
Chapter 1535 Tour 1

Chapter 1535 Tour One
Unexpectedly, Yunlin thought of this early in the morning, Hao Ren stretched out his hand and a car parked in Luan came slowly.The leader pulling the cart was the adult four-headed Feng Luan, whose posture was much stronger than that of Fenglin Princess Luo Qingcheng.

Yi Tian looked at it without changing his expression, then pretended not to know anything, and followed Hao Ren onto the frame to leave.

At this time, the waiting Gale Eagle convoy had already picked up the personnel who got off the ship, and flew towards the imperial city in the direction marked on the pier under the guidance of the monk on hand.

Yi Tianshen scanned and found that the road sign had the words Nancheng written on it. Hao Ren, who was on the side, hurriedly explained: "The monks participating in the selection will first go to the Koi Courtyard in the south of the city for a temporary stay, where there will be a teacher's meeting arranged by grandma. Teach them to do the retreat before the final selection according to local conditions."

"Master Yun also has a heart. I think that coming to the Koi Courtyard is derived from the fact that Liyuelongmen is worth a hundred times. Those monks who can stand out in the selection are naturally like carp jumping out of the dragon's gate. Once the situation changes, it will be reborn," Yi Tian laughed. road.

"What Senior Yi said is true, there are usually only two ways for ordinary monks to get ahead in the Asura world, and participating in the selection is one of them," Hao Ren said excitedly.

"Oh, is the second one going to the Tongtian Road?" Yi Tian tried to ask.

"Exactly, it's still early today. Let the younger generation drive around the imperial city so that the senior can get acquainted with the environment here," Hao Ren stretched out his hand to sacrifice his spiritual power to Feng Luan in front of the chariot.

In an instant, there was a sound of wind all around, and the luan car rose from the ground, and under the guidance of the Feng Luan, it slid across the aisle in the air, and the light flashed away, and it disappeared above the airport in a short time.

Sitting on the luan chariot, Yi Tian opened his mind to explore the surrounding environment. The imperial city covers an area of ​​about six thousand miles.Many areas were divided in it, and a forbidden barrier was set up in the center for thousands of miles. After my divine sense extended, it was blocked by the forbidden barrier, but it looked like a huge mountain inside.

Through the enchantment restriction, one can vaguely see a huge palace group built on the south side of the mountain, and the main hall directly in front is even more ridiculously large. The square in front of it is as wide as a hundred miles.A huge stone statue of Asura stands on the square, and there seem to be eight other stone statues around it, but I can't get a glimpse of it under the restriction of the barrier.

There are thousands of layers of stone steps leading directly to the foot of the mountain on the front of the square, and there is only one way to enter the center.

Needless to say, in the depths of the palace complex there is Luo Ziyan's residence, the center of the Asura world, the "Sura Heavenly Palace". As for the secret place of the source of fire, it should be somewhere in this palace.

Hao Ren slowly pointed to the land passing below and said, "The imperial capital has a vast territory, but unfortunately, the number of Asura monks in my family is always small, and there are constant internal struggles. Therefore, in the imperial capital, we use our own identities to divide the regions and build a pavilion." There are not a few high-ranking monks who built the mansion, but fortunately, they still abide by the imperial court's laws and dare not exceed any scale."

"You mean Prince Wei," Yi Tian said without reason.

Hao Ren was taken aback when he heard this, and then laughed a few times to cover up the embarrassment on his face, how could Yi Tian not understand the meaning of his words.It's just that Hao Ren's mind may not be as simple as his name, and he seems to be a monk with some thoughts.

The luan chariot flew around the surrounding city walls over the imperial capital, and Yi Tian sat in it and swept his spiritual thoughts over the special buildings and places where people gathered on the ground from time to time.Needless to say, I will go shopping again when I am free, after all, I can't find anything strange from a distance.

Suddenly, the divine mind swept across a land boundary about thirty miles away, and found that there were few people in it.But all of them are monks above the Nascent Soul stage, and it is not surprising to say that they are near the imperial city.But this place is located on a mountain peak in the north of the imperial capital, and the surrounding area is clean, as if it was deliberately enclosed by someone to separate it from the outside world.

There is only one ten-story ancient pagoda inside, which seems to have a history of at least tens of thousands of years.Therefore, there seemed to be array spells cast on the land around him, and even the luan chariot he made avoided it intentionally or unintentionally.

Stretching out his finger, Yi Tian said, "If you want to come there, it should be where Tongtian Road is located?"

"What Senior Yi said is true, that ten-storey ancient pagoda is the ten gates of Tongtian Road," Hao Ren hurriedly replied, and at the same time his eyes flashed inadvertently.

Seeing this, Yi Tian shook his head secretly, thinking, "This is a shortcut to the Asura Dynasty, but I don't know how many people have tried it." "

Looking at Hao Ren's appearance in a blink of an eye, he asked, "Have you tried it before? What floor can you go up to?"

"This junior tried to enter the eighth floor once after entering the distraction period, but unfortunately he did not pass this level because of his lack of strength," Hao Ren said with a look of regret on his face, but there was a gleam of pride in his eyes.

"Oh, then your strength is considered to be the best among your peers. As far as I know, there are not many monks who can go up to the eighth floor, not to mention that you have room for further improvement. It is natural to go up to the ninth floor in the future. It's no problem," Yi Tian smiled and knew that it's better to praise him at this time, at least it can boost morale.

For example, the three monks who participated in the trial of the fire source secret realm of the Asura royal family this time are all one-in-a-million talents. If they can't even make it to the ninth floor, they can really withdraw voluntarily.

Being able to hear such praise from his own mouth, Hao Ren also showed a little arrogance on his face, and then his face darkened: "Actually, among the three candidates, my strength is the worst, and the advanced distraction period is also the latest. Like Duan Xiaolou, I have already been to the eighth floor 200 years earlier, I guess he will be able to break through the obstacles and go up to the ninth floor after returning to retreat for a while."

Duan Xiaolou's strength is known to Yi Tian, ​​he will definitely be able to improve his strength after refining his own Xuanyin True Water.It is estimated that he will soon be able to improve his cultivation to the stable stage of the middle stage of distraction. Compared with a monk like Hao Ren who has just entered the stage of distraction for about a hundred years, he is naturally much stronger.

And this time, it was said that Prince Wei's candidate was slightly better than Duan Xiaolou, so Hao Ren's worried performance could be understood.

Getting close to one-on-one is a disadvantage, not to mention facing two people of such cultivation at the same time, Yunlin's heart is also very anxious at the moment, and she must cooperate vertically and horizontally to suppress the two parties in private.

Hao Ren in front of him seemed a little downcast, Yi Tian knew that he still needed to cheer him up a bit.Then he said: "Actually, you don't need to worry about the road to the sky, even if you break through to the eighth floor first. If you want to pass the level, you don't just rely on your cultivation. When you break through the level, your luck, state, Mind, city government, etc. are all direct influencing factors. You may not be able to catch up from behind."

 Thank you fellow Taoist for your support

(End of this chapter)

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