
Chapter 1533 Escort 6

Chapter 1533 Escort Six

When the warship flew within a thousand miles away from the Asura Imperial City, it suddenly received a message from Yunlin requesting that the Asura Cult's warship be driven directly to the airport from the west gate to berth there.

But when Yi Tian learned that the west gate of the imperial city was the territory guarded by the great commander Luo Yao, he had an ominous premonition in his heart.

This guy is not easy to get along with, and he has repeatedly made troubles when he was received by the Asura Sect last time.And from the mouth of Shui Cangyue, who was passing by before, I learned that Luo Yao shamelessly said that the result of that fight was slightly better.

At this moment, I feel a little regretful in my heart. I really should have taught this guy a lesson.Reminiscent of Yun Lin's proposal to him that the two of them should cooperate to escort his candidate into the fire source secret realm trial of the Asura clan. This matter is definitely worth discussing. At least I have a good opinion of Luo Yao's character now. .

In his divine sense, he found out that he brought a large group of people to intercept him at this moment. Needless to say, he probably wanted to get himself back.Even if he is concerned about Yun Lin's face, he will let himself suffer some dark losses, otherwise he will be sorry for bringing people out to show his prestige, at least he will lose his face and get a bad reputation.

Thinking of this, there was a helpless smile on Yi Tian's face, and Yun Lin let it go when he thought about it in a blink of an eye.Thinking in another way, she was also secretly observing her ability to respond to such emergencies. If it was her, she would definitely not bet all her treasures on one person.

It is the best policy to place bets in this way, and those who are capable can step on others to take the position, no matter how much they fight with Luo Yao, she will finally come out to clean up the mess, but winning the hearts of the people and being able to sell favors is really killing many birds with one stone.

These monks in the integration period are not good birds, and all the calculations in their hearts are crackling.Later, Yi Tian said: "Slow down the speed of the warship, and the first wave of troubles will come soon. Please remember to stay in the cabin and I will go out to deal with it."

Immediately, the faces of the people in the boat were more or less surprised. Fortunately, everyone knew it after being intercepted by Fenglin County.

Many things are beyond their level to intervene, and all they can do now is wait.

Yi Tian stretched out his hand to take it, and the figure appeared in the cabin in a flash. Before leaving, he said: "Don't be irritable, I will go back as soon as I go."

The Asura Cult warship galloping in the air slowly slowed down and stopped at a high altitude. At the same time, Yi Tian's figure appeared in front of the warship as if he was waiting for something.

Half a moment later, dozens of lights, large and small, appeared in front of the sky and flew towards the position of the warship.In a short while, these escaped lights flew to a position thirty feet away from the front of the warship and stopped.

After the light receded, a group of Royal Forest Army appeared. Most of these people were in the mid-to-late stage of transformation, but the first three were all monks in the distraction stage.Yi Tian looked at the other two, except for Luo Yao who was leading the way, who were distracted in the mid-term, but it was not difficult to see that the other party was going to bully others with their power.

Sure enough, Luo Yao showed up and slowly flew forward to look at Yi Tian and the Asura Cult warship behind him, with a hearty smile on his face and shouted: "You Daoist Yi, don't come here unharmed, I didn't expect this time It was you who escorted the selected monks to the imperial capital, we really reunited after a long time, we must find a chance to celebrate."

The celebration is false and it is true to trip him up, but Yi Tian found that although Luo Yao came here this time in a aggressive manner, there was no direct offense in his words.But even so, I didn't relax my precautions at all, and instead smiled and replied: "I didn't expect to be honored to be greeted by Commander Luo Yao in person, so let's postpone the celebration. Send the monks who participated in the selection to Venerable Yun and make another arrangement."

It is necessary to bring out Yunlin's name to remind the other party. Even if Luo Yao ignores it, it can deter the people behind him and make them dare not act rashly.

Sure enough, as soon as the words came out, Yi Tian's divine thoughts swept across the brigade in front of him except Luo Yao, and the eyes of the rest of them more or less showed a hint of surprise.It seems that the bastard Luo Yao didn't even hand in hand with his subordinates, so he pulled a team and rushed to fight aggressively.

Luo Yao's face changed slightly when he found that everyone behind him was worried, and then he said: "This Commander is here to receive Fellow Daoist Yi and the people from the Asura Sect under the order of Master Yun. There will be a lot of inconvenience in the imperial city, so I specially brought someone as a guide."

"Being a guide, you can speak such bastard words," Yi Tian was also very anxious about Luo Yao's IQ.This excuse is very far-fetched, watching the brigade rushing aggressively has no good intentions at all.

It's just that it seems that it's not easy for me to directly tear myself apart with Luo Yao, so for the time being, I can only feel wronged and continue to deal with him.After a faint laugh, Yi Tian said: "Since I am so thankful to fellow Taoist Luo for coming here, please lead the way. I will also send him to Xicheng Airport as soon as possible to avoid Venerable Yun waiting for a long time."

Bringing Yunlin's name out of town again, the corners of Luo Yao's mouth twitched a few times and his eyeballs rolled around and said, "I don't know you, Daoist Yi, and this time I have patrol duties so I can't stay here any longer. "

Never thought that he would retreat at this juncture, but Yi Tian didn't dare to take it lightly.Then he heard him say: "Yi Daoyou, you hit it off after playing, then use our Royal Forest Army's hospitality method to simply welcome Daoist friends, and bring some wine."

At this time, the deputy behind him hurriedly flew forward to take out two jars of wine and gently put them in front of the two of them.

Luo Yao reached out to take the wine jar and lifted the cover on it, and said: "This is the blood jade nectar, which is a specialty of my Asura tribe. I will do it first as a respect." After speaking, he lifted the wine jar and mouthed it Li poured up.

Yi Tian frowned slightly when he saw it, glanced at the wine jar in front of him, stretched out his hand, and lifted the lid, only to smell a familiar smell.Then he stretched out his hand to gently hold the wine jar up high, raised his head and opened his mouth while allowing the wine inside to flow into his mouth in a straight line.

The 'Blood Jade Wine' was extremely spicy after entering the mouth, and there was a sudden ripple of spiritual power in the stomach.Yi Tian only felt a surge of spiritual power dispersing rampantly in his body.

Secret luck quickly dispelled the wine power, and then swam away a big Zhou Tian and returned it to the forehead Niwan Palace.At the same time, the speed of pouring the wine in his hand was getting faster and faster, and he finished the wine a moment earlier when he opened his mouth one step later.

After Luo Yao drank all the wine in the altar, he saw Yi Tian holding the empty wine altar with a smile on his face and cupping his hands, saying: "Thank you for your hospitality, Commander, I will definitely come to thank you after I finish handling the matter in hand .”

(End of this chapter)

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