
Chapter 1539 Exchange

Chapter 1539 Exchange
After Yi Tian waited for a while in the quiet room on the second floor of the 'Hui Tianxia' shop, a nun in a brocade robe knocked on the door and entered.

Yi Tian took a look at the other party's cultivation base, which was about in the mid-stage of transforming gods. There should be no pressure against an early-stage monk like himself, even if he exchanged words for things.It can be seen from this that the owner of "Hui Tian Xia" is very good at doing business, and the scale is just right.

The female cultivator came forward, saluted slowly, sat down in the empty seat opposite, and then said, "My concubine, Qiu Moying, is the third shopkeeper of the headquarter of 'Hui Tianxia' here, so I'm being polite this time." The voice of the voice is very pleasant, and there seems to be some soul-stirring sounds in it. It is not necessary to think that it is the result of practicing charm.

"Sanxiu Yitian met fellow Taoist Qiu," Yi Tian said flatly.After sizing up the other party, he felt amused. The backstage boss of "Hui Tian Xia" probably specially recruited some monks who had practiced charm to be shopkeepers.

It's a pity that it didn't work at all for a monk like myself, and then he took out a copy of the jade slip that had been prepared a long time ago and handed it over: "Here are some precious materials I need, shopkeeper Qiu, please go through it first, if your company has enough supplies If so, I hope it can be purchased in one go.”

Shopkeeper Qiu took the jade slip and stretched his spiritual sense in to check it out. There were indeed quite a few treasure lists written in the jade slip, and what's more, the number of markings on the back of Qiu Moying's back was really shocking.

Yi Tian seemed to have known for a long time that she would react to this, so he just waited quietly and didn't talk too much, and waited for her to read everything before talking.

A little later, shopkeeper Qiu gathered the jade slips together before asking: "You Daoist Yi is a craftsman, I don't know how good your memory is?"

"I'm a prefecture-level craftsman. After visiting the Imperial City of Asura, I wanted to purchase some special treasures here for later use," Yi Tian said, estimating how to match his own cultivation with prefecture-level refiners. The instrument master is almost the same, if I tell others that it is a higher level, I am afraid that it will attract suspicion.

And many of my jade slips are refining materials, and these are the results I found from the historical materials of travel notes in the Diluo City Historical Archives.

Of course, there are many names of heavenly treasures added to it, but the items that are optional are listed separately in the jade slip.

Shopkeeper Shaoqing Qiu thought for a while before replying: "To be honest, fellow Daoist Yi, I have most of the list of precious materials recorded in your jade slip."

"It's so good, if the price is not an issue, shopkeeper Qiu, please be polite," Yi Tian said with a smile.

"Ninety percent of the prefecture-level treasures are in this list, and I can exchange them with fellow Daoist Yi directly with a marked price," Qiu Moying said, but paused.

Yi Tian knew that there was something in her words, so he was not in a hurry, and then asked in a deep voice: "So the heavenly treasures are traded in another way?"

"That's true," Qiu Moying said with a smile: "The heavenly treasures in this company are all traded on a barter-for-barrel basis, but there are still some items on the list of Yi Daoyou that are indeed prohibited items on the market. Please forgive me."

"Oh, I wonder if those things are banned?" Yi Tian tried to ask.

"This spirit wine 'Blood Jade Wine' is originally used by the royal family, and there is no chance of it being released to the outside market. If Daoyou Yi wants to taste this wine, he has to make friends with the dignitaries of the Asura Dynasty to have a chance, but as long as Fellow Daoist has shown considerable strength, and I believe that many nobles in the court and China will be willing to be honored guests," explained Shopkeeper Qiu.

This 'Blood Jade Fine Wine' was originally added by myself on a whim, in order to test the circulation of this wine in the market.But I didn't want to taste it, but I wanted to try to find out how much Luo Yao spent to compete with him.

Now that I have understood it from the side, I already have some calculations in my heart, and then I replied with a smile: "I have my own discretion in this matter, first of all, thank you, shopkeeper Qiu, for your point. I don't know what materials in this list cannot be exchanged for transactions. As for How are the prices of those treasures that can be exchanged?"

Qiu Moying showed some disappointment on her face, probably because she felt a little frustrated because her curiosity was not aroused.Later, she listed the names of several materials that were prohibited from being traded on the lower jade slip, namely ghost-faced flower buds, magic stem vines, and blood rhizomes.

After hearing this, Yi Tian naturally understood in his heart that these things were written down deliberately by himself, and they were staggered and listed among the last heaven-level materials on the jade slips.There is no doubt that these precious materials are all products of the 'Sura Blood Vine'. It seems that the Asura royal family has explicitly prohibited the outside world from trading such spiritual species.

In addition to the above three treasures that cannot be traded, Qiu Moying continued to mention several other treasures, including Fengluan eggs and Fengluan chicks.The explanation given by the other party was that the Feng Luan was originally a chariot spirit animal specially used for the imperial family's Luan chariot, and ordinary people were not allowed to ride it, nor did they raise it.

To be honest, I have tried these things myself a long time ago, and mentioning them in the jade slips is more or less tentative.But what surprised me was that the 3000-year-old iron tree spirit was also listed. I think this thing is considered a primary material among the heavenly treasures.But it is not considered a special product of this world. I have seen many trees in the spirit world, but none of them have reached the age of 3000 years.

After thinking for a while, he stretched out his hand and pointed: "Could it be that this iron tree spirit is strictly forbidden to trade in short-selling supplies, so I really think highly of your company."

Shopkeeper Qiu glanced at the jade slips and said with embarrassment on his face: "Actually, it was not counted before, but Prince Wei ordered a large collection of such treasures a few years ago. That's why I added them to the In the banned list."

"Ordered by Prince Wei" Yi Tian murmured in his heart: "It seems that this matter is quite strange. I know that the 3000-year-old iron tree spirit can only be used as refining materials. It seems that Prince Wei must be behind this matter. Prepare for the trial of the fire source secret realm, the iron tree spirit over 3000 years old can effectively resist the congenital fire, and his blatant ban is probably starting to suppress his two opponents."

Then Yi Tian asked the price directly without any hesitation, and took out the earth-level spiritual weapon that had been prepared earlier and exchanged it with Qiu shopkeeper for a price.The latter was full of praise after inspecting the fineness of the spirit weapon, and the two parties quickly completed all transactions.

Two hours later, after the transaction was over, Yi Tian finally cleared out a batch of useless spiritual artifacts from his storage bag in exchange for a large amount of precious materials.After bidding farewell to Qiu Moying, she slowly walked out of the wing room and walked towards the lobby.

Suddenly, with a flash of his eyes, he saw seven or eight people walking in from the gate, and there seemed to be two familiar figures among them.As soon as he thought about it, he turned around and pretended to be inquiring, with his back to the door to avoid the sight of people coming.

(End of this chapter)

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