
Chapter 1521

Chapter 1521
After pulling out Mu Ling'er's body, Yi Tian looked at the human-shaped Shouwu. He thought it was only one foot long, but he didn't expect it to be more than two feet long from head to toe with the roots.

He took out the largest spiritual plant flower pot in his storage ring, which was about five feet in diameter, and then filled it with high-level cultivation soil and filled it with a large amount of spiritual soil from the roots of the ancient tree.After finishing these, he carefully placed Mu Ling'er's main body in it, so that it was completely transplanted.

Ke Yitian knew in his heart that he was not weak. Although he was restrained for a while, he had to stay behind.

After thinking about it, he took out the talisman paper and talisman pen to draw a few talismans on the spot and pasted them on the leaves of Polygonum multiflorum.Then he stretched out his finger and drew the mantra in the air out of thin air, and then muttered something, aiming at the unconscious Mu Ling'er's brow and lightly tapping it.

The aura of the mantra culture quietly entered along the direction of the fingertips, and Mu Ling'er trembled violently and then returned to a coma.

After doing all this, Yi Tian stretched out his hand to open the ghost face bud, and then chased out the spiritual energy in his mouth to cover Mu Ling'er and send it back to the body.

After cleaning up, all the vines around the tree prison retracted to the ground, Yi Tian moved his mind slightly and searched along the retracted vines, spitting to himself: "It's really a big kid, I almost gave it to you!" He was confused. What kind of Spiritual Wood Elves, who were cultivated in the body-fit stage, relied on this ancient tree to display their supernatural powers."

With a thought in mind, he took out a string of Buddha beads and a jade slip of Prajna Zen and placed them in a flower pot, then said to Mu Linger's body: "I think you are quite spiritual, I will borrow these two things for you temporarily, I hope you I can gain something from it." After speaking, he reached out and put it into his spiritual plant bag.

Looking back at the ancient tree in front of him, Yi Tian showed a little smile on his face. This is a real body that has been cultivated as a spirit wood in the fusion period.Although the tree spirit had forgotten that his long-tempered tree trunk couldn't be easily cut off even with all his strength, needless to say, this is really a rare heavenly top-level spiritual treasure.

After measuring the body of the ancient tree, it was more than three feet long and one foot thick, lying on the stone path, and the forks and branches on those trunks could also be stripped off to refine spirit weapons individually.It's just that its size is too large to be stored together with other things. After thinking about it, I took out a Baina box and muttered something in my mouth. After offering it, a white light flew out and shone on the ancient tree, and I put it all in.

After placing the Baina box, Yi Tian was about to continue walking deeper, when suddenly a golden light flashed in front of his eyes, and he looked carefully, and found that after the body of the ancient tree was taken away, there seemed to be a palm-sized hexagonal disc left on the soil on the ground.

Going forward, I reached out and picked it up, spread it on the palm of my hand, and checked it with my spiritual sense, and found that it seemed to be a token.It depicts the appearance of Asura's dharma body, but the dharma body is different from the ones I have seen in Asura's world before.

If you want to say how different it is, Yi Tian suddenly realized that this is the peaceful, peaceful and wise image of his dharma body. Needless to say, it must be something left by the ancestor Asura Emperor Luo Qin, and he estimated that his dharma body at that time should be similar to his It is roughly the same, except that the corona on the back is slightly different from the fusion of Buddhist exercises.

After turning the token over, I glanced at it and saw the words 'Hongfu Qitian' written on it in the script of the Asura tribe.

Maybe this is really Luo Qin's stuff, Yi Tian doesn't need to think too much about it and put it into the storage ring directly.Then he walked towards the depths of the stone path. Zhouxiang and Duan Xiaolou had been away for a while now, and now his spiritual sense can no longer detect their whereabouts. Presumably they would not know that they were there Here is the result of fighting against Mu Linger.

After walking along the stone path for three or four miles, I finally came out of the garden, and then came to a three-way intersection.Yi Tian didn't know the whereabouts of the two of them, but it was most likely that the two would split up.

It's just that I need to find the spirit wood core this time, so the best state is to follow the path that Zhou Xiang walked.Purple light flashed in his eyes, Yi Tian glanced across the two roads and found that the one on the left seemed to have some fire elements left in the air. Needless to say, as an alchemist, Zhou Xiang must have practiced some kind of fire-type kung fu. This phenomenon.

As for the remaining cold air in the other road, I thought that the Xuanyin Zhenshui he received in the Xiaolou Mansion in Duanluo City should be the cold attribute kung fu practiced.

Guessing that his guess was close to ten, Yi Tian resolutely chose the path taken by Zhouxiang and hurriedly chased after him.

After traveling for more than ten miles, I suddenly found that there were waves of spiritual pressure fluctuations coming from ahead, and I was overjoyed at the moment, and hurriedly accelerated the escape speed and flew at a low altitude to skip there.

Half a moment later, he flashed out of the passage and came to the long corridor. With a sweep of his divine sense, he found four or five stone puppet beasts besieging Tianxiang in front of him.

Seeing his sudden arrival, the latter stretched out his hand to fend off the attacking puppet and said, "You Daoist Yi, please help me."

As soon as the words were finished, the blue light in the eyes of those stone puppets shone brightly again, and then they split into two and rushed towards him.

Yi Tian frowned slightly, raised the Taiyuan Sword, and slashed at the puppet beast. With a sound of 'swish', the green light slashed and hit the puppet beast, shaking it three feet away.

In this way, Zhouxiang's pressure was greatly reduced. He manipulated the Lingding tripod in his hand and slammed it towards the two ends beside him. After two beeps of 'bang bang', they were directly knocked into the air.

But Yitian frowned slightly when he saw it. These stone puppets were indeed Luo Qin's guards left here. Judging from the strength of their bodies, his sword moves didn't seem to have caused any substantial damage to them. .If you come head-on, I'm afraid it will be your own side that will suffer.

With a plan in mind, Yi Tian reached out and took out a ghost face flower seed, flicked it into the soil with a light flick, then made a seal with both hands quickly and said 'raise' in his mouth.

Immediately, a thin vine broke through the ground and directly entangled the puppet beast that was pounced on him.After the ghost-faced flower vine spread quickly on the puppet beast, it directly got stuck in the gaps in its joints, restraining it and pulling it to the ground in an instant.

After the other pounced on, Yi Tian's figure flashed and left an afterimage on the spot. After repeating the trick, the empty puppet was once again entangled by vines emerging from the ground, and was firmly locked on the ground. .

Turning his head, he saw Zhouxiang looked at himself with a blank expression, and then asked with difficulty: "What is the relationship between Daoist Yi and the Asura clan? How can there be the Asura blood vine of the royal family?"

This is the second time I've heard the name 'Sura Blood Vine' since I entered Baicao Gallery, and I secretly screamed in my heart that I had revealed my truth unintentionally.It seemed that Zhou Xiang had some doubts about himself, and immediately explained: "I am originally an offering from the Asura Sect, and this thing was given by the leader and I think it was taken from the royal family. This is not the time to talk, Zhou Dao Friends, let's fight quickly."

(End of this chapter)

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