
Chapter 1523

Chapter 1523
After the two moved forward and cooperated with each other, they did not encounter too much resistance. After a while, Zhouxiang led the way to the end of the road.

Here is a garden-like stone room with a radius of about thirty or forty feet. In the center is a three-foot-thick and ten-foot-high spirit tree, surrounded by accompanying spirit grass.When Zhouxiang saw it, he was overjoyed and said: "When you get to the center, the Xuantian wood is planted. If you want to get a piece of Xuantian wood core, you have to break open the trunk and take a piece of the root tree core."

Yi Tian looked at the back of the Xuantian wood and said without changing his expression: "I don't know what taboos are there in taking this wood core?"

Zhouxiang said with a smile on his face: "You Daoist Yi, you should know that when the water is full, it will overflow, and when the moon is full, it will lose. You can't do anything too much. Although this Xuantian tree is only about 2 years old, the core of the tree Part of it is no more than one foot at most, and most of the accompanying spiritual plants in the surrounding area rely on it to grow. If the Xuantian wood loses too much spiritual power, it will definitely affect other spiritual plants, hope you will learn from it."

After Jing Zhouxiang said this, Yi Tian looked at the Xuantian tree in front of him again. He thought that he had seen the Jianmu sacred tree when he was in the lower realm, but in terms of vitality, there was no such tree in front of him. Xuan Tianmu is strong.

And since it can take root here, it shows that this place is extremely rich in spiritual veins and it is an excellent place for cultivation.

But looking at it now, I just came to get the Xuantian wooden core, and it makes sense to think about what Zhouxiang said.I can't take all the wood cores here, otherwise it would be inappropriate to cut off the vitality of those companion spirit woods.

After thinking about it, he asked: "I don't know if you can find the spiritual plants you need for this trip?"

"The soul-returning grass I'm looking for is not far from Xuantianmu. I also ask Fellow Daoist Yi to sweep the formation for me and wait for me to get the grass first." After the medicine shovel, he jumped up lightly.Flying to not far under the canopy of the Xuantian wood tree, then raised the medicine shovel in his hand and shoveled towards the root of a young three-leaf spirit grass.

Not long after, he teased three mature soul-returning grasses in his hands in mid-air, took out a jade box and put them in it, then turned around and flew back.

Seeing Yi Tiandao, he said: "Friend Yi Daoist, I have finished my work, and it's your turn next, but the trunk of the Xuantian Lingmu is by no means comparable, whether you can get the wood core depends on your chance .”

"It's no problem, it's up to you, I'll try my best," said Yi Tian, ​​withdrew and flew into the air, near the root of the Xuantian Spiritual Tree.

After the purple light flashed in his eyes, he directly used the magic pupil technique to stare at the thick tree trunk in front of him.

After taking three breaths, he sighed and said in his heart: "Sure enough, this Xuantian Spiritual Tree is quite famous, relying on the pupil technique, you can see that the inner wood core of this ordinary Xuantian Spiritual Tree is completely emerald green like a high-grade spiritual stone Like the accompanying emeralds. '

Gently took out the Taiyuan sword, Yi Tian stretched out his hand and sacrificed it in the air, and then performed the trick of condensing the void and transforming the solid, first dividing the spirit sword into thousands of filaments, and then re-forming the appearance of a blue lightsaber.Patrolling the weak spot near the root of Xuantian Lingmu, he raised his knife and chopped it off without hesitation.

After the sound of 'zi la', where Taiyuan's lightsaber went, a three-foot-long hole was cut near the root.The depth is at least one foot to the center of the tree root.

Immediately, a majestic wood spirit power emerged from the opening, and Yi Tian was overjoyed. After changing the formula in his hand, he controlled the lightsaber to penetrate into it and cut alive on the emerald green tree core. It's a foot long.

Seeing the blow, Yi Tian reached out without hesitation and hurriedly manipulated the lightsaber to take out the Xuantian wood core.

At the same time, the other hand took out a pitch-black cold jade box from the storage ring, opened the lid and waited.When Xuantian Muxin flew away from the main body and was not far in front of him, he grabbed it and put it into the jade box, closed the lid, and at the end he didn't forget to put a sealing talisman on the seal to prevent the spiritual power from leaking out.

After finishing all this, he slowly pushed it away to the entrance position, turned around and looked back at the Xuantian Spiritual Tree after landing, only to see that it seemed to be a little depleted at this time, and the spiritual power on the trunk was not as full as before.

Zhou Xiang, who was on the side, said with a smile: "It seems that fellow Daoist Yi really has a kind heart, so if you come here for thousands of years and fill in the vacant tree core, it can be regarded as a legacy for future generations." A blessed place."

"Fellow Daoist Zhou praised you, I just know that it is appropriate, and I will not ask for it randomly. This Xuantian Spirit Tree is very old, if I really dig out all the cores, I am afraid that this Baicao Gallery will no longer exist. Leave everything behind so that we can meet in the future, even though I won't come here again, I can still leave a memory for future generations, so why not do it," Yi Tian said with a faint smile.

"In this way, you and I have fulfilled our wishes. I also want to leave as soon as possible and don't want to stay any longer. I don't know what will happen to Yi Dao's friendship," Zhou Xiang changed the subject.

"That's natural, thanks to the great help of Fellow Daoist Day this time, it's just that the 'Sura Blood Vine' is just to keep it close and not mention it to third parties," Yi Tian said seriously.

"That's that, I'll keep the advice from fellow Daoist Yi in mind," Zhou Xiang said with a serious expression on his face, expressing his position hastily because he didn't want to be involved in the royal power struggle for a casual alchemist like him I want Yi Tian to feel at ease.

Recalling that the son of King Xiaxun is still on another path, it would be wrong for him to leave like this.Thinking about it, Yi Tian opened his mouth and said, "Now that you have fulfilled your wish, fellow Daoist Zhou, please leave first and wait at the entrance of the cave. Take me to find the son of King Xun and take him out of the cave together. The three of us should go back together. It’s good, so as not to cause any misunderstanding afterwards.”

After hearing this, Zhou Xiang kept nodding his head and replied: "What you Daoist Yi said is true. If you are so old, you should go out of the cave and wait in the valley first. If you find your son, then go out of the cave as soon as possible."

Afterwards, the two turned around and turned back and drove quickly all the way to the three-way intersection just now. After Zhouxiang greeted them, they returned directly from the original road.As for Yi Tian, ​​he walked forward along another passage again, and suddenly found traces of fighting in sight after walking for a long time.

He went up to check the wreckage that seemed to be stone puppets, but unlike the ones that Zhou Xiang had encountered before, these were all humanoid puppets, and they were out-and-out Asura humanoid puppets.

Large and small puppet limb fragments were scattered all over the ground, and after careful inspection, they all came from the same body.

Obviously, Prince Xun's son only encountered a puppet here, but it took a lot of effort for him to barely pass.There are still many traces of Xuanyin True Water in the wounds of the broken puppet limbs and fragments on the ground.

Going forward, the narrow and long passage leads directly to the distance. After walking for half an hour, Yi Tian found that there were two forked roads in front of him.Scanning with his spiritual sense, he found that there was a lot of freezing cold air remaining in the two passages, so it was impossible to tell which way Prince Xun's son had gone.

(End of this chapter)

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