
Chapter 1525 Rush to the rescue 2

Chapter 1525 Rush to Aid II

In the depths of the passage, I came across a mature 'Sura blood vine', and this spiritual plant's amazing fighting power even the son of King Xun was firmly trapped by it.

Fortunately, this 'Sura Blood Vine' also has weaknesses. Duan Xiaolou directly frozen himself at the last moment of being trapped, and at the same time froze the buds of the 'Sura Blood Vine'.

Although this can be regarded as a tie, but Yi Tian knew that this deadlock would be broken sooner or later. 'Sura Blood Vine' can continuously absorb underground spiritual power to dissolve Duan Xiaolou's Xuanyin True Water power.

Once the profound yin zhenqi was almost exhausted, Duan Xiaolou would lose his last support for protection, and at that time he would no doubt be reduced to a flower manure.

After the ice marrow flame sacrifice in his hand, a blue spiritual light flashed, and then the ground around him was frozen for a radius of three feet.The freezing air of the Ice Marrow Flame directly forced the surrounding vines of the 'Sura Blood Vine' away, and those that were too late to retreat were directly frozen to death.

He stretched out his hand and flicked the green light on his hand to directly smash the frozen vines. This kind of action wanted to anger the opponent. After the sound of "嗖嗖嗖", large groups of red juice protruded from the stamens on the main stem.

Seeing several rounds of venom attacking him, Yi Tian didn't dare to move quickly in the small space.After just a few blows, he gradually fell into the wind and was forced to retreat to the vicinity of the doorway.

Suddenly, his feet changed again, and two arm-thick vines broke through the ground and directly entangled his feet.

Yi Tian frowned slightly, and the Ice Essence Flame Mountain in his hand appeared directly on his feet afterward, and the two vines entangled his feet were instantly frozen and unable to move.

With a kick of both feet, the restrained vines were broken, and Yi Tian's figure flashed again to avoid the large group of venom that was shooting at him.

At this time, a spiritual light flashed from the beast-controlling pouch around his waist, and then he jumped over himself and rushed towards the direction of the venom.

After a flash of Yi Tian's mind, he realized that it was his spiritual pet who was croaking, and at this time he was licking the red venom on the ground with a big mouth, showing a look of great enjoyment on his face.

"You still want to eat it at this time, but how does it taste?" Yi Tian asked disdainfully.

"It contains a lot of poison, but I like it, as long as there is enough poison to fill me up, I can enter the hibernation state and try to advance," Guagua replied with his mouth wide open.

"Don't you like to inhale Qi luck? Look at the condition of the 'Sura Blood Vine' in front of you," Yi Tian ordered.

After hearing this, the Great Immortal Guagua turned his head and looked at the 'Sura Blood Vine' and said: "The 2-year-old Lingzhi has a strong luck in his body, and when I inhale it, his luck will be broken to make up for you. body."

After speaking, the Great Immortal Quack took a sharp breath towards the 'Sura Blood Vine', at the same time, Yi Tian only felt that the phantom of Quack on the palm of Nascent Soul's palm on his forehead suddenly grew by three points.A cold feeling came from the palm of his hand, although his Nascent Soul didn't change much, but Yi Tian found that the seal above his head flashed a glimmer of light, as if he also shared part of the luck he absorbed.

After three breaths, the croaking immortal stopped and said: "I almost devoured [-]% of its luck. I didn't expect that this spirit tree still has a not weak emperor's spirit."

"Oops, you guys have remitted Duan Xiaolou in a spoonful, come back first when you are full, and I will wipe your ass for the basket you stabbed," Yi Tian replied helplessly, thinking of everything Unexpectedly, when Immortal Guagua absorbed the 'Sura Blood Vine', he also took the frozen Duan Xiaolou with him.

After a flash of inspiration, the croaking immortal returned to the beast sac again, Yi Tian stretched out his hand and flicked the ice marrow flame into silk, and hit the ghost face flower stamen in front of him.

'Swish swish swish' the blue flames flashed and went straight to the center of the flower buds, and then blue lights flashed across the buds, revealing four or five frozen areas.

The branches of the 'Sura Blood Vine' became slower and slower after the surrounding temperature became tense. A layer of frost rose rapidly from the stamens, and then quickly spread along the main stem. After a while, only the whole Ganoderma lucidum was seen. are all frozen.

Yi Tian swept his mind and scanned directly along the rhizome of the 'Sura Blood Vine', and he was relieved after confirming that it was all frozen.

He took out the Taiyuan sword and slashed lightly at the neck of the flower bud that trapped Duan Xiaolou, cutting off the whole root.Going forward, he patted the flower buds that were trapped in the outer layer, and the flower buds that were trapped in the outer layer were blown open, but what caught his eyes was a piece of blue ice.

Inside is the appearance of Duan Xiaolou when he was trapped, but at this moment he seems to have fallen into a coma and deep sleep.Yi Tian didn't directly wake him up when he saw it, but reached out and took out a few talismans and pasted them around the ice to temporarily protect him.

After doing this, Yi Tian turned around and looked at the 'Sura Blood Vine' in front of him. To be honest, this Wannian Lingzhi plant is full of treasures, and it is many times stronger than the ghost-faced flower seeds he cultivated.

Originally, I couldn't take out the ghost face flower to fight against the enemy in the Asura world, after all, many people could recognize it.But with this 'Asura Blood Vine', it can be used as a shield, not to mention that Duan Xiaolou has fought against it before, with his personal certificate, he can excuse himself a lot.

After thinking about it, he raised the Taiyuan sword and aimed at the root of the 'Sura Blood Vine', cutting off a wound of about five inches.Take out the spare jade bottle to fill the overflowing red venom. Fortunately, this spiritual plant is quite old, and the accumulated venom is enough to fill three Haina bottles.

After doing this, he noticed some changes in Duan Xiaolou's position in his divine sense, probably because he was about to wake up.

Think about it, this time I made a mistake and let the Immortal Guagua absorb a lot of his luck. Although it was an unintentional mistake, it still took advantage of him.

After thinking about it, he walked over slowly and gently drew a trace of spiritual power from the Ice Marrow Flame Seed and injected it quietly into his forehead.Then he used his supernatural powers to help him swim away with his spiritual power for a week, refining that strand of spiritual power and blending it into his body's spiritual energy.

After finishing these, he simply sat on the side and waited after peeling off the talisman guard on the ice.

Half an hour later, Duan Xiaolou made any movement. After opening his eyes again, the spiritual power in his hands moved, and the ice cubes around his body were retracted into Xuanyin True Water again.

Duan Xiaolou looked at the scene in front of him in a blink of an eye, and looked at Yi Tianran who was on the side with a look of surprise on his face, and said, "Thank you, Fellow Daoist Yi, for your help, otherwise today would really be here."

With a smile at the corner of his mouth, Yi Tian hurriedly stood up and cupped his hands and said, "Your Majesty is blessed with great blessings, please check yourself to see if you are in good health."

Duan Xiaolou nodded, and searched through internal vision, and after three breaths, he was overjoyed and said, "I didn't expect my skill to grow by a large margin because of a blessing in disguise. My natal kung fu has actually broken into the next level, I guess It won't take long to advance to the middle stage of distraction."

(End of this chapter)

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