding farewell to Wu Xing, Yi Tian returned directly to his cave, and he still had a lot of things to do.An hour later, Yi Tian sat in the cave hall of his Young Eagle Peak, playing with the mud in the storage bag.Thinking about the appearance of those people just now, it was a bit funny. Huo Jiawei was actually a third-level spiritual planter, who was responsible for planting special elixir needed by the alchemy hall of the Zongmen.

After reading the "Elitic Medicine Ten Thousand Articles" and "Spiritual Plant Essential Techniques" several times, Yi Tian suddenly became motivated. Huo Jiawei's third-level spiritual planter is really a little bit smart, and he actually came up with a method of gathering spirits for him. .According to the description in his "Essentials of Spiritual Planting", Yi Tian re-refined several flowerpots for spiritual plants, engraved the spirit-gathering array in miniature, and a spirit stone groove of the spirit-gathering array flowed out of it.

This can be used to replace the spirit stones from time to time to maintain the normal operation of the spirit gathering array. Fill the flowerpots with medium-level spiritual plant cultivation soil, and then plant the seeds of lion heart grass, purple pandan orchid and Xuantian purple gold gourd in the pots separately. in a flowerpot.According to "Spiritual Planting Essentials", this method can barely grow elixir above level five even with medium-level cultivation soil. After using upper-level spirit stones, Yi Tian also fully irrigated with the spirit spring water in the cave. After sitting down, I sat next to me and began to meditate.

One month later, Yi Tian found out at the first sight after waking up from the trance that the Lion Heart Grass and Ziyou Pandan appeared to be full of vitality.It's just that the gourd seeds didn't move at all. After looking up "Elixir Ten Thousand Articles", Yi Tian knew that this purple gold gourd needs to be continuously irrigated with medium psychic liquid for about ten years to germinate. Blooming, as for it will be at least 50 years before the gourd will mature and fall to the ground, Yi Tian is so angry that he really wants to throw it away.

And it can’t be placed in a flower pot. In the end, Yi Tian only needs to replant the seeds, find a suitable place next to the spiritual spring in the hall and plant them, and draw a small spirit-gathering array around them to draw some spiritual spring water, right? The seeds were moistened, and half of the spiritual plant cultivation soil was used. I also made a gourd canopy and brackets with copper and iron essence and put them on the spirit gathering array. I hope that one day I can see the seedlings breaking through the soil and climbing up the vines.

After finishing these things, Yi Tian returned to the inner room and began to practice. There is still more than a year before Xuanling's great reward, and he has to prepare himself.

(End of this chapter)

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