
Chapter 1528 Escort 1

Chapter 1528 Escort One
A few years later, many candidate monks in the Asura Church who were preparing to go to Beijing were all ready to go and lined up in the church to listen to the lectures of the leader Mu Lang.

Among the people present were Luo Xiao and Luo Jinzhong who were accompanying them, standing at the front of the team respectively.This time their identities have been changed. They are no longer the commanders of the imperial guards of the Asura Dynasty, but the protectors of the Asura Cult.

Staring at this name such as Luo Jinzhong can naturally erase his previous rebellion from the imperial city, and he can return to the court again swaggeringly.At most, it's just a change of camp and an extra title of Asura Sect Zuo Guardian.

As for Luo Xiao, he was forcibly drawn into the camp. Fortunately, he still had Luo Ziyan's secret order in hand.His original position in the Yulin Army has not changed, but now he is paid for nothing.

After Mu Lang finished reprimanding him, he turned around and said to the empty seat on one side: "Friend Yi Daoist, you can start when you see that it's almost done."

Everyone present, including Luo Xiao and Luo Jinzhong, all changed their expressions. They didn't expect Yi Tian to come early and sit in the hall majestically.It's just that there is a gap in cultivation, and among the people present, only Mu Lang can detect its existence.

Shaoqing flashed a green light and slowly revealed Yi Tian's figure. At this time, the spiritual power in his body was completely restrained, and he looked like an ordinary person.

Luo Xiao has seen the world and looked it over, hurriedly stepped forward and cupped his hands and said, "Congratulations to Elder Yi for improving his strength, I am afraid that he has crossed the boundary of the late stage of distraction and is very close to Dzogchen."

With a slight smile on his face, Yi Tian nodded his head, Luo Xiao's experience was indeed much higher than Luo Jinzhong's, no wonder Luo Ziyan chose him to perform the task alone.

Many Asura Cult monks present were also overjoyed. The improvement of the strength of the elders of this religion is naturally a great thing for them.At that time, various care on the road can deal with more emergencies.

Seeing that Mu Lang looked at himself, he transmitted his voice: "It seems that Daoist Yi has gained a lot in Diluo City. I don't know what kind of natural treasures or panaceas he found. I see how solid your spiritual power is." At least twice as strong as when I first came to this teaching."

Yi Tian knew in his heart that he was helped by the effect of 'Blood Spirit Wood Pulp', and his cultivation base was already at its peak in the middle stage of distraction.It is only a matter of time to enter the late stage. Since Baicaolang and his party took a copy of "Blood Spirit Wood Pulp", they directly pushed their own cultivation to the late stage.

After several years of closed-door practice, the improved realm has already been stabilized. Although he has not yet reached the stage of Dzogchen in the late stage of distraction, the degree of condensed true energy in his body has greatly exceeded the previous stage.

After a smile, he opened his lips lightly and replied through the sound transmission: "Thanks to fellow Taoist Mu for recommending me to go to Diluo City to find the treasures of heaven and earth. Now that fellow Taoist has opened his mouth, I don't have to be stingy anymore," said Finally, he took out the jade bottle and handed it over gently.

After taking it, Mu Lang gently opened the lid and searched inside with his divine sense. After taking three breaths, his face showed a look of admiration and said: "It really is the best fine nectar. I didn't expect that Fellow Daoist Yi could find such a high-grade Spiritual liquid. Compared to the 'Blood Spirit Wine' used by the Asura Dynasty, it is not much better, no, it should be better, so the old man will no longer refuse."

"Blood spirit wine," Yi Tian recalled the word in Mu Lang's mouth, and he could almost guess what the raw material was.After arriving in the imperial city this time, I still have to see what this 'blood spirit wine' is.

Turning around and facing Mu Lang with a straight expression, he said: "You are welcome, the leader. This time I escorted the elite of the leader to the imperial city to participate in the selection. It is my duty to do so. Is there anything else the unknown leader wants to explain?"

Mu Lang lowered his head and pondered for a while before replying: "Generally, I have already told you about the points to pay attention to. Remember that there are undercurrents of forces in the dynasty and you must not get involved in the struggle between right and wrong."

"That's natural. I've heard about it a long time ago, and I will be careful in every aspect," Yi Tian replied.

"I don't need to worry too much about the style of acting as a fellow Taoist. It's just that the various forces are complicated and intertwined, and even Lord Yun can't be alone." Mu Lang said worriedly: "The forces on the surface are falling Fortunately, what I’m most afraid of is that some people secretly colluding with Prince Wei will take the opportunity to harm you, so you’d better pay more attention at this time.”

After hearing this, Yi Tian raised his brow slightly, startled in his heart, and thought to himself: "What Mu Dao said makes sense, when the dragon crosses the river, he will definitely touch the interests of some people."Those who are on the bright side will naturally avoid them if they can, but the key is to hide behind the dark opponent's back and plot against them. '

After thinking about it, he thanked Mu Lang with a sincere face, and said that he would pay more attention.

Half an hour later, more than [-] people from the brigade boarded the Asura Cult's transport ship one after another, and then slowly left the airport and headed towards the direction of the imperial city.

With Luo Xiao, a familiar subordinate, Yi Tian confidently handed over the control of the warship to him.In addition, Luo Jinzhong was dispatched to arrange all the monks participating in the selection in the cabin, and each monk was assigned to an independent quiet room.

What Yi Tian meant was to let them stay in the room during this period to practice well. As for the rest of the entourage, they took care of the things on the warship.

After the arrangement, Yi Tian sat down in the largest quiet room behind the main control room of the cabin and began to rest.

It is estimated that this journey will take two or three months to reach the Asura Imperial City. During this period, it is completely possible to continue to practice. Generally, Luo Xiao, the deputy envoy, can come forward to solve problems.

Two months later, Yi Tian, ​​who was sitting cross-legged in the cabin and practicing silently, suddenly felt that there were several spiritual pressure fluctuations in the outside world rushing towards his warship, and it seemed that he was definitely not going in the wrong direction.

Half a moment later, Luo Xiao's voice came and said: "Elder Yi, please come to the main cabin quickly, maybe we have encountered some trouble."

Opening his eyes, Yi Tian's face sank, but his own ship was flying the flag of Asura Cult.Those monks who dared to come up to find fault would probably not be stupefied young men, and nine out of ten were backed by several other forces in the court, who wanted to use the hands of these people to test the quality of the Asura Cult.

After thinking about it, the corner of his mouth twitched, and the whole figure suddenly faded and disappeared in place after three breaths.

At the same time, Yi Tian's figure appeared in the main control room. When Luo Xiao saw it in front of him, he was overjoyed and hurried forward and said, "Elder Qi, we have already entered Fengling County, and there are still three days' journey before we can reach the emperor." the boundaries of the city."

"That's great," Yi Tian pouted and said, "Is there any trouble you can't handle?"

"In the distance are the guards of Fengling County. They asked us to detour, otherwise we will have to pay tens of millions of spirit stones as tolls," Luo Xiao replied.

 Thanks to fellow daoist readers 75, Xiangqing for their support
(End of this chapter)

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