
Chapter 1522 Showdown

Chapter 1522 Showdown
Facing the attacks of these stone puppets, Yi Tian knew that he was invincible and had to outsmart them, and the ghost-faced flower vine in his hand suppressed their ferocious arrogance.

It's just that Zhouxiang who was next to him could see it in his eyes, although he explained it himself, it was obviously not a reasonable reason.As for Zhouxiang's complexion, it can be seen that he doesn't believe it at all. If it weren't for the current crisis and the need for his own help, he might have asked a long time ago.

At this moment, Wan Fei felt regretful in Yi Tian's heart, so he changed to Phoebe to activate the wooden rattan technique, because he habitually used the ghost face flower seeds after fighting Mu Ling'er in the garden just now.

Looking at Zhou Xiang's puzzled face, Yi Tian said in a deep voice, "Quick battle, don't hesitate."

Hearing this, Zhouxiang also raised a spirit tripod in his hand to protect his whole body, and then put away a long-handled medicine pestle and turned it into a golden aura, and greeted those puppet beasts.

After a few beeps of 'bang bang', the medicine pestle hit the puppet beast's head fiercely to force it back.

And the ghost-faced flower vines on Yi Tian's side extended out to entangle the two puppet beasts, and the vines on the ground had grown to the thickness of a bucket in a short while.After Yi Tian injected spiritual power, he not only trapped the two ends on his side, but also slowly extended from the surroundings to the opposite side of Zhouxiang, and the new branches curled towards the other two ends.

With two 'swish' sounds, the ghost-faced flower vines directly entangled the back half of the puppet beast after the surprise attack, and the branches on it quickly grew wildly and spread to its whole body, dragging them alive and restraining them on the ground.

So Zhouxiang was relieved, looked at the stone puppets and said: "We still have to remove the energy core part of them to solve it once and for all."

Nodding his head, Yi Tian replied: "That's true, wait for me to check first before doing anything."

After speaking, the divine thoughts popped up and glanced at them. After ten breaths, a smile appeared on his face and said: "The energy core is on the forehead, just take out the energy core left inside."

After speaking, he stretched out his hand and pointed to the ghost-faced flower vine that restrained the puppet beast to bind its head firmly, and at the same time stretched out a thin branch to insert its head into the skull along the gap to pry off the protective stone plate.A blue light flashed out and attracted the eyes of both of them.

Zhou Xiang couldn't help shouting: "It turned out to be powered by phantom blue crystal, it's really amazing."

Yi Tian still kept his face unchanged, and then manipulated the vines to pry out the phantom blue crystal.After the energy spar was three-dimensional, the entire stone puppet beast's eyes dimmed and its limbs hung down feebly.

Follow the same pattern to draw gourds and deal with the rest of them in this way. Only after the immediate troubles have been officially resolved.Yi Tian stretched out his hand and gently handed two pieces of magic blue crystals to Zhou Xiang's face, saying: "The delivery is good this time, each of us will see half of this thing, and as for the bodies of the four puppet beasts, Master Zhou is not sure about it." There will be too much interest, how about just letting it go."

"Yi Daoyou is too polite. This old man is already satisfied with getting these two pieces of magic kyanite. It is a good fortune to have Yi Daoyou help twice during this trip to Baicao Gallery," Zhou Xiang also replied politely. It's just that his eyes unconsciously glanced over the ghost-faced flower vines, as if he still had some doubts in his heart.

After putting the four puppet beasts into the storage ring, Yi Tiancai asked: "Why did the Daoist Club and Prince Xun get separated, or did you deliberately explore it?

Zhouxiang's face darkened and he said: "Actually, they are separated, Shizi also agreed, so they explored separately at the last three-way intersection."

"In this case, let's go on. My purpose of coming this time has not been achieved yet, so I need the help of fellow Daoist Lao Zhou," Yi Tian said politely.

After two shots, Zhouxiang has realized the gap in strength between the two, so he is extra polite to Yi Tian.He just looked at the ghost face flower in front of him and asked tentatively: "Yi Daoyou, do you know what the flower seed in your hand is?"

"Didn't Fellow Daoist already tell the origin of the flower of Asura's royal family 'Sura Blood Vine'?" Yi Tian replied.

Zhou Xiang nodded and asked again: "Does fellow Taoist know its taboos?"

"Is there any secret about this 'Sura Blood Vine'?" Yi Tian asked puzzled.

"Indeed, the 'Sura blood vine' is a spiritual plant exclusively cultivated by the Asura royal family. It needs to absorb the evil spirit from the Asura people as part of its nourishment to continue to grow," Zhou Xiang said after looking at it with deep meaning.

Seeing that he was hesitating in his speech, Yi Tian knew that there was something in the words but the other party didn't dare to tell the whole story, so he thought with a smile and said: "Please tell me all the words, fellow Daoist Zhou, what happened today came out of your mouth, and no third person will hear it. "

Sighing, Zhou Xiang turned around and arched his hands respectfully: "I think Daoist Yi is also a member of the royal family, and he is the kind of Asura monk who has a very close relationship with Her Majesty the Empress."

"How do you say that?" Yi Tian was startled but his expression remained unchanged.

"Yi Daoyou is not telling me, I think that the identity of Prince Xun's son does not have such a spiritual plant as the ghost face flower, but you can use it to sacrifice and practice as a medium for wood spirit art. The two identities are in Asura It is conceivable which one is higher and which is lower among the imperial dynasties," Zhou Xiang said flatly.

It turned out that Yi Tian realized that he had misunderstood his identity, so his attitude changed rapidly.

Then I heard him say: "From my point of view, Fellow Daoist Yi's cultivation is far superior to that of Prince Xun's son, and the Asura Dharma Body is even more powerful, so he can use the 'Sura Blood Vine' to display such sharp magical powers as soon as he makes a move. This is easy to explain, you let us leave first at the stone path in the garden, thinking that the spirit tree guard is a very troublesome thing for monks of other races, but it is not a problem for the Asura royal family."

It turned out that he had misunderstood himself as a member of the Asura royal family. Yi Tian felt that such a wonderful misunderstanding could be used well, and it would be beneficial to hide his true identity.

Then he nodded and said solemnly: "This seat has some relationship with the Asura royal family, but I am indeed a worshiper of the Asura sect, but please keep my identity secret as much as possible."

"That's that, since your honor is the worship of the Asura Sect, you must have followed the Queen's secret order. I know the seriousness of this matter, and it will definitely embarrass fellow Daoist Yi," Zhou Xiang hurriedly echoed.

"So I don't want to say more, and I don't want Prince Xun to know about this matter. After all, the relationship between the DPRK and China is complicated, and I don't want to get too involved so as not to cause unnecessary trouble," Yi Tian warned.

Later, the two went on the road again, but at this moment Zhou Xiang's face was already showing some awe, unlike before when Yi Tian was just a casual cultivator.

(End of this chapter)

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