
Chapter 1534 Arrival

Chapter 1534 Arrival
After Yi Tian left, the smile on Luo Yao's face slowly faded away, he opened his mouth and burped, and then his face turned red.Unfortunately, he forcibly used his spiritual power to suppress the smell of wine just now so as not to make a fool of himself, and when he regained his energy, he hurriedly practiced his kung fu and began to refine the spirit in the wine.

Speaking of which, he also wanted to save face and suffer. This time he knew that it was impossible to fight with Yi Tian, ​​so he simply tried to change the means to compete.

Of course, the method of competition is naturally to choose the one that is beneficial to him. Luo Yao, who has a good drinker capacity, simply finds two jars of 'Blood Jade Wine' to compete with Yi Tian.

Although he thinks that his strength is not bad, the skinny reality directly destroys his confidence to the point where there is not much left.The two of them were fighting for wine on the bright side, but they were actually comparing the depth of their cultivation. Seeing that Yi Tian took one step to start but finished drinking one step earlier, Luo Yao couldn't help but feel frustrated.Seeing the defeat, his colleagues and subordinates will inevitably lose their momentum, and the last drink has already exceeded the limit he can tolerate.

Just now Luo Yao wished he could sit cross-legged and use his kung fu to resolve it, but wouldn't it be self-inflicted to admit that his skills are inferior to others.Fortunately, Yi Tian's haste left him to regain his energy, and then he waved his hand and flew away with his subordinates.

After Yi Tianfei returned to the warship, his divine sense moved slightly and found that they had already set off, and a relaxed smile appeared on his face.Looking down at the wine jar in his hand, he smiled maliciously, then turned to Luo Xiao and said, "Go at full speed, I don't think anyone should come to trouble us again."

"It's Elder Yi," Luo Xiao smiled and immediately controlled the warship to fly towards the location of Xicheng Airport at full speed.

Luo Jinzhong, who was on the side, glanced at the empty wine jar on the ground, his eyelids trembling slightly, and then asked respectfully through voice transmission: "Is it true that Elder Yi, the person who blocked the way, came to you for wine tasting when he was free? "

Shaking his head, Yi Tian curled his lips, pointed to the words on the wine jar and asked, "Do you know how much this thing is worth?"

Luo Jinzhong's face turned sullen and he hurriedly replied: "This is the royal wine. Although the altar in your hand is a century-old wine, it is at least worth a million high-grade spirit stones. And the name of this wine is 'Blood Jade Qiongjiang' which is made by the Asura clan. Specialty products, because the output is scarce, they are basically controlled by the royal family and the big dignitaries, and there is no price in the market.”

The price is not bad, but it is indeed a problem that there is a price but no market.If you drink such a fine wine directly, even the cultivators at the transformation stage will be forced to explode and die by the violent spirit energy inside.

But for the monks in the late stage of distraction, as long as they can be resolved properly, they will be fine, at least I think so.

There was also a familiar taste in the 'Blood Jade Wine'. Yi Tian sat on his seat and closed his eyes for a while, searching for similar tastes in his mind.After three breaths, he opened his eyes with a clear expression on his face. Isn't this the smell of the blood wood spirit essence inside the 'Sura Blood Vine'.

Although less than [-]% of it was left after being diluted with wine, it definitely couldn't be hidden from my taste buds.After thinking about it carefully, it seems reasonable that the 'Sura Blood Vine' is called the flower of the Asura Royal Family. It seems that it is difficult for them not to become stronger if such heaven-defying treasures are controlled by the Asura Royal Family.

Half an hour later, the height of the warship slowly dropped, and Yi Tian's divine sense swept over it. At this time, the warship seemed to have entered a huge airport.There are continuous berths on both sides that have been arranged continuously for several miles, and the vacant space of 150 feet in the middle is divided into four areas.There are two waterways in the middle, and there are [-] feet of berth space left on each side.

There are busy large warships docked all around, not only the ships of the Asura tribe, at least half of them are flying the flags of foreign races.

Later, Yi Tian asked, "Where is the No. [-] pier we stopped at?"

"Reporting to Elder Yi, at the end of this channel, you can directly enter the west gate after getting off the boat," Luo Xiao, who was driving the warship, replied.

It seems that Yunlin is still very face-saving, so she can open a back door for the Asura Cult and leave a good position.But thinking about her doing this is a helpless move, thinking that she did her best in the court to contain the two princes, and she is probably powerless in the matter of cultivating disciples.

And Luo Ziyan also knows how to delegate power and release the Asura sect outside to establish her own family. Although it is a new banner, it always belongs to the dynasty in the Asura world.

Moreover, they kept declaring that they were only loyal to the queen, and all the forces in the DPRK and China could only watch and hold back and could not intervene.

After thinking about it, Luo Jinzhong, who was serving at the side, suddenly said: "Elder Yi, we have docked, don't let the people sent by Master Yun to welcome you wait for a long time."

Only then did Yi Tian come back to his senses, stretched out his divine sense and scanned, and found that the warship had already berthed at the side of Pier No. [-], and all the monks in the suit were ready to disembark except himself.

And under the bridge, there were already dozens of hazy cars waiting, and Yi Tian found that in front of those hazy cars were adult Gale Eagles of level seven monsters.Although it is a few grades behind the Qingluanniao, the car of Princess Fenglin, but being able to mobilize such a large fleet at one time is enough to show Yunlin's strength.

"Open the hatch and disembark," Yi Tian said without hesitation, and asked Luo Xiao and Luo Jinzhong to preside over the handover ceremony.When I got here, my tasks were all completed, and I had an explanation to Yunlin.

Next, there are still more than 200 years of internal trials in the Asura royal family. During this period, I don’t want to rush to see Yunlin, but there are side issues. Anyway, as long as I am in the Asura imperial city, Yunlin will be able to quickly. turn up.

Yi Tian, ​​who was the last one in the team, walked slowly across the bridge and stepped onto the airport pier. Later, he found a young man on the side of the bridge staring at him for a while.I saw him slowly stepping forward and making a confession with both hands: "If you dare to ask, is Senior Yi face to face?"

Turning around and looking at the opponent, he saw that the spiritual pressure fluctuations all over his body seemed to be a distracted early-stage cultivator.Usually the same level of cultivation is commensurate with peers, but now I don't know why he said this.

After Jishou exchanged the gift, he found that the other party hurriedly hid aside as if he didn't dare to accept his gift, Yi Tian smiled and asked, "I don't know how to call you?"

"Junior Hao Ren is the third-generation nephew of Grandma Yunzu. Grandma Grandma said that Senior Yi will sooner or later advance to the fusion stage, so he is called a peer. Therefore, it is reasonable for me to call myself a junior," the young monk replied.

"So that's the case, this time I escorted the Asura Cultists all the way to the imperial city, and I have fulfilled my promise to Lord Yun," Yi Tian said.

"That's right, that's right, senior has already completed his merits and virtues so far, so naturally he doesn't dare to bother senior," Hao Ren said, "Grandma Zu knows that there must be many things that will happen to Senior Yun when he first arrives in the imperial city. Understood, so I was specially appointed as a guide to take seniors on a tour of the imperial city."

(End of this chapter)

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