
Chapter 1520 Ancient Tree 3

Chapter 1520 Ancient Tree Three

With a flick of his finger, Yi Tianji raised the ghost-faced flower vine in his hand and rolled it towards Mu Ling'er. At the same time, he flew to the vicinity of the ancient tree in a flash and manipulated another ghost-faced flower vine to extend down the ground.

The emerald green vines passed through the body of the ancient tree and rolled around it a few times, and then Yi Tian used his spiritual power to try to slowly move it away.

Mu Ling'er, who was far away, shouted anxiously: "You guys dare to steal my body, you are too underestimating me."

As soon as the words fell, I saw the ancient tree flashing with brilliance, and then new branches continuously grew from the trunk to directly burst the vines of the ghost face flower.

More than that, the surrounding branches stretched rapidly to cover Yi Tian's body, and those new branches were as thick as an adult's arm.The Taiyuan sword silk around him hastily mobilized and then slashed across the tree trunk. It was unexpected that the invincible Lingyaohua Qianjian silk would have to gather dozens or even hundreds of sword threads to cut off an ancient tree branch.

As more and more numbers came up, Yi Tian gradually found that his tricks seemed difficult to effectively break through the way out.If it goes on like this, I'm afraid it will be in trouble, so I want to let go of the two hands and make a seal, then raise Dao Qingmang to protect myself first.

Without the resistance of the Lingyao sword silk, the oncoming branches directly gathered into bunches and surrounded Yi Tian in the middle, turning them into a three-foot-sized cage.Mu Ling'er in the distance showed a little sneer on his face, stretched out his hand to get rid of the entanglement of the ghost face flower, and then jumped to the top of the tree prison besieging Yi Tian, ​​and said with pride on his face: "I want you to brag again, it's not a diamond Don't do china work."

Before she finished speaking, Mu Ling'er's face changed and she felt that the temperature in No. [-] Middle School dropped rapidly, and there were faint drops of water in the air.Looking down, I saw a thin layer of frost on the many branches that surrounded the tree prison on the ground.The originally active branches could no longer be manipulated at will, and a blue glow flashed in the center of the tree prison, and it became bigger and bigger in his pupils.

With a bang, a soaring blue fire shot out from the tree ball, freezing the trees wherever it went.Seeing something bad, Mu Ling'er was about to pull away, when suddenly a shadow appeared above his head, and when he looked up, he saw that a ghost face flower vine had risen from behind him, opened its tip, and snapped its buds down.

Mu Ling'er saw that the situation was not good and was about to dodge, but found that her two feet could not move her pace no matter what.It turned out that the blue ice flame had surrounded his feet for some reason and trapped him on the tree prison, unable to move.

With a 'bang' sound, the ghost-faced flower bud swallowed Mu Ling'er in one mouthful and immediately shrank, the trapped flower bud was wrapped like a solid rice dumpling.At first, I saw some violent struggles inside, but after ten breaths, the struggle became smaller and smaller, and at the same time, Mu Ling'er screamed: "My lord, please forgive me if I know my mistake. My lord, please let me go."

The blue fire flashed again in the wooden prison, and then there was a crisp sound of 'chug chug', and the wooden prison frozen by the ice marrow flame was forcibly broken open from the inside out.After the green light flashed, Yi Tian got out of it and flew out.

Turning around and looking at the flower buds on the ground, there was a slight smile on his face, he put away the dharma body and slowly fell to the ground.Then reach out and touch the ghost-faced flower vine wrapped around Mu Ling'er and gradually rise up, revealing a one-foot-sized hole, Mu Ling'er's body can just slip out of it.

But Yi Tian was not so kind and would let him go directly, just let the flower buds speak from above his chest, and the rest of the body was still tightly wrapped by the ghost-faced flower buds.

Looking at Mu Ling'er in front of him, he no longer had the arrogance he had just now, with a dejected look on his face, drooping his head and ignoring him.

Yi Tian coughed lightly and said: "I'll ask you a few questions, if you answer well, maybe I'll let you live if I soften my heart."

"I'm for the fish and you for the knife, so feel free to ask," Mu Ling'er quickly replied without daring to hold back.

Such Yi Tiantian's complexion softened, and his divine sense came out to look at Mu Ling'er carefully.This grass and tree spirit has been enlightened for a long time, but unfortunately no one taught it, so it is completely relying on inherited memory and instinct to fight against itself.

If you really let him learn some supernatural powers and secret techniques, I'm afraid that if you want to deal with him, you will have to spend some tricks.Looking at the clear green pupils in his eyes, one knows that his thoughts are not bad, and if he can guide him well, he can become his right-hand man.

It's just that its original strength is not inferior to his own, and it is difficult to control. For a while, Yi Tian's face showed hesitation, and he didn't know how to make a decision.

Immediately, he glanced at the ancient tree behind him and said, "Let me ask you a few questions, and if you answer well, I will let you live."

Mu Ling'er heard the words and quickly responded: "My lord, please, my subordinates dare not have the slightest lie."

Yi Tian frowned slightly but asked, "Why do you call me Lord and call yourself a subordinate?"

"Honorable Master can cast Asura Dharma Body, and there is a Dharma seal on his forehead, so it is my Master, and I am bound by the old master to guard the medicine garden here, so I am a subordinate," Mu Linger replied.

"How long have you been here?" Yi Tian said.

"It's been more than 1 years?" Mu Linger said respectfully.

"It's only 1 years old, no, I saw that your body, an ancient tree, must be at least 3 years old, aren't you framing me?" Yi Tian said coldly.

"I don't dare, the body of this ancient tree is my father, it died thousands of years ago because the roots were all rotten," Mu Ling'er said with a slumped expression.

Yi Tian's face turned slightly better when he heard the words, and it was reasonable to explain it this way. He had already found that the spiritual power disorder in this ancient tree was approaching a state of exhaustion, and it was completely impossible to be like Mu Ling'er in front of him Body is full of vitality.

"Where is your body?" Yi Tian asked with a stern look in his eyes.

Mu Ling'er shuddered when he heard this, and he knew the meaning behind these words, once he handed over his body, he would be powerless to turn himself around.

But looking at Yi Tian's appearance, it didn't seem like he was talking about child's play, he hesitated for a while before sighing and replied: "My main body was conceived in the core of the old father's tree, please don't refine me into Danyao, I would like to make an oath to serve you with my heart demon for the rest of my life."

Yi Tian smiled dumbly and said: "Speaking of which, I'm really a half-baked alchemist. It's a pity that you don't use it for practice."

After speaking, he stretched out his hand and pointed at Mu Ling'er, causing him to fall into a coma. Then he raised his Taiyuan sword, walked to the root of the ancient tree, aimed at the root buried in the ground, and slashed fiercely.After a flash of green light, I saw a companion spirit plant conceived in the middle of the ancient tree. Looking carefully, it turned out to be a human-shaped Shouwu more than a foot long, which looked somewhat similar to Mu Linger.

(End of this chapter)

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