
Chapter 1538 Hanging Out

Chapter 1538 Hanging Out

Yi Tian settled down in Lanyunjuli's temporary cave, sat cross-legged in the depths of the cave and opened the barrier, then quietly stretched his spiritual sense out of the cave and began to explore the situation of Yunlin's mansion.

What I didn't expect was that the management within a radius of a hundred miles was almost open. It is probably because Yunlin likes to be quiet, so there are less than a hundred people who can detect the breath of living people in the entire mansion.And most of them are gathered in the front yard, and only a few high-level monks have opened up small blessed land caves in certain areas of the backyard.

It does not occupy a large area, and even Hao Ren's private courtyard is only one-third the size of his own.From this it can be seen that Yunlin spent some time in arranging the arrangement in order to befriend her.

In addition to these, there are less than half of the boundary area in the entire mansion with forbidden barriers.My own divine sense couldn't penetrate in without alarming others, needless to say, that must be the location of Yunlin's cave.

In the entire backyard mansion, including myself, there were only four distracted monks. Except for Hao Ren, the other two lived in the north of the mansion.Moreover, the cave residences of the two people are not far from each other, and the residences are also next to each other. From the signs erected on the stone path, it can be seen that the two people should be alchemists, and they can be regarded as offerings from the residence.

However, it was understandable that Yunlin could never do everything by herself, and it was understandable to recruit some monks with special skills as worshippers.

After roughly understanding the situation here, Yi Tian still felt that he should find an opportunity to go out for a walk, but how to go out is also a very technical test.

It's okay to walk out of the cave by yourself, but it will definitely alarm the people in the cave.It doesn't matter if others see it, but it seems inappropriate to spread it to Yunlin's ears.

And thinking about it, Hao Ren would not let go of his surveillance. If he found out about his whereabouts, he would be taken lightly.

After thinking about it, he reached out and took out a humanoid puppet, and then took out some talisman pens and paper and started to dress up.It didn't take a moment to draw a substitute spirit talisman, stretched out his hand to lightly inject a trace of spiritual power to activate the talisman, and then stuck it directly on the forehead of the humanoid puppet.Immediately, his hands quickly formed a seal on his chest, chanting supernatural powers and incantations, and nodded to the puppet in front of him.

In an instant, a spiritual light flashed, and then the spiritual light fluctuated with the talisman as the origin, and then covered the entire humanoid puppet.After ten breaths, when the aura faded, it was revealed that the deity's appearance was exactly the same as his own. In addition, Yi Tian could remotely control this humanoid puppet through the talisman.

Because it was originally about the strength of the distraction period, even if it was to go out to meet Hao Ren, or even fight with others.As long as there are no body-fit monks or those distraction-level monks who practice specific arcane supernatural powers, it will be difficult to find this substitute of oneself.

After doing all this, Yi Tian breathed a sigh of relief, and then slowly stood up and let the stand-in puppet sit cross-legged in his previous position.At this time, the main body became more and more blurred, and soon the figure disappeared directly in the cave, and the spiritual pressure fluctuations on his body were also hidden and escaped into the void.

After ten breaths, when Yi Tian changed his capacity and attire and passed the gate of 'Lanyunju' again, there was a smile on the corner of his mouth, and then he turned around and walked towards other directions in the imperial city of the imperial capital.

After finally coming to the Asura Imperial City, I have to understand the customs and customs here to be a worthwhile trip.But first of all, I still need to find a place to buy a map of the imperial city. In addition, I need to inquire about the special treasures and elixirs in the Asura Imperial Capital.In the end, I will definitely have to go around the mansions of Prince Wei and Prince Xun, and by the way, I have to understand the components of their power in the court.

After formulating the strategy, Yi Tian first walked towards the busiest commercial street in the imperial capital. Asuras are sparsely populated, so there will be many foreign monks here.At this time, Yi Tian restrained the spiritual pressure fluctuations around his body, and then disguised himself as a casual cultivator in the early stage of Huashen.

To be honest, there are hardly any distracted monks on the Imperial Capital Avenue, and it is necessary to do so if you want to avoid attracting others' attention.Most of the monks that can be seen in front of them are the monks of the Nascent Soul stage and the monks of the Transformation God stage.

After walking for a few streets, Yi Tian found that Dilong carriages carrying passengers could be seen everywhere on the streets of the imperial capital, and all of these carriages had a unified sign 'Asura Express' written on them.This is a bit like the main means of transportation in the imperial capital city, because except for the monks of the fit stage, the guards of the Imperial Forest Army in the imperial city, and officials above the stage of the Asura Dynasty, the rest cannot fly in the air.

Fortunately, before this, Hao Ren had briefly reviewed the many taboos in the imperial capital with him, and he didn't want to go out of his way to avoid unnecessary trouble.

After walking on the street for a while, I discovered that there is still a strict hierarchy within the Asura clan, and the earth dragon carriages that those noble families ride are all marked with obvious identification marks.

After careful questioning of the passers-by on the street, they learned that these symbols officially represented the forces behind them.Moreover, ordinary earth dragon vehicles must give way when they see them, even if a cultivator at the transformation stage meets a disciple of a big family at the Nascent Soul stage or even the Golden Core stage while sitting in the car, he must also give way.

It is precisely in this way that the strict implementation of the hierarchy system can make the Asura tribe firmly above other alien races and firmly rule the Asura world.

For this, Yi Tian just curled his lips in disdain. From the bottom of his heart, he looked down on these bloodline theorists the most.Just relying on the residual power of the ancestors to deter others while living in this circle all his life, it is no wonder that the Asura world cannot expand outwards. Obviously, it is very good that such a strategy can maintain stability.

Moreover, the promotion of personnel within the Asura clan will definitely not be judged on merit in the strict sense, which will inevitably suppress many outstanding clan members.In the long run, there are indeed some benefits to the rule of the dynasty, but the disadvantages are even greater.Now there are still a few monks in the integration period who come out to maintain the situation, but if something happens, it will definitely cause civil strife. After all, the seeds of this disaster have already been planted and germinated, and all that is missing is an incentive.

Soon Yitian ended his aimless wandering, and found a large shop named 'Hui Tianxia' on the street.After finding out that Neizhong can buy unique treasures in this world, he went in directly.

At this time, Yi Tian has turned into a dull scholar under the Thousand Faces Technique, even standing next to familiar people may not be recognized by others.

After entering the store, a cheerful guy came forward to greet him, and then led him straight to the elegant room on the second floor. Later, the shopkeeper sent a special person to negotiate.

(End of this chapter)

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