
Chapter 1532 Escort 5

Chapter 1532 Escort Five

The Asura Cult's warship maintained a normal speed and slowly sailed away from the boundary of Fengling County, and encountered no obstacles in the city on the next road.It is reckoned that Luo Qingcheng should have greeted the people below, and the journey was unimpeded, and even the guards there did not show up when they passed the final checkpoint.

After entering the scope of the imperial capital, Yi Tiancai gradually saw the prosperity of the Asura world. This place is only two days away from the imperial city on the edge of the imperial capital.But above the boundary below, there are a lot of cultivation strongholds gathered in a network and circular arrangement. After careful inspection with divine sense, the scale of those strongholds is not small enough to be the size of a human-level town in the spirit world.

But what surprised Yi Tian the most was that the scale of these strongholds was unheard of by him, and each stronghold had a cultivator at the transformation stage.Counting carefully, at least hundreds of people are needed to maintain such a situation.

As the warship continued to fly forward, in Yi Tian's mind, he found that there were gradually more monks coming and going in the air.Most of them turned out to be monks of other races, but the population of the Asura tribe was not prosperous, and in order to maintain such a big scene, they had to rely on the monks of other races.

These traveling monks flew in the air and shuttled in an orderly manner, and it seemed that the flying height was limited according to the level of cultivation.Then Luo Xiao, who was controlling the warship in the main cabin, pointed out: "Elder Yi, we need to increase the flight altitude so that we can travel faster."

"It's okay, since we're in the imperial capital, there shouldn't be any serious problems. After the two flags notify Lord Yun, we will move forward at full speed," Yi Tian ordered.

Luo Jinzhong hurriedly sent out the Jade Talisman of Communication, and then arranged for all his subordinates to show the banner of Asura Cult.

Sure enough, the monks coming and going around the bottom immediately noticed the movement on the warship, and after confirming their identities, they all moved out of the way very wisely.

Luo Xiao drove the warship Yiqi Juechen towards the destination at full speed.

One day later, Yi Tian vaguely saw a black spot appearing outside the sky through the window next to the main cabin.After reaching out, the divine sense couldn't extend to the end, so he had to use the magic pupil technique again to look into the distance.

Soon, Yi Tian discovered through the magic pupil that there is a huge comprehension city that stretches for three thousand miles on the flat land and is located in the distance.

Even if the warship maintains the full-flying speed of the ordinary cultivator, it only shortens the distance a little bit.

Looking at this appearance, even if it is more than twice the size of Qingfeng Old City in the Spirit Realm, Yi Tian secretly admired in his heart, "It really is the strongest imperial city in the Asura Realm among the Nine Realms of the Upper Spirit."Just looking at the scale, this trip is not in vain. It is estimated that the entire city should be located on the super spiritual pulse in this world.The speed of cultivation here is ten times and a hundred times stronger than that of the outside world. No wonder the Asura clan can stand tall in the Nine Realms of the Upper Spirit. '

For the next day and night, the warship continued to sail in this direction at full speed, and the Asura Imperial City in front of us gradually revealed its true face.Surrounded by two continuous mountains on both sides, the imperial city happened to be placed in the valley in the middle, and several large rivers crossed the boundary.

According to Yi Tian's half-baked feng shui technique, it can be seen that this place is an excellent treasure land, easy to defend and difficult to attack. outside world.

Not long after flying, a spiritual light galloped towards the position of the battleship, and instantly penetrated into the protective cover outside the battleship.

The spiritual light flew into Luo Jinzhong's hands and then slowly faded away, revealing a messenger talisman.Then I saw Luo Jinzhong came forward with a magic talisman in his hand and said: "Elder Yi is the reply letter from Master Yun, please read it."

He stretched out his hand to pick up the communication talisman with a light hook, and then extended his divine sense to check it out. After three breaths, Yi Tiancai said: "Luo Xiao drove the warship to No. [-] Wharf of the airport on the west side of the imperial city. Someone from Lord Yun is waiting."

"The airport on the west side of the imperial city," Luo Jinzhong frowned slightly when he heard this, hesitant to speak.

Yi Tian noticed that he seemed to have something to say, so he lowered his head and opened his lips lightly through sound transmission and asked, "Is there any inconvenience?"

"The west city is exactly the territory guarded by the Grand Commander Luo Yao. Although it is the intention of Master Yun to stop there, it is understandable. But Elder Yi, you must be careful that the Grand Commander takes the opportunity to make things difficult for you. Back then, the other party must have a grudge against you for humiliating him. , and if there is any disturbance on the side of the west city, it can't be hidden from the commander's eyeliner, I am afraid that at this time he will lead people to wait for the Lord Xianyun," Luo Jinzhong said with a worried face.

It turned out that Yi Tian had a thoughtful look on his face when he heard the words, Yunlin in the jade talisman in his hand told him to settle down with the disciples of the Asura Sect, and then went to the imperial city to meet them.And the biggest reliance of Luo Xiao and others is themselves. If someone takes advantage of their absence and waits for an opportunity to find fault, that is the most troublesome thing.

After taking out the Queen's Edict that he had forged, Yi Tian muttered that there were no restrictions on it, and then handed it to Luo Jinzhong and said, "When I arrive in the imperial city, my task is considered complete, and I will discuss matters with Venerable Yun later. This is the queen's edict and you should keep it. Remember to keep a low profile before the selection. If someone comes to find fault with you, you can show the edict to block them back. I believe that if some blind guy in the imperial capital insists on causing trouble You have to weigh it too."

Luo Jinzhong's eyes were full of hesitation. He didn't know whether the edict was useful, but he looked at Yi Tian's appearance and asked through voice transmission cautiously: "Elder Yi, I have been working in the imperial city for thousands of years and have never seen him before." Those veterans who have been in the imperial capital for a long time know all about the edicts and documents issued by the empress, what if someone sees the flaws at that time."

Yi Tian snorted coldly and said angrily: "I said that if there is an edict, it is there. I don't see how domineering Luo Qingcheng, the owner of Fenglin County, sees the edict in my hand and doesn't obediently give way. Don't be afraid, even if you see People who are on the side of Prince Wei only need to stand at attention, and there is Lord Yun and me."

After speaking, he took out a token and handed it to Luo Jinzhong. After taking it, the latter looked at it carefully and said with a puzzled expression on his face, "I don't know what is the use of this thing?"

"Fortunately, I'll take care of you. If something happens to you, if you can't find me and Master Yun, just go to the palace with the token and token to find the queen," Yi Tian explained.

Then, under Luo Jinzhong's dubious expression, Yi Tian changed the topic and urged Luo Xiao to drive the warship to the west side of the imperial city as soon as possible.

Suddenly, in his spiritual sense, he found no less than dozens of spiritual pressure fluctuations flying from the sky, and the target seemed to be on his side.The spiritual pressure fluctuations on the man with the big head seemed familiar. After careful inspection, he turned around and said to Luo Jinzhong: "Trouble is coming, I guess you have hit the mark with Luo Yao, who wants to stop us first."

(End of this chapter)

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