
Chapter 1527 Farewell

Chapter 1527 Farewell
After coming out of Baicao Corridor, the three of them reunited here, but both Zhou Xiang and Duan Xiaolou promised that they would not reveal what they saw and heard deep in the passage.

Although it was only a verbal agreement, Yi Tian knew that they had gained a lot of benefits and had some wonderful misunderstandings about him, so he didn't need to tell everything.

However, from the mouth of King Xun's son, he learned that the distribution of power in the entire Asura Dynasty is far more complicated than he imagined.It's a good thing to be like this, as long as they don't stick together, they can break them individually.

And after this incident, I have obviously made friends with Duan Xiaolou, presumably no one will be hostile to each other in the imperial city, or even in the secret realm of the fire source of the Asura clan.

After collecting the essence of 'Sura Blood Vine' in the depths of Baicao Corridor, it is equivalent to cutting off the result of absorbing the spirit veins for thousands of years.After I cut off all the blood vines exposed above the ground, the remaining vine roots automatically retracted to the ground.

It would take at least old age to grow back to its original shape again, so far, there is nothing worth selling in Baicao Gallery.

Duan Xiaolou was also very magnanimous and only took a portion of the blood wood spiritual marrow. In his words, as long as he absorbs and utilizes this spiritual object, he can properly raise his cultivation base to the middle stage of distraction.And his level of cultivation is already enough to disdain the other two contestants, and there is no need to stretch his cultivation level too far, otherwise it is easy to be deliberately targeted by others due to uneven strength.

Yi Tian can understand the meaning of his words, the people who are deliberately targeted must be Prince Wei's family, at least Yunlin is happy to see the success, anyway, just keep Prince Wei's hands away.

After returning to Diluo City, the three of them resigned and prepared to disperse, but before leaving, Yi Tian said to Zhou Xiang: "Wait a minute, fellow Daoist Zhou, I have something to discuss."

When Duan Xiaolou saw it, he knew that the two still had a deal, so he said it directly and left first.After taking her away, Zhou Xiang turned around and said, "I don't know what advice you Daoyou can give you?"

Yi Tian smiled and took out a jade bottle filled with ghost face flower venom from the storage ring, and gently handed it over, "Daoist friends, look at this thing, be careful that it is quite poisonous."

After Zhouxiang went to the jade bottle, he gently opened the lid and stretched in his spiritual sense to examine it, showing a surprised expression on his face, and then he realized that he had lost his composure and hurriedly straightened his expression and said: "This thing is the juice of a high-level spiritual plant. Although it is extremely toxic, it can be used to refine some specific elixirs with a little treatment, and even after dilution, it can be used as a panacea for strengthening exercises for monks who practice physical skills."

"You Daoist Day is alchemy, everyone can make good use of this thing, and I want to exchange it for three bottles of Huiyanghua Danshui, a special product of Diluo City," Yi Tian said his purpose.

As soon as I arrived at Diluo City, I learned that the 'Huiyanghua Danshui' produced here is a necessary auxiliary material for alchemists. Adding a little during alchemy can delay the time of alchemy without affecting the quality.High-level but naturally can take advantage of this gap to purify the elixir again to push its quality to a higher level.

After checking in the historical archives, I found that this item can also be used in refining equipment, but it consumes a little more compared to alchemy, so I opened my mouth to exchange it.

After hearing this, Zhouxiang in front of him showed a little bit of embarrassment and said: "Yi Daoyou's things are old and I like them very much, but I don't have much 'Huiyanghua Danshui' in my hand. In terms of value, I have to exchange at most two bottles Come on, as for the price difference, how about the old man willing to make up for it with other pills?"

Listening to what he said, Yi Tian had no reason not to agree, even if I asked for a little more, I thought it would be enough to buy two bottles to save some money.

After the exchange, Yi Tian said goodbye to Zhou Xiang directly on the grounds that the school was busy with affairs, and then set off towards the direction where the magic domain was located.

In the middle of the flight, the divine sense dispersed, and the area of ​​five or six thousand miles was checked clearly. After confirming that there were no high-ranking monks, he selected a point where the leylines gathered deep in the mountains and built a cave. .After the completion of the work, a psychedelic formation was set up all around, but I fell headfirst into it.

When he got to the depths of the cave, he sat up cross-legged, and then revealed his own Asura dharma body. After taking out the blood wood marrow, he took it down and circulated the spiritual power to start dissolving the massive spiritual power above.

As Duan Xiaolou mentioned to himself before, this blood wood spirit is an excellent treasure that only the Asura royal family can enjoy.Generally, the existence of 'Sura Blood Vine' can hardly be seen in the outside world. Based on his experience of more than 2000 years, this is only the third time he can taste it.

'Bloodwood Essence' looks blood-red all over, but melts in the mouth as soft as tofu, but the spiritual power contained in it is long and thin. It is an excellent delicacy.Yi Tian saw that the piece in his hand weighed more than ten catties, and after eating two-thirds of it, he felt that his spiritual power was soaring that he could hardly control it.

Later, he kept the remaining third and put it away, and then sat cross-legged and silently practiced exercises to dissolve the spiritual energy for his own use.

At the same time, the other two aspects of Asura's dharma body did not stop. Most of the treasures harvested this time were wood-type spiritual plants.Among them, the trunk of the ancient tree and the vines of the 'Sura Blood Vine' are the most valuable.

Thinking that the Taiyuan sword he used could not cut the trunk of the ancient tree, Yi Tian had already had an idea in his heart. Although the body of the ancient tree had been dead for thousands of years, its trunk contained the leftover spirit. Power is extraordinary.

If it can be refined and integrated into the Taiyuan Sword, it will naturally greatly enhance the power of the sword body.

In addition, the list of Tiangong that was exchanged at the auction this time has not been checked carefully, so I just took this opportunity to do all the things at hand first.

Asura's body was divided into three parts, and he didn't miss any of the cultivation, refining and reference.In this way, Yi Tian stayed in the cave for a long time without counting the passage of time.

Until eight years later, billowing black clouds gathered above the outer mountains here, and the low-level monks who were originally thousands of miles away from here were all affected.They and Zeng Shi have seen such a scene, but all the casual cultivators who have some knowledge have taken the belongings in the cave and rushed to leave here.

Needless to say, this appearance is at least the scale of a cultivator in the stage of transforming gods. After the thunder fell from the sky, those people of insight flew away to the distance and couldn't help admiring. The scene of the cultivator crossing the catastrophe is very strong, I really don't know what the origin of the person who crossed the catastrophe is to forcibly cross the catastrophe in the magic world like this.

At this time, Yi Tian, ​​who was in the center of the thunder calamity, looked up at the Taiyuan sword above his head, which was motionless under the lightning strike. After the lightning strike, it absorbed most of the spiritual power, and finally the halo faded into a yellow sword. The wooden sword fell slowly.

I originally wanted to refine the remnant of the ancient tree and integrate it into the Taiyuan sword, but I didn't expect that the ancient tree material turned into the Taiyuan sword and turned it into an out-and-out wooden sword.

And the three-foot-long spirit sword turned into a five-inch short-handled wooden sword at this time, which made Yi Tian very troubled to watch.

 Thanks to Daoist 20180215183801297, Han Linchun for their strong support
(End of this chapter)

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