
Chapter 1524 Rush to the rescue 1

Chapter 1524
At the three-way intersection in the passage, Yi Tian couldn't tell which way Prince Xun's son had gone, his face changed slightly for a while, and he couldn't help becoming impatient.

At this time, the vibration under the soles of the feet came again, and the whole passage shook accordingly. A lot of sand and stone leaked from the top of the passage, which made Yi Tian's eyes brighten.It is obvious that the concentration of cold ice zhenqi in the road on the left is constantly increasing. Although he is not sure, Duan Xiaolou has a high probability of taking this road.

After putting away his mind, he opened his mind to detect the farthest, but in this Baicao corridor, his mind seemed to be restricted by the restrictions in the passage, and he could only detect three or four miles away at most.

But this is enough. Yi Tian found that there seemed to be high-frequency spiritual pressure fluctuations coming from the depths of the passage. Needless to say, it should be Duan Xiaolou and Ren who were doing it.

With force under his feet, his body jumped into the left passage like an arrow from the string. Along the way, Yi Tian glanced at the restriction on the stone wall of the passage and found that there was a gravity barrier around it.The further you fly, the more you will be affected by the enchantment, and you will need to consume [-]% more spiritual power to maintain your escape speed when you are two miles away.

Not long after, what came into view in the distance was the mess everywhere, and the passage seemed to come to an end.There was also the sound of spell attacks that continued to be revoked, and Yi Tian rushed out of the passage in a hurry, only to see lightning and flint in front of him.

Two magic spells, one red and one blue, are colliding violently, arousing waves of spiritual power and arcs that bounce around the cave in a disorderly manner.

The cold air emitted by the blue spiritual light is naturally Duan Xiaolou's spell, but Yi Tian found that Duan Xiaolou is not as free and easy as before when he just came in.There is no advantage of the right time and place here, and the escapism is restricted by the surrounding rune restrictions. Naturally, it is more difficult than fighting in the outside world.

But his opponent turned out to be a spiritual plant. When Yi Tian saw the appearance of the spiritual plant, he was startled. Isn't this the 'Sura blood vine' of the Asura royal family.It's just that this Shura blood vine is a fully matured body. I have never understood that when the 'Sura blood vine' matures, the whole body is crimson. Foul red sap.

In addition to the stamens, there are many vines protruding from the surroundings. The thinnest of these vines are as big as a baby's arm, and the thicker ones are at least as big as a bucket when they are injected into the main stem.

The blue aura in Duan Xiaolou's hand is obviously the cold air mixed with Xuanyin True Water, which is the nemesis of these 'Sura Blood Vine'.It's just that it seems that it has been some time since he fought again, and the spiritual power consumption is quite large, otherwise he will never be suppressed by the opponent.

Seeing himself appearing in time, Duan Xiaolou yelled: "Fellow Daoist Yi, let's quickly work together to get rid of this 'Sura Blood Vine'."

He hurriedly responded: "My son, be careful, wait for me to help you." After speaking, Yi Tian took out the Taiyuan sword and sacrificed it in his hand, and then turned into thousands of filaments and stabbed at the stamen of the 'Sura Blood Vine' .

Unexpectedly, Duan Xiaolou shouted eagerly: "No, Fellow Daoist Yi, please don't provoke it."

Before the words were finished, thousands of filaments had already hit the 'Sura Blood Vine' like raindrops, leaving small wounds after the sword filaments passed.Suddenly, a large amount of red juice flew out of it and turned into tens of thousands of blood rains from the head.

Duan Xiaolou cried out in surprise: "Be careful, it's poisonous." After speaking, he took a step back.

Yi Tian also realized that his shot was too reckless, so he pulled away and flew through the passageway when he came and went.

"Zi la zi la" sounded several times, and red vines suddenly sprang out from the entrance of the passage, directly blocking the escape route.

The red juice splashed on the surrounding stone walls and made a "sizzling" sound, and at the same time left small scars.

Unexpectedly, the corrosiveness of the 'Sura blood vine' juice was so strong, Yi Tian suddenly felt his scalp tingle.Those juices splashed onto his protective shield continuously consumed spiritual power, which increased the spiritual power consumed by attacking with a heavy load by another [-]%.

Ke Yitian suddenly found that the feeling of weight on his body was gradually disappearing, and after scanning with his divine sense, he found that the original prohibition runes carved on the walls of this cave with a radius of [-] to [-] feet had been scratched by the fuss just now.

In this way, the weight-bearing environment that originally restricted oneself gradually became invalid.

Looking back at Duan Xiaolou, Yi Tian asked, "What's the best strategy for your son?"

"We can't compete, let's get out for now, and come back after a rest. This 'Sura Blood Vine' is at least 3 to [-] years old, and we can't take advantage of it even if we force it," Duan Xiaolou said. replied.

"It's okay to evacuate first, son, you go first, and I'll finish it off," Yi Tian replied in a deep voice.Now that he has made up his mind to leave, there is no need to think about it any more. After taking back the Taiyuan Sword, Yi Tian hurriedly took out the Brahma Golden Bell and shook it quickly, using the rest of the sound wave vibration to shake all the surrounding vines away.

When Duan Xiaolou saw that the road ahead was open, he got happy and ran towards the entrance of the passage, but before he reached the exit, there was a violent vibration under the ground.

Immediately, the one-foot-square soil under his feet burst open, and a vine as thick as a bucket jumped out from under the ground and stopped in front of him.

The tip of the blood-colored vine is a crimson flower bud, which is a foot in size.

With a 'bang' sound, the bud opened and two round stamens appeared from under the head, directly hitting Duan Xiaolou who was retreating and holding him back.

Yi Tian's face was shocked. If Duan Xiaolou was here, he would be involved, and there would be troubles.

He stretched out his hand to sacrifice the Taiyuan Sword, and then slashed at the neck below the flower bud. Unexpectedly, this 'Sura Blood Vine' was quite spiritual. After sensing the crisis, it immediately retracted to the ground with a 'swish' sound.

Yi Tian glanced at it in a blink of an eye, and saw that the underground soil beside the main stem was arching rapidly, and after ten breaths, several vines rose from the ground, and one of them was the bud that swallowed Duan Xiaolou.

It's just that there was a slight blue light on the bud at this time, and then a layer of frost condensed around it.The flower buds were frozen from the inside to the outside, and the flower buds seemed to be affected by the cold air and then gradually wilted, and finally they were frozen into a straight icicle standing over there.

Yi Tian knew that Duan Xiaolou's life should not be in danger at this moment, but he was trapped for a while.It seems that the only way is to rescue it first. Looking at the 'Sura Blood Vine' in front of him, Yi Tian also sacrificed the Ice Essence Flame in his hands.

Originally wanted to use wood vine technique to deal with Shura blood vine, so it is the best strategy to use that method to retaliate against him.But I don't know Duan Xiaolou's state at this time, if he knows that he can also control the 'Sura Blood Vine', it will definitely not be a good thing.

Fortunately, Duan Xiaolou reminded himself that the cold ice true energy is not there, but it is as effective as the ice marrow flame.

(End of this chapter)

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